Archive for October, 2024

The Enemies List Is Out!

October 26, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

The “official” enemies list for Bronzer Boy’s next term, brought to you by The American Accountability Foundation, a participant in Project 2025, has been released on their website.

Their website contains this informative banner that makes sure we all know they are deadly serious.

Actually, it’s just the “first tranche” of deep state “subversive leftist bureaucrats.” They promise more in the future.

What is disappointing with this first list is that the list of 10 names has no one that is recognizable from TFG’s many speeches on the subject: no “Shifty Schiff”, no “Crooked Hillary,” and no “Crazy Nancy.”

It’s all just a bunch of people that no one has ever heard of before.

Which makes it even more serious, you know. They diddle and twiddle away behind the scenes, away from the media lights where they do their evil, un-American deeds.

Richard Nixon’s Enemies List, the first of its kind known to Man, included such luminaries like congressmen (Allard Lowenstein, John Conyers, Ron Dellums), journalists (Daniel Schorr, Mary McGrory), and, curiously, actor Paul Newman.

Not these guys. TFG’s Enemies List includes just regular bureaucratic types along with their photos, job titles, salary, GS grade, and present work location.

They promise more to come in the future, including all of those lefties waging “lawfare” on Don the Con at the Dept. of Justice.

Of Mugwumps And Never Trumps

October 26, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

This is short because you still have a lot of reading to do. Heather Cox Richardson is a widely published historian with an interesting style that pulls the reader into an analysis of current events and parallels in history. She is a “juiced up” Doris Kerns Goodwin.

Here is her October 24th “Letters From An American” installment that she posted on Substack yesterday. It is particularly incisive and emphasizes, in this issue, Mark Twain’s observation that “history doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes.”

You’re welcome.

Defending Bribery

October 24, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

Elon Musk has inexplicably inserted himself into Presidential Politics, and not in a good way.

We can excuse his acrobatic exposure of his unhealthy bare 12-pack by acknowledging his social clumsiness, as many on “the spectrum” are afflicted with that. But as an intellectual, he must be aware that rewarding people with the opportunity to become millionaires if they sign his petition AND are registered to vote in a swing state is demonstrably illegal.

He must have known that. If not before, definitely by now.

The SuperPAC that is making these cash layouts is Musk’s America PAC. America PAC was registered with the FEC with Chris Gober designated as custodian and treasurer. Gober is a lawyer with Austin-based Gober Group.

But not anymore. Lawyers can spot lawsuits that they will be on the wrong side of from a parsec away. As of today, America PAC, has a new custodian and treasurer by the name of Chris Young.

Chris Young is a “GOP Adviser” (aka paid political hack) that, as a non-lawyer, has expertise in GOTV efforts as well as voter registration of the GOP kind. So he knows about laws that prohibit paying people to register to vote, too.

So now that the Department of Justice has warned Musk that his $1 m lottery scheme may be in violation of federal law, Gober bailed.

What might be worse than a lawyer being a co-defendant in a federal trial of Musk’s SuperPAC? How about being a defense witness at his voter bribery trial?

Losing a Friend

October 23, 2024 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

Yesterday it hit me like a ton of bricks. I have a friend from intermediate school and high school that decided to end our friendship. I suppose this didn’t happen yesterday. I just noticed that he had unfriended me yesterday and when I reached out he made it official. I wished him well and then we seemed to roll back into the same arguments. I hoped he was at peace. He said he was. He clearly is not. Then again, maybe I’m not either.

Anytime a relationship ends it is a good idea to inventory our own lives. Is there something I did that was wrong? Have I changed in the intervening years? Have I somehow become radicalized and not know it? Have my views become more extreme and driven people away? These are all legitimate questions and I should recount my history so people get a clearer picture.

I have always been keenly interested in politics because my family was always keenly interested in politics. We have always been left of center and I imagine always will be. So, if anyone really changed it wasn’t me. What we have seen since 1980 is that half of our country is moving further to the political extremes and it isn’t us on the left. I suppose some of that is a natural backlash when you have people that were quiet about their desires before now coming out and demanding it out loud. I do get how that seems sudden and it seems arbitrary and contrary to everything we have been. It’s really not. Women have been demanding more rights for decades. People of color have been demanding more rights for decades. People with alternative lifestyles have been demanding more rights for decades. I’m sorry if some people slept through that and missed it.

