Cahoot Election

January 11, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There’s a guy named Don Huffines who is a former Texas State Senator running to the right of Greg Abbott in the Republican primary for Governor.

Huffines is a crazy Republican with a plan to eliminate property taxes, but do it in stages so people won’t feel it all it once, you know – kinda like cooking a lobster.

Sneaky Republicans with links to the Huffines campaign that would pretty much fit the category of cahoots, found some guy named Rick Perry who ain’t the real Rick Perry and got him to run for Governor hoping to take votes away from Abbott. They are hoping the ignorant Republican voters will get snookered by the fake Rick Perry.

Well, Darlin’, it’s working like a fifty dollar hammer on a greased nail. The local newspaper says it’s the former Governor who is running for Governor.

It’s a pay per view newspaper so I just screen-shot the article. Click here to see the whole article. Last paragraph.

Odd it came out at a Huffines events, right? And, it’s odd that it came out at a very Republican newspaper. Wait, wait, let me correct that – a very Republican newspaper with egg on their face.

Yeah, and the real Allen B West who is running is the former Florida congressman but he was too damn wacky for Florida and that right there is saying something.

Oh, this is gonna be fun.


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