More Shooting

June 15, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

House vote 77 – of HJR40   Repeals Rule Restrict Gun Sales to Severely Mentally Ill

Passed 235 to 180.  Republican votes whipped by Steve Scalise.

I feel really badly that Representative Scalise was shot.

Of all the people who have been shot by mentally ill people, Steve Scalise was the only one who had the power to do something about it. He didn’t and that was a choice.  Other people don’t get that choice.


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0 Comments to “More Shooting”

  1. easttxdem says:

    And…the day Scalise was shot, the House was scheduled to vote on a bill that would loosen the restrictions on the sale of silencers. Be interesting to see how soon that vote is re-scheduled. A**holes…

  2. Old Quaker (Colorado) says:

    Proof of the existance of god.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    I would never state anything so crass as to shoot the SOB again, he’s still breathing. I sincerely wish Steve Scalese a full recovery. But Mama forgive me for wishing that when Steve is sufficiently recovered to withstand it that someone accidently rips out a few of his stitches, frequently and painfully.

  4. Texas Expat in CA says:

    According to Everytown for Gun Safety: “Despite impressions from media coverage, mass shootings in which at least four people were killed with a gun are also typically acts of domestic or family violence… analysis of every mass shooting between 2009-15 found that 57 percent were committed by intimate partners or family.”
    Still, Republicans continue to fight against taking away the guns of domestic abusers like James Hodgkinson. They argue that would deny the abusers their Second Amendment rights. Enough! Much MORE than enough!

  5. maryelle says:

    Your tax dollars hard at work making it easier to kill.
    Thanks, Steve. May God forgive you and help you to recover, having learned a thing or two through this experience.

  6. JAKvirginia says:

    In a related story, the US Mint is changing the motto on our money. It will now read “In God We Trust, but Duck and Cover”.

  7. It just doesn’t seem to get through to them that everybody having guns all the time is not a good idea. No, guns per se don’t kill people– they just make it real easy for angry or careless people to kill people. You think there aren’t angry or careless people walking around?

  8. He makes sure a bill gets passed where mentally ill can get guns and then gets shot by a mentally ill person. Karma really is one, isn’t she?

  9. He might want to realize that that NRA check doesn’t cash well, if you are dead.

  10. Jane & PKM says:

    Rhea, imagine the chaos had Rand Paul, Jeff Flake, Steve Scalese and their untrained cronies been armed. They qualify as the “angry or careless” people you mention, plus a whole lot of st00pid in the mix. Calls to 911, LE arrives at the scene and puts down every gun carrying dimwit, then asks questions later.

    Crossfire. The fun inbred second cousin to Auntie circular firing squad and Uncle Friendly Fire.

    Kudos to the Capitol Police officers who saved the bacon of the anti-sane gun legislation snacilbupeR hypocrites. Early reports said the shooter had an AR, later maybe an SK. Fact is he put a lot of shots into the ground and shot ass Steve Scalise in the butt. Too early to discern the shooter’s motive, but it could be wrong to cast asparagus on his shooting skills.

    In all sincerity, may Steve Scalese return healthy to the House and when he sits on his scars have a few moments of clarity concerning sane gun safety legislation.

  11. Love how the Republicans want to leave the fate of the planet up to God to fix climate change, yet don’t trust him enough to protect them from people with guns.

    And Democrats are supposed to be unreasonable

  12. charles phillips says:

    My thought; there were an awful lot of rounds fired and no one has died except the shooter. That’s a statistical improbability, even assuming he was a bad shot, which he likely was.

    I don’t think he wanted to kill so much as he wanted to cause pain, make “them” feel as he did; helpless and under fire.

  13. What does it say when your fear of the NRA, or people who blindly follow the NRA, is greater than your fear of sending armed, mentally ill people out into the world?

    Especially immediately after you’ve experienced the consequences first hand?

  14. Marcia in CO says:

    Evidently Scalise got shot in the hip and was initially reported as not that bad. Today I heard that it shattered the bone and bone fragments actually hit something vital … not sure just what. It has ended up being a lot more serious then we thought.
    Colleagues are crying the woe-is-me tears for their good buddy and yet they could not shed a single tear over Sandy Hook, Pulse nightclub, or any of the other mass shootings to-date … only when one of their own sheds some blood can they shed a few tears.
    Some of those hypocrites are actually blaming Obama for all of this. SMH

  15. @charles phillips

    According to riflery expert (and musician) Jim Stafford in his epic Cow Pattie,
    “When the killer stepped out for the draw
    Forty shots rang out forty people fell
    Patty and the killer missed each other
    But they shot that town to hell”

    You’d really expect more casualties with 50 caliber 223 rounds fired, if indeed the rifle was an AR-15 pattern.

    Of course I’m waiting to hear from the investigators to know how many hulls they actually recovered.

  16. slipstream says:

    Waiting for Alex Jones to say that this shooting never happened . . .

  17. Tilphousia says:

    Rep Scalise just found out that Lady Karma and Queen Nemesis aren’t kidding.
    Wonder what they have in store for other GOP sleaze bags like mcturd and lying ryan.

  18. I’m sorry, but I don’t give a fig about Scalise.

  19. Dang! The NRA is triple-welded to that old thing regarding outlawing booze and how the swillers were still able to get it at the correct back door with the right password ($$$). Thats where their if all guns were outlawed only outlaws would have guns. Gun safety? Are you kidding? The only gun safety they could ever see themselves backing are their own NRA blessed shooting instructors and ranges. And thats it. Zip! Nada else! And this was the bunch who moved out of their old HQ in D.C. because the neighborhood was too dangerous what with armed robberies and shootings and all! They are now in the Virginia burbs. Their HQ is sitting right where you can’t miss it if you are on a certain interstate. If you ever drive past it, give them a one finger salute from me!

  20. Exactly.

  21. Marge Wood says:

    I take back my sympathy. Well, most of it. I’m glad Trump and Melania visited Scalese. Trump probably smuggled in bullets in the flowers. What I’m sorry for about Trump is that he doesn’t know any better way to act.
