Big Bad Boys

July 10, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So, you wanna see Rick Perry and Sean Hannity protecting our border from unaccompanied 3 to 16 year old refugees. Bullet proof vests and heavy artillery.




And now you know why President Obama wouldn’t go.

Big tough guys.

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0 Comments to “Big Bad Boys”

  1. JAKvirginia says:

    OH LOOK! Butch boy photo op! Big guns with big bullets to fight against little kids. How manly!! The only thing missing is a big-breasted blond in a bikini and it’s the cover of the next GUNZ magazine!

  2. Honestly, if he’s on the Rio Grande, he’s smart to be wearing a vest. The folks from the cartels shoot from the Mexican side a lot.

    It appears he’s probably in a DPS patrol boat and that gun comes standard to protect those who protect and serve. Since the Leg approved purchase of those cruisers (along with helicopter support) a serious dent has been put into the drug and human trafficking trade at the border.

    The troopers probably put him in a vest. Just because he’s a Darwin Award looking for a place to happen doesn’t mean anything should happened to him on THEIR watch. Bless them for being willing to protect all of us, whether we deserve it or not.

    The fact that these political idiots used it as a photo op was not the fault of the troopers. The Governor probably had a press agent with him. The troopers were most likely all watching the Mexican side for movement.

  3. Ralph Wiggam says:

    The bigger the gun the smaller the. . .

    And all that is to protect them from unarmed women and children.

    Is “cowards” too meek a word for that?

  4. Yeah, Ralph, it’s too weak a word, but JJ warned us not to upset her mama.

  5. JAKvirginia says:

    SusanF: Thanks. That’s informative. It’s a tough job for REAL Border Agents to do. I don’t think it requires Prissy Rick and Sh**ty Sean to use as a butch photo op. The Prez was right. This is not theater.

  6. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Huh? What’s with Sean’s limp wrist on the gun and pRick’s dainty little manicured paw below Sean’s?

    Would love a word with the men and women on the Border Patrol as to the lengths they took to be certain those too morons couldn’t accidentally fire the weapon during their little photo op.

    And, pRick wondered why President Obama wouldn’t accompany him to the border. Wise decision, Mr President.

  7. Yes, I can see why Perry thought it important for the President to get down to the border. You can almost imagine the immigrants streaming across the river right there, in that now protected spot. Wait! is that a Central American child behind the tree?

  8. Polite Kool, I do believe the daintiness of those grimy paws is the function of a fisheye lens. It’s all looking a bit distorted.

    As to the weapon, I’d bet a nickel there’s either a trigger lock or no firing pin in it. The folks working those DPS cruisers are among the best working in the worst conditions. (God bless them, some of them ASK for the assignment! I’ve spent time talking with some of them.) Making weapons safe would be second nature.

  9. Hate to tell you this, Susan, but the drugs are getting thru anyway. The Mexican press is full of stories about substantive claims (as in court testimony in U.S. courts) that there are BP agents working FOR the so-called “cartels”, and while there’s a change in product (less marijuana, more heroin and meth), and delivery routes (more going thru Arizona), all this border firepower and extra agents does is create a few federal jobs and transfer a lot of U.S. taxpayer cash to private sector police suppliers.

  10. Begonia Buzzkill says:

    Isn’t there a law against exposing your metal stick penis in public? Geez, guys!

  11. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    SusanF, dunno, as a former weapons officer (USAF), there’s safety, then there’s fool proofing. Maybe they gave the two dummies dummy rounds, plugged the barrel and took away the firing pin.

    Give the Border Agents proper credit for professionalism and not gunning the engine to send those two fools off the back of the boat. (then again as you noted, there’s some soft lens & fish eye, so that maybe the boat never left the dock) Meh? I’m mostly a decent guy, but can’t claim that I would have withstood that temptation.

  12. Litlhorn says:

    I was gonna share this on FB but have just run out of funny captions for this idiocy…..
    Can’t we just shove both of them across the river and not let them back in? Please??????

  13. Richard, the DPS is fully aware that with all the guns, money, and tons of dope they do get, it is probably but a tenth of what is out there. We used to get a weekly report of everything they confiscated. It was enough to turn your hair white reading it, knowing they’d only caught a fraction. I’m given to understand that I really do NOT want to know how many terror plots they’ve nipped in the bud.

  14. Polite Kool, I came across a quote once to the effect, “It’s impossible to fool-proof anything because fools are so clever.”

  15. Take a look at RP’s hat. It says LaRue Tactical–the Dead Center of Precision–according to its website. It’s in Leander, near Austin. Wanna bet that pea shooter came from there? This isn’t a weenie wagger picture; it’s an advertisement. Wouldn’t surprise me if LaRue makes occasional donations to a certain presidential hopeful.
    I think there’s an L on Sean’s hat. It gotta stand for LOSER.