I think a large part of it is that our parents largely shielded us from the worst of their struggles. We saw an idealized view of life growing up. In some ways it may have been easier back then. I’m sure for some people it was. I can certainly look at my relatives that did not go to college and see how they succeeded when people today struggle under those same circumstances. I’m sure some of these same friends I grew up imagined they would be doing something different by now. I’m sure they imagined life being easier than it became.

In this kind of world it is easier to blame someone else than take personal responsibility. Blaming someone else is what demagogues do best. Today it might be the immigrants, but we have heard the current GOP nominee mention other groups as well. He has called people like me “the enemy within.” We cannot normalize that. We cannot simply brush that off. We cannot simply accept that as the musings of a mad man howling at the moon.

So, while it would be wrong to say that I have not changed at all, it is more fair to say that I haven’t changed all that much. I am speaking out more because the situation calls for it. I am sure some of you have had similar experiences. It’s obvious to me that my friend has changed and not for the better. I refuse to believe that he was always this way because that would mean that I was okay with it at some point. Others have described this current iteration of the conservative movement as a cult and I think that aptly describes what has happened to him. I pray that he wakes up one day and realizes it.

To Catch An Assassin

October 23, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

MAGA Republicans are at each others’ throats in SoCal. That’s always a fun popcorn-worthy show, and the latest flap here is proving up to be worth at least a C Ticket.

Recall that TFG decided to have a rally at Coachella earlier this month. No, not at the world-famous Coachella Valley Music And Arts Festival; that’s held in April. But it was held at the self-same venue on the Butler Ranch in Coachella Valley, California.

That’s where Vem Miller, a TFG supporter and Clark County (Nevada) caucus captain, got himself arrested for a 3rd assassination attempt of expert french fry cook Don the Con.

Following his brief detention, Miller is suing his captor, Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco, in federal court in Nevada. Bianco claimed in a news conference that Miller was a “sovereign citizen,” had false passports, guns in the trunk of his car, and that the car wasn’t registered and had fake license plates.

In a weird turn of events, the Chair of the Republican Party of Clark County, Nevada, Jesse Law, says that he knows Miller, counts him as a friend, and provided VIP passes to Miller for the event.

“It’s what we do for volunteers that we know,” said Law.

Sheriff Bianco is an ardent Trump supporter. While not a sovereign citizen, he was once a member of the ultra-right Oath Keepers and is well-known to be considering a run for Governor of California.

Ironically, the arrest that he made in Coachella to thwart a 3rd assassination attempt of TFG may have just cooked his goose in that regard, and not in a Haitian way, either.

FEC Filings Follies

October 22, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

Alfredo at the Dairy Queen went out of his way this past weekend to drop a line at the Salon about this month’s fundraising reports at the FEC. Very telling, indeed.

You know, I remember a time before “dark money” when fundraising was on a semi-level playing field. Sure, there were egregious “mistakes” that needed correcting, but they were in the open. They were emended.

For the most part.

But since the Citizens United decision that invited billionaires and their corporations to massively support candidates in a way no one else could compete, our election campaigns have been a paragon of how not to run a republic.

Here are three examples of what “true” fundraising used to be like.

This is TFG’s official campaign’s 48-hour FEC contributions report.

His total contributions are $106,869.48, and note that, of the 69 contributions, there are no individual contributions higher than the allowable.

In contrast, Congressman Colin Allred, from the Dallas area, who is running to unseat Ted Cruz, turned in this report for the same filing period – again, this is his “real” campaign committee.

Yes, that’s 83 contributions for a total of $122,810.00.

Again, Allred is running for the Senate, not for President.

It’s bad enough that Don the Con got beat by a congressman in fundraising, but take a gander at the same period’s FEC filing for the Harris For President Committee.

That’s 529 contributors, for a total of $750,328.38.

If that doesn’t explain why the Republican majority on the Supreme Court ruled on Citizens United the way they did or why Republicans simply can’t live without an ample supply of “dark money,” nothing will.