Archive for June, 2024

The Weekly Dr. Seuss

June 30, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

If you’ve been paying attention, there is an America First movement ongoing in the United States.

The America First people claim to be a “501(c)(3) non-profit, non-partisan research institute” but if you scan their web pages you’ll quickly learn that using the term “non-partisan” in their mission statement is their most comedic moment.

“America First” is probably the most malignant concept ever to spring from the minds of treachery advocates. A good listen to Rachel Maddow’s “Ultra” podcasts will give you the backstory on these people. They are behind the “Peace Movement” that arose in our country before World War 2: a movement inspired by fascists and American Nazis to keep the United States out of World War Two.

They are reborn today in the extremist MAGA Republican agenda to install fascist-friendly candidates into government office.

Theodore Geisel, before he became Dr. Seuss, a beloved children’s book author of the type that “Brave Books” would never consider publishing, was a political cartoonist. His work to oppose America Firsters in the pre-war years is nearly forgotten.

So like Maddow’s effort to show how the MAGA Movement is nowhere near an original thought (America First was first), we present selections from the Seuss collection.

See if you can pick out the uncanny parallels.
Oh, and if you are looking for more free Sunday Doonesbury cartoons here, this is not the place. This, however, is. It’s just not as free as reading this blog.

Well, THAT Was Cringe

June 29, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

Please excuse my Gen-Z use of the word “cringe”. It fits. I wish it wasn’t true, but if wishes were gold-painted basketball hightops, then TFG would sink a trey.

We have been seeing reactions from the CNN Debate for a day and a half now. Well, half of them, anyway. The half that we watch on our phones and flat screens.

The other half we don’t see at all except by accident.

The reactions I’ve seen on my side of the aisle are of two types: open convention vs. stay the course. I’m not here to advocate for either side because in my own mind it doesn’t matter.

Many Democrats, including those I know personally, are advocating for an “open convention.” That sounds fine. We can nominate Kamala or Gavin. They can both win against a 34-times over convicted felon, right? But then you have to defend your actions to die-hard Biden voters who do, in fact, exist.

Or we can stay the course, cross our fingers, and elect the 81-year old former stutterer.

It’s a Sophie’s Choice for sure. One option ensures a Democratic schism just as we had after the 1968 Chicago convention. The other gets us an octogenarian President who knows what “having the morals of an alley cat” means, but no one younger than a Gen-Xer does.

Either way, the outcome is, to put it the way JJ puts it, el caca del toro.

But that sure as H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks beats the other ballot option, doesn’t it? I may have been wrong about TFG showing up to the debate at all (I wish I wasn’t), but I don’t think I’m wrong in thinking that The Convicted Felon didn’t win over a single new voter last Thursday.

The lies, the obfuscation, and the refusal to answer moderators’ questions were all there for us to see.

TFG can dig his own grave. He really doesn’t need anyones’ help.

And no one who isn’t a captive of The Former Guy’s demagogery is saying I really want this guy to be president again.

What are YOUR debate questions?

June 27, 2024 By: Fenway Fran Category: Uncategorized

As any of you who follow him know by now, Jeff Tiedrich has some sample questions for tonight’s ‘debate’. I’ve cleaned them up for Mama Approved Sharing. Feel free to chime in with your own!

Mr. Trump, can you name all Ten Commandments?

ok then, can you name five of them?

wait, did you just say that the Second Amendment is one of the Ten Commandments?

do you know where Melania is right now?

here are six photos of teenage boys. which one is Barron?

a shark leaves Cleveland traveling east at 20 miles an hour. a boat leaves New York traveling west at 40 miles an hour. how long before the battery in the boat causes it to sink?

here are two photos. which one is Nancy Pelosi and which is Nikki Haley?

how does a bill become a law?

how much does a bitcoin weigh?

is Hannibal Lecter a real person? is he alive?

is Frederick Douglass a real person? is he alive?

John McCain. was he a sucker or a loser?

the soldier who took your place in Vietnam. was he a sucker or a loser?

here are two photos. which one is Ivana Trump and which one is E. Jean Carroll?

let’s say you lived too close to a windmill and you developed noise cancer. who would you want to treat you, Dr. Ronny Johnson Jackson, or the guy who diagnosed your imaginary bone spurs?

here are some drawings of animals. which one is the camel?

who did you pay to take your cognition test for you?

which is better at curing covid, Clorox or Lysol?

And Now, Your Moment of Zed

June 27, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

I get some of my news from “The Daily Show” on Comedy Central. If you watch it, wait until the very end and you get a Moment of Zen where you are treated to a media faux pas video clip.

Here is the Zero (as we say in America) who labeled the media “vultures” for pointing out the fact that he wears a Combat Infantry Badge that he neither earned nor deserved.

Here above, he is seen wearing it. He won’t anymore.

Now about that 2nd Bronze Star

It’s Refuttalable

June 26, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

Want to have some fun before you find out that the only presidential candidate in U.S. history with felony convictions will definitely NOT be showing up to debate President Biden on Thursday?

Look no further than Betonline.

They have bets on everything you ever wondered about happening in a 2024 debate between President Biden and TFG.

Things that will never happen because the debate will never happen (but if there is a God above, let it be so, please, please, please).

An explanation of the betting numbers may be necessary. It was for me.

A minus sign in the odds means that the event is more likely to happen. That is, if an event is rated as -150, that means that in order to win $100 you must bet $150 (like if you bet that Biden will take a drink of water first).

On the other hand, a plus sign in the odds means that it is less likely to happen. Like if you bet $100 that Trump will mention his daughter, Tiffany’s name, you will win $12,500.

Sounds fun, huh?

The fun part is that it’s no joke. Some people will bet on anything. I particularly like the over/under on how many times TFG will lie (or the way they put it “non-facts”).

15.5. That’s 15.5 lies.

I’d take the over on that.

The Doctor Is IN(iquitous)

June 25, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

Do you remember Dr. Ronny “The Candyman” Jackson? The Everyone’s Ambien guy?

The guy who was once TFG’s official White House doctor?

He was the guy who famously gave The Convicted Felon a cognitive test (person, woman, man, camera, TV) and once claimed that TFG could live 200 years.

He’s also the guy who TFG referred to as “Doc Ronny…Doc Ronny Johnson…” in his speech at the “People’s Convention” a “Turning Point” event in Detroit last week.

He’s also a congressman now, Republican wouldn’t you know, representing Texas CD-13.

That guy.

Well, yesterday, Doc Ronny Whatshisname got a break from the House Ethics Committee when they 18a’d him.

18a is a House Ethics Committee rule that allows the committee to “gather additional information concerning such an alleged violation…unless and until an investigative subcommittee has been established.”

The information sought (and also provided) showed how Dr. Jackson used campaign funds to pay his membership dues to The Amarillo Club: over $6,800 in donors’ money so he may belong to a “fine dining club and gym in downtown Amarillo”.

But you know how it goes, there such was a crying need for more information on the matter, that rather than assign a subcommittee to investigate it, they decided to file it for future reference and study.