  16. Marge Wood says:

    Sigh. They feel so tough. What’re they gonna do, the first few curly headed seven year olds they shoot? They need media following them around, the kind that says PAY ATTENTION.

  17. Mary R. says:

    Maybe the guys were all set up and waiting in case Obama changed his mind and made an appearance. It brings to mind the photos that Vladimir Putin posed for not too long ago, in an effort to look big and tough and in charge. This photo has that same “staged to impress the gullible public” quality about it. Actually, they look like a couple of junior high school kids all dressed up in their costumes playing like they’re big tough law enforcement personnel. Aren’t you glad that the State of Texas has no problems that need solving so that our esteemed leader can take time out to play games?

  18. No amount of bullet-proof vests and fancy guns can disguise the stoopid in that photo.

  19. @GeneB: Scooped me. And I couldn’t agree more. It’s a photo op for sure, but I bet it appears in LaRue advertising as well.

  20. This politics and politicians in this state have become so f-ing sad. Soon, I think, I will be heading back to Colorado from whence I came.

  21. Bananas says:


  22. It looks as though they’re on a date, redneck style.

  23. They must have been so surprised to see there was a camera there.

  24. Wait! Do I hear banjos playing in the background?

  25. daChipster says:

    McFail’s Navy.

  26. I need a “like” button for all of the above.

    So, they really do plan to shoot live bullets at 4 year old kids?


  27. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Thousands of child refugees cross our border to escape their countries’ war zones, and this is the best idea Rick Perry’s got? “Hey, let’s just shoot them!”.

    He’s at least a quart low on compassion and 10 gallons low on intelligence.

    Good Grief, go away man, just go away.

  28. Sam in San Antonio says:

    There are numerous well-founded accounts of Border Patrol agents firing across the border and shooting immigrants while they are still in Mexico. I’m sure most agents are law-abiding but some have been committing horrendous crimes and having their actions ignored by superiors. Sounds like the perfect company for these two Neanderthals (my apologies to Neanderthals in general except their subset of the TEA Party).

  29. e platypus onion says:

    Sam-you can’t blame the agents for committing murders. It’s Obama’s fault. Obama should have used executive powers back when Raygun and North and Casey at CIA decided it was fun to stir up Central America and commit human rights violations to keep commies out. Obama is to blame for all wingnut atrocities.

  30. Elise from CA says:

    Can’t decide what’s worse–these two fools and their absurd dress-up political theater, or the fact that stunts like this work on a lot of their constituents.

  31. Seannie–no military service.

    Rickygoodhair–Cushy slot in the Air Guard, flying C-130’s (my guess he never got in the left seat) for something less than a couple or three years. His service dates like Shrubya’s don’t add up to six years. I may be wrong, as I was enlisted but the information I had was officers were in for six, ‘expeshly if they used a bunch of Uncle Sugar’s money learning to fly.

    Wannabe toughguys who would shit themselves if they ever got in a live fire situation.

  32. UmptyDump says:

    Jeez, Ricky, you got all that firepower and all that ammo. So … did you bag your limit? Should had Dick Cheney come along. Might have whittled down the hunting party.

  33. Maybe they’re hunting whooping cranes.

  34. Susan, as a gun owner, I appreciated your comments very much. This is not a comment about gun control, this is a comment about gun safety. I constantly read about gun accidents that are about 102% stoopid. I’m not suggesting anything mandatory, but the gun safety culture in this country is dismal. I wish there were a way to change the culture the way the culture concerning littering and drunk driving changed. Nearly every gun accident is preventable, and we have far too many of them. Anybody have any ideas? I think we all agree that we need to prevent gun accidents, no matter our position on the Second Amendment.

  35. Charlie says:

    How come whenever there’s a disaster involving little kids all the pedophiles show up. We really do need those background checks. You guys hang in there, I think the Beckester is comming to join you.

  36. e platypus onion says:

    Strange widdle Ricky
    Floated down on the cricky
    Engaged with his bud Sean H A
    Negative press
    About they way they were dressed
    Could make one wonder if they’re not both “that way”

  37. Ralph Wiggam says:

    “We’re hunting Wabbits! Be vewy vewy quiet.”

  38. According to a YouTube video (since deleted) posted by one of the activists organizing the group, they are now operating under strict kill orders if they see any “illegals.” At one point in the video, the activist, identified by The Monitor as Chris Davis, tells prospective immigrants: “Get back across the border or you will be shot.”

    The potential for disaster is extremely high.

    According to The Monitor, Hidalgo County Sheriff Eddie Guerra is not cool with this call-to-arms.

  39. e platypus onion says:

    They don’t have any recognized strict orders to kill anything. Effing bunch of wannabe Rambos just itching to kill because they have the assault weapons designed to kill little children. They’d be better off with pacifiers and less dangerous to the entire world.
