Archive for April, 2024

A referendum on the red hat

April 05, 2024 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

I’ve done a couple of things I shouldn’t have. I decided to share a meme I saw on social media on my own Facebook wall. Instead of going into a long-winded explanation I thought I would just show you below. Consider it a bonus cartoon for the day.

Of course, my conservative friends and family were up in arms. The most hilarious exchange came when a former classmate uttered that you know who the bigots are based on who is sporting Biden gear. I naturally pointed out that we don’t buy Biden swag. We don’t buy swag for any politician because we aren’t a cult. Biden could sell bibles, tee-shirts, hats, action figures, shoes, fake degrees, steaks, Vodka, and any other assorted nonsense with his name on it. No one would buy it anyway because our allegiance is to the country and to ideas.

Be that as it may, I thought I would offer a few words on the red hat that our patrons could borrow when talking with their conservative friends, coworkers, and family members. When asking whether a red hat makes you a bigot or not you should consider the very basics. If you are suggesting that you want to “make America great again” then you are suggesting that America is no longer great. So, exactly when was it great? What were the precipitating steps and actions that caused it to no longer to be great? I’d imagine many of those folks would be stuck by some of the verbiage used there, so you might give them a few minutes to collect their thoughts or you might treat them as a hostile witness.

I imagine many of them (if they are older) are thinking of when they were young and everyone “knew their place.” If they are actually young then they are longing for the days their parents or grandparents described. Immediately, two things come to mind. First, memory is a tricky thing. We often remember what we want to remember and forget what we want to forget. If we are unhappy now then we likely remember the past more fondly. This belies the truth because if we are unhappy now then we were likely unhappy then. Secondly, even if life were good for us we have to come to grips with the fact that it was worse for others. So, saying you want life to return to what it was then you are either choosing to ignore that little fact or you are actively bathing in it. My guess for most of those folks is the latter.

Simply put, it is a backwards looking sentiment. I don’t want to look backwards. For one, life quite literally sucked for large groups of people. Even if I could say it was good for me then I would have to acknowledge that conditions are different enough to where that life is impossible to replicate. Of course, there I go again with the big words. I finally went off on a different discussion with a so-called “thinking conservative”. He prattled on and on about how gun control wouldn’t work and so I literally shouted, “then make a suggestion!” That’s the point, They don’t have any. Their platform has literally become, “whatever THAT guy says” and THAT guy doesn’t have any ideas. He never did. We can make this a referendum about the man, but one of the ways to win is to simply point out that THEY have no answers for the problems they are highlighting. They just have grievance. They want to prevent US from successfully passing any of our own suggestions. So, I would say it is put up or shut up time. If you want that mythical great past you long for then it is high time to tell us exactly how we get back there. Spell it out for us. Give us a step by step blueprint. Of course, they don’t want to do that because they know the majority doesn’t think that way. It’s a lot easier just to complain.

“Justifiably Punchable”

April 04, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

So a couple of days ago, I was at the beauty shop fixing a leak under Thelma’s sink when I heard a loud groan that came from Juanita, Thelma, and all of their customers. I looked up at Juanita Jean, and all I could see was disgust.

“Here’s a little known fact,” she spat, “Cruz doesn’t have skin.  He’s just a sack of bones held together by unearned arrogance.”

Then, seeing me look puzzled, she pointed to the 19″ black and white TV she has mounted on the wall above the mirrors.

A news segment on KTRK had just ended.

By all accounts, it was a good one, so I did the Google later on, and this is what I found (click on the link, if you want, to hear it all, but I extracted the relevant discussion below).

Shannon Ryan, who is hot, by the way, asked Cruz a question that I swear caused steam to blow out of his ear holes:

So if an entity which employs lobbyists is giving hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to your re-election efforts, how can you say that you are not being compensated?”

Ted answered in a way that directly addressed the apparent conflict of interest presented by his iHeartMedia arrangement.

I’m kidding.

He responded: “Heh heh, you know it really is sad…uh..what’s happened to the media. Which is the media exists right now, seemingly to parrot left-wing Democrat attacks. The group that brought that attack (…hold on a second lemme answer your question…you asked the question…I know you’re not asking about it). The group that brought that attack is a left-wing Democrat attack group, and by the way, you know what you didn’t mention in your question? The fact that they filed a complaint with the Senate Ethics Committee raising these same issues…you know what the Senate Ethics Committee did? They threw it out. They said ‘it has no basis in law…”

They then cut to a more Cruz-friendly scene of adoring voters, voiced over by hot hot Shannon Ryan, explaining that the complaint was filed in 2022, well before Cruz’s PAC received its $630,000 cut of the podcast’s ad revenue.

So I guess if Ted Cruz had any skin at all, that would have definitely gotten under his. And like his previous Cancun adventure, this doesn’t appear to be going away anytime soon.

Summing it all up, Juanita quipped, “You know what else she didn’t mention, he’s a block away from being justifiably punchable. That video was pretty spectacular, though.”

So Many April Fools

April 03, 2024 By: Fenway Fran Category: Uncategorized

I honestly thought this was an April Fool’s gag. These GOP guys, they are such jokers. So I did some research. The bill was filed FRIDAY, so either they got their dates wrong, or they are even more delusional than we thought. Among all the critical things they should be acting on, like, aid to Ukraine, Gaza and, you know, stuff overflowing on the back burner,  Rep. Guy Reschentaler (R-PA) and his six co-sponsors are asking Congress to change the name of Washington Dulles International Airport to….wait for it….Donald J. Trump International Airport. The six geniuses with this burning issue keeping them awake at night include the local Ft. Bend zero Rep. Troy E. Nehls,  Reps. Andrew Ogles and Chuck Fleishmann (TN), Paul Gosar (AZ) and Michael Waltz (FL). You know there had to be a Florida Man in this band. We are living in an April Fools Groundhog Day movie. And the hits just keep on coming.

One Of These Things Is Exactly Like The Other

April 01, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

Remember a while back when I mentioned Alfredo’s note about Podcaster Ted Cruz? Well, it gets better (or worse, depending on your point of view).

When we left off, I mentioned how iHeartMedia sent $214,752.98 to Cruz’s SuperPAC, Truth and Courage PAC last February, and how it was the senator’s cut from advertising during their airing of his 3-per-week podcasts. Well, things got said and all of a sudden iHeartMedia has assured the complaining watchdog group, The Campaign Legal Center, that this money has absolutely nothing to do with the media group’s business relationship with Ted Cruz or with his “Verdict With Ted Cruz” podcast.

But as mentioned in this online radio news source, Inside Radio, iHeartMedia has denied that this is “digital revenue,” explaining that this was a simple contribution to the PAC.

There was no Quid, no Pro, and no frickkin’  Quo.

My question is simple: couldn’t they have rounded the donation up to $215,000? And what’s with the 98 cents?

The CLC’s question is perhaps a little more to the point: how is this contribution to the Super PAC in any way legal because iHeartMedia is a federal contractor? According to the Federal Election Act of 1971, a federal contractor is barred from making contributions to SuperPACs.

So it’s not compensation for Cruz, because Cruz donates his time. On the other hand, the donation is illegal because federal contