Kesha Rogers in NOT a Democrat.

February 24, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Kesha Rogers, one of the woman running for senate on the Democratic ticket is NOT a Democrat.  She wants to impeach President Obama.



This is an honest to goodness picture of her.

She is a Lyndon LaRouche follower.  It’s a damn cult, clear and simple. Kesha is also a very unpleasant person and has a small troupe of young people who follower her around like groupies.  She will lie when the truth makes a better story and makes herself the victim of every wild eyed radical crazy thought you can imagine, like that the

Queen of England secretly runs the weld.

But the scary part is that the latest polling shows her leading the Democratic primary.  She leads a five person race with 35% of the vote.

Screen Shot 2014-02-24 at 5.22.03 PM


Call every Texas Democrat you know.  Tell them NOT to vote for Kesha Rogers.  It’s important.

I will be home on Wednesday.  My email isn’t working so don’t try.  I’ll get it fixed when I get home.  And them I won’t go on vacation again until after November.

I promise.


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0 Comments to “Kesha Rogers in NOT a Democrat.”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Holy Gomerts, Susan! Kesha Roberts is gomert crazier than Michelle Bat Crazy Bachmann, Sharron Angle nuttier than Loopy Louie and any Tea Bag loitering on the streets with a gun.

    Kesha Rogers is the worst of the worst DINOs. GMAG She is to the right of Raphael “Ted” Cruz.

    Democratic? Nah. That Gohmert nut job Kesha Roberts is a full blown GOP Tea Party jihadist and needs to be exposed as such. Boggles the mind that such deception is allowed. She is the poster woman for NOT ever voting a straight party ticket.

    Last I heard, inbred Fred Phelps and his clan proclaim to be a Democrats. Take away the Democ, maybe, RATS that they are.

    PSA Kesha Roberts is no Democrat. It would be pushing it to declare her sane.

    Just a thought, can Texas have her involuntarily committed, before the elections?

  2. Thanks for reminding me why I need to go vote in the primary. As a TX-22 resident (yeah, we must be neighbors) I admit I don’t always vote in the primaries, because half the time even in the general election I don’t have any Dems to vote for. I will make a point of it to go vote this week though. That Kesha Roberts bugs the heck out of me & she needs to just go away.

  3. Who are they polling? Only Democrats?

  4. Marge Wood says:

    I’m voting for Maxey Scherr. Y’all got that? MAXEY SCHERR. MAXEY SCHERR. MAXEY SCHERR.

  5. Dems are hurting themselves by splitting the vote so badly, allowing the crazy to sneak in even though 65% of the voters don’t want her. Perhaps one or two of the other candidates should bow out gracefully.

  6. Y’all please don’t vote straight ticket.

    You end up voting for this woman, and the neanderthal candidate for D.A.

    Take the time to vote for the candidate of your choice.

    Thank you.

  7. I’m in a hostel in Panama. Met an old retired man here who said he moved to Texas because there is no state income tax. As we were talking, I commented that I like to read the news online, and his response was he does too. He always checks to see if Obama is dead yet and is always disappointed.

    Where’s a AK-47 when you really want one?

  8. I’m in a hostel in Panama. Met an old retired man here who said he moved to Texas because there is no state income tax. As we were talking, I commented that I like to read the news online, and his response was he does too. He always checks to see if Obama is dead yet and is always disappointed. I straightened him out on making nasty comments about our president to me.

    (Where’s a AK-47 when you really want one?)

  9. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Wonderful symbolism there. The sign in the background says Right Lane Must Turn Right. But the Right Lane Ms. Rogers is trying to make a left turn onto a one way street. That’s not going to turn out well.

  10. Okie-Dokey says:

    *Mama I think I heard the mail man*

    I thought the Larooshies were gone! After the IRS did something and their “Lord and Master” was carted off to the pokey and all.

    These people make Ted Cruz look 10% sane that Rubio guy from Florida.

  11. Never heard of her until about 3 weeks ago while attending candidate information meeting. She was listed as a candidate for senate and the only comment from the speaker aside from the La Roach connection was “make sure you google her”. I wish there were more than the 12 or so people in attendance….

  12. Sorry about that double posting. Internet service is interesting here, and I didn’t think the first one got through.

  13. daChipster says:

    Knowing that most voters tend to be low information, I’m wondering if the names of her opponents are helping her at all?

    David Alameel sounds like “schlemiel,” or a magician’s stage name.

    Maxey Scherr sounds like “maxi share,” or a 1930s Berlin cabaret comic’s stage name.

    Harry Kim sounds like a Star Trek Voyager ensign, or a hirsute North Korean dictator’s stage name.

    Michael Fjetland sounds like a combination of “fjord” and “shetland,” or somebody in dire need of a stage name.

  14. Angelo Frank says:

    Voter complacency, lack of time and effort available to become informed about the candidates, all contribute to the ability of the crazies to get the number of votes as one Kesha Roberts apparently is on her her way to accomplishing.

  15. Ummm… maybe if the Democratic Party actually campaigned in Texas this might not be such a problem.

  16. Voted for Maxey Scherr,myself(Saturday).Thought you might like to read this:

  17. austinhatlady says:

    PK Marxist, last I heard only Mississippi trailed Texas in per capita funding for mental health services, so highly unlikely that she could be committed to one of the nine state hospitals. Also last i heard, a typical commitment averages 8-10 days, just time enough to stabilize the client on meds. For what it is worth, more people are receiving (very minimal) mental health services in Texas prisons than in the mental health system. So, we’re stuck with her, but I hope for no longer than the primaries.

    PS, used to work for the state agency that operated the state hospitals and wrote some of the admission rules.

  18. innerlooper says:

    This is too obvious the last primary for president obama/hillary
    it was plain as day cross-registering was going on to manipulate the vote of the repubs preferred opposition.

  19. That’s just plain scary. C’mon Texas Democrats — you just gotta get rid of the weirdos. Turn Texas (genuine) Blue.

  20. You are absolutely correct, innerlooper.
    My boss at the time, a real Repug, told me that Republicans had been encouraged to register as Dems for the primary. They were then to vote for Obama so he would be the presidential nominee. I remember him thinking this was going to be so funny, because nobody would vote for a black president. Of course they all re-registered as Repugs before the election, thinking McCain would win in a landslide.
    He who laughs last, laughs best, but this woman must not get a seat in the Senate.

  21. Larouche makes me think of an antibiotic resistant STD, ’cause no matter what you do you can’t get rid of him. Here we are 47 years after I first heard about him and Larouche is still alive and still influencing simple minded people. Crap on a stick!

  22. Thanks, JJ. I tweeted your post to my followers, some of whom are in Texas, although I don’t know if any of them live in that district. Why is she ahead in that poll? How are they asking the question? Are the people they are polling registered Dems? And are they saying they know about her and her views but they still want to elect her? I’d love to see another polling firm come in and do a poll in this district. Maybe Texas Dems can ask PPP to come in and do it …?

  23. I just realized we’re talking about U.S. Senate, not House, so it doesn’t matter if my Texas Twitter followers are in that district or not. I tweeted this blog post, so hopefully I can help spread the word. JJ, you need to tweet more.

  24. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    IThis video was true in Obama vs Romney 2012 and is even more appropriate to 2014, the “boring” midterm elections. Samuel L. Jackson:

    Samuel L. Jackson to Voters: ‘Wake the F**k Up!’

    BLUE Texas, you need this man to help you. Really. He would out Kesha Rogers as a wacko-bird faster than Grumpy McCain was on Cruz.

    Apologies to Mama for any offensive language. I’ll tweet Mr. Jackson on all the grammatical forms of gohmert, while begging him to help turn Texas BLUE!

  25. Marge Wood says:

    Just go vote in the primaries. THAT is how you register in Texas. You can change parties every primary if you like. I accidentally voted in the GOP primaries in Abilene once. That was interesting. I ended up being a delegate to their precinct convention because of the low turnout, got several dirty looks from folks who knew I wasn’t GOP and accused me of being a spy. Huh. It was very educational, though. That was the time I watched the old GOPs arguing with the young’uns that yes, we need the UN. And I never heard of Alameel til a few weeks ago either. He’s having fun buying his campaign. Tell all your neighbors.

  26. Chairman Hinojosa has an e-mail out warning Texas Democrats about Kesha. I am glad that he is taking this step

  27. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    There’s all of that, Marge Wood, and enlisting good public speakers such as Samuel L. Jackson to throw it down. Texas has one choice for Senate: Maxey Scherr.

    Imagine that. A US Senate with both more younger people and more women. Win-win!!!!

    The mortuary white male candidates have driven our country in the ditch economically, domestically and internationally.

    As JJ recommends, the Democratic Party needs to run left, not RINO light.


    And, not to belabor the point, but we need to add to our Bluegrass funding with the big money of social progressives.

    Get out the young vote, too. Would love to see Maxey Scherr on the Daily Show. Let dimwit not a democrat Keesha match that.

