Ducky Pajama Boy

April 20, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Blake Farenthold, the congressvarmint from Corpus Christi, is perseverating on Fast and Furious.  He says that Attorney General Eric Holder is in contempt of Congress and that’s probably true because I m damn near certain that Eric Holder holds congress in contempt.

Farenthold’s fix?  Withhold Holder’s salary.

Oh dude, that’s funny.  Holder has had a long distinguished private legal practice where he even represented the National Football League.  Holy cow, dude, Eric Holder could buy Corpus Christi if he wanted you.

Farenthold goes on Fox News and says that withholding Holders salary.

Screen Shot 2014-04-20 at 12.32.38 PMWe’ve got the power of the purse in Congress. Why don’t we pass something that says if you’re in contempt of Congress, we don’t pay you?” Farenthold said ‘On the Record’ with Greta Van Susteren.

Farenthold added that it could be another way to get the attorney general to come forward with the Fast and Furious documents that Congress has been requesting for years, although, he said…

Oh yeah, that’ll work.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Ducky Pajama Boy”

  1. The fact that he said it on Faux News…… shows us all.

    Just how much it will work.

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    We have a better plan, Brent. We’ll withhold your salary and those of the government shutdown morons who cost us $27 billion or so, until you pay us back that money. While we’re at it, we’ll fine every governor who rejected medicaid expansion for their state $ 1 million for each death in their state due to lack of health care. Fair enough?

    Sorry Brent, but one Darrell Issa is one too many wasting our time and money on these phony scandals. Now go sit in a corner and play with a rubber ducky, before you manage to blurt out any more stupid ideas.

  3. So… the majority in the House could just vote to hold all the minority members in contempt (as well as every Democratic federal emplyee) and on that basis, withhold their salaries?

    Well, yes, that sounds so fair and reasonable. I have a better idea. How about we, the actual employers of gasbags like Farenthold, vote to withhold their salaries permanently come November?

  4. OldMayfly says:

    I understand that the “Fast and Furious” project was initiated under W’s tenure. If it had been a success the Repubs would be making a point of that.

  5. bud malone says:

    —–speaking of jowls.

  6. Sarah Routh says:


    Really, if you google “bush administration held in contempt” you’ll get a lot of this crap about holding Holder in contempt of congress for the past 3 years. They’ve run of of stuff to have a hissy about.

  7. maryelle says:

    The Republican agenda was to capitalize on the failure of Obamacare. Now that it’s succeeded, they are plumb out of talking points and have to pull out the old”crises”. Time for an investigation of Farenthold.

  8. there should be a law requiring ALL pictures of this dude should have him in his dukie jammies.

  9. Corinne Sabo says:

    Maybe we should confiscate Ducky Boy’s pajamas.

  10. Marge Wood says:

    I think we are all voting unanimously on Mr. Lavenderoristhatpink Tie’s idea: Don’t pay him. I know how to do that: find a better candidate and find a super duper rich guy who wants the Democrat elected. Even better, how about we all go camp out in Washington and hold signs saying CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM: only paper and postage stamps allowed for campaigning. (A friend in NY told me that Estes Kefauver’s only campaign expense was the stamp he used to mail in his application to run for office.)

  11. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    He was much more fun in with his pajamas and ho’s.

  12. Congress needs a law that states if their approval rating is under 10%, they are in contempt of the American people.

    Then if they’re in contempt of the American public, as Blake so eloquently phrased it, “we don’t pay you.”

  13. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    You have our household ROFL, Corinne Sabo! Whoever loses and has the task of hot water, bleach and a liberal dose of eyeball bleach to process those PJs, we need to form a PAC split evenly between processing the questionable garment and funding a candidate to oppose the moron.

    On second thought, let’s toss that toxic garment into hazardous waste, growl at Congress for more funding of the EPA and give the money to a Democrat to depose this buffoon.

    Texas, Texas, Texas for real, what is wrong with your drinking water that you produce intelligent women and some of the laziest, fool men in recent history?

    Marion (formerly known as MM) Fun? That load would be a burden to any woman and is sure an embarrassment to us real men. Brent is the ultimate poster boy for “a face only a mother could love.” And, an educational level that probably has his father cringing.

    Holy Gohmerts, sorry about the lapse, daChipster, but Gohmert is the only adjective applicable to a load as bad as Brent.

    Points to Juanita Jean, if not for all the OKLA sucking and general Red State blow, Texas may beat CA into the ocean.

  14. freeportguy says:

    Since Congress has barely passed legislations and shut down government, let’s hold THEIR salaries…

  15. OMG, Brent! Never try to duke it out with a guy who used to be a hanging judge! Thats h a n g i n g, Brent! This guy scares the other guys who hang out in dark alleys!

  16. Marge Wood says:

    er, BLAKE….idn’t it? but otherwise 100% with y’all. I agree with MM: Blake is way cuter in his jammies. At least he is if he dudn’t try to wear a lavender tie with ’em. You know, I feel sorry for pore ol’ Blake. I mean, really. He’s up agin folks like John Cornyn and Ted Cruz, both of whom are at least articulate. He hasta go home to Corpus and impress folks. I propose all of us showing up at his next town hall meeting, wearing ducky jammies so he won’t feel so alone. You know?

  17. BarbinDC says:

    I’m willing to pay cash money (in American currency) to watch a slugfest between Holder and this galoot. You see, you could withhold Holder’s salary and it wouldn’t mean a pittance to him. Holder’s wife is Sharon Malone–a prominent doctor with her own practice. They just bought a $1.5 million condo in that new development going up downtown (where the old convention center used to be). Who is Farenholdt married to? Anybody?

  18. The “power of the purse” is not what Farenthold thinks it is. Congress does not have the right to withhold salaries of employees in the Executive branch.

    If they could they’ve had done it to President Obama years ago.

  19. ‘Scuse, please, the Brent for Blake! Been working with lists of congress critters for days getting ready for mid term elections. Names did a slip-slide!

  20. I really hope that Bill Maher picks Ducky boy for his Flip a District campaign

  21. Marge Wood says:

    I’m still with y’all but did you notice that the howdy cowboys are planning an American Spring to not only shut down the gubmint but also to er, ask the President to go somewhere else. Or something. Maybe Ducky Jammies been hangin’ out too much with those guys?

  22. Donna Wade says:

    His district is one of the ones suggested as a target in Bill Maher’s Flip a District Project. There was much guffawin’ over what a goober he is when they showed a picture of him in something that looked like ill-fitting pajamas, if memory serves me correctly. You can add your suggestions and read others’ on the blog:

    I believe the show where this district was selected as one of their “sweet sixteen” was around April 4 or 11.

  23. Could his campaign be called “the fat and the furious?”
