It’s About Time

April 12, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, it looks like the New York Times editorial staff has finally recognized what we’ve known ince 2009 — the Republican attacks against this president are unprecedented, ugly, and based on a personal animosity. And they are getting worse. They are loud, angry, and destructive to this country.

… the tone of the current attacks is disturbing. So is their evident intent — to undermine not just Mr. Obama’s policies, but his very legitimacy as president.

At the end, they round it up and head it out —

If this insurrection is driven by something other than a blend of ideological extremism and personal animosity, it is not clear what that might be. But it is ugly, it deepens mistrust of government and it harms the office of the president, not just Mr. Obama.

It is ugly.  It is unAmerican.  It is shameful.

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