Where Does God Live?
Humanity has all sorts of theories about where God Almighty might be located, from the physical to the cosmic. One Christian sect has claimed that He lives on a planet orbiting a star named Kolob. That’s a physical concept. A cosmic concept would be that He has no definite location but is everywhere.
Then, there are the concepts of other faiths. But I’ll not dwell on that. Not my area.
But I’ll tell you where the Federal Election Commission thinks God might be living if S/he is who S/he says S/he is.
Upper Marlboro, Maryland.
More precisely, here, as revealed by the Google.
It all comes from this letter from the FEC addressed to Christy Renee God Helmondollar, who is the subject of an FEC investigation vis-a-vis the name of the campaign in question.
The letter of complaint was sent to an address within the Upper Marlboro area, giving The Almighty a physical location.
Or not.
See, apparently the FEC has a problem with the failure “to include the true, correct, or complete information under 52 U.S. Code § 30121” which deals with Contributions and Donations By Foreign Nationals.
Foreign Nationals?
Well, I guess without a valid Birth Certificate or US passport, God might be considered a foreign national.
It also means S/he cannot vote in the coming election.
That’s just going to mess up TFG’s donor list if he’s got to include alien donors. Especially with this poking and prodding by an incredulous FEC.
O ye of little faith.