Well, THAT Didn’t Work
It must be hard to be a paid campaign staffer on the team trying to pull off a political miracle to re-elect a rapist, a felon, and an overall odious person – especially if that is all one and the same odious person.
Witness this leaked email message from the two highly paid heads of the TFG team, Chris LaCivita and Susan Wiles, transcribed below:
Team –
Susie and I have always said this is the best team in politics. And each day that passes, we are all reminded how true that is. Everyone has made sacrifices and put in the time and effort to help elect President Trump, Senator Vance, and all Republicans running for office.
Throughout this campaign, we have sent periodic reminders of our communications and press policy when interacting with reporters and media members. Unless you have been authorized by Senior Leadership or have received permission from an authorized member of the Communications Team, you should not be speaking or communicating with any member of the press, on or off record.
We have done a great job of preventing leaks and that has been because everyone knows what the policy is and what we expect from everyone. Information is power – and the press doesn’t give a damn because you lose your job because you spoke out of school.
As this team moves forward with only 61 days left until victory, please do not deviate from this policy. Success requires buy-in from everyone. If just one of us goes off-course, it jeopardizes not only the team but also President Trump and Republicans up and down the ballot.
Onward to victory!
Imagine writing that message to your campaign staff and then seeing that very message posted on the internet one hour later.
I guess someone on the paid staff didn’t take that that very heart-felt communiqué seriously.
Or more likely, maybe they did.