  28. 1toughlady says:

    Go vote for Alameel. Not that he has a chance, or any of them, but he’s the closest to her in votes right now and appears to be reasonably sane.

  29. Juanita Jean, when you have a chance, you might post a typical JJ comment about this Texas senatorial candidate:

    Sheesh, Texas is a mess! Whoever came up with the “don’t mess with Texas” slogan? They got the wording backwards!

  30. Jackie Sue says:

    mcFrank says:
    February 25, 2014 at 9:51 am
    Ummm… maybe if the Democratic Party actually campaigned in Texas this might not be such a problem.
    Good lord yes, mcFrank. On tv at night here in Sprang we’re treated to one loonytune Republican ad after another…feels like I took a wrong turn into Raul Cruz’ living room. I have yet to see a Dem ad. Where are they? It’s maddening.

  31. The LaRouchebags beat up one of my friends ages ago. Never trust anyone who aligns with LaRouche. NEVER.

  32. @Kyle #26 Did the email from Hinojosa come through the Texas Democratic Party mailing list or some other organization? I thought I was on the TX Dems email list, but I didn’t see anything about Kesha Rogers in my mailbox lately. I just signed up again for email from them in case I missed something. I’d love to know what the email from Hinojosa had to say, if you can paste some of it here.

  33. Marge Wood says:

    Kesha Rogers is one of the candidates on the ballot for U.S. Senator in the Democratic primary — but do not be fooled. Kesha Rogers is not a Democrat.

    Ms. Rogers is part of the “LaRouche Movement,” which has a history of violent rhetoric. The focus of her campaign is impeaching President Obama. Rogers has even paraded around Texas with a poster of the President with a Hitler mustache.

    Rogers believes that the U.S. economy is secretly controlled by London financial institutions and she has advocated for colonizing Mars. That’s not what real Democrats stand for.

    The Texas Democratic Party does not support the candidacy of Kesha Rogers or anyone that aligns themselves with the LaRouche Movement. Our State Democratic Executive Committee even issued a resolution against her campaign. Do not vote for Kesha Rogers in the primary.

    Rogers’ candidacy is a insult to our Party, our President, our state, our Democratic values, and to all the work you are doing to move our state forward.

    Do not vote for Kesha Rogers.

    All my best —

    Gilberto Hinojosa
    Chair, Texas Democratic Primary

  34. @Marge Wood Thanks very much for that. I am also glad that Hinojosa has been very strong in warning everyone not to vote for Kesha Rogers. I am just really wondering how she can be leading in that poll that JJ posted. it sounds like either bad polling practices or some kind of trolling going on with Repubs in Dem’s clothing for the sake of throwing the primary to an impostor.

  35. I’m having a blast reading her Facebook page. She’s getting creamed by REAL Dems.

  36. Good grief! Is she still around? I thought that by now she would be history. Who in the heck is backing her? That’s where the real news is!

  37. Don in Huaco says:

    Good grief, Texas D’s. No one who cares about politics in Texas, like the folks who read this, will vote for Kesha. Yet, here we are wasting time and energy to tell folks who NOT to vote for in our own primary. Sadly, we’ve got a long way to go. I’ll early vote today I think. Funny thing, I don’t think I get any admin leave to early vote, only getting the time on election day. No matter.

  38. This little tidbit, is from Chairman Hinojosa’s letter.

    “she has advocated for colonizing Mars.”

    I vote we send her to set up “the first colony”.

    I would also suggest this: people who want to run as “Democrats” should at minimum have to support the party platform. If they don’t….. they should have to run as “Independents” or “La Rouchies” or “Weirdos” or whatever they are. But, no way should they be on the ballot under the heading of “Democrat”. JMHO>

  39. @maggie Yes, “follow the money” always. I just had a look at and they don’t have any specific backers listed for Kesha Rogers’ Senate race that I can find. But there’s a summary of the cash she’s raised so far (scroll down about a third of the way):

    However, there are a few details listed for her House race in 2012. These were her major donors:

    Lyndon LaRouche PAC $5,210
    Hamilton System Distributors $1,776
    Tpac $1,750

    Here’s the link to the OpenSecrets page that has this info on it:

    If anyone wants to drill down into that info and find out who’s behind those other PACs are besides LaRouche that supported her, you would be perfoming a public service for Texas.

  40. I’ve gotten at least 3 emails in the past two days from other democrats asking NOT to vote for her.

  41. Funny how only Republicans are running ads in the primary (actually, that’s not funny at all), and how they’re ALL running against . . . wait for it . . . Obama. Lots of hippie punching too. Can’t recall when I’ve felt so loved…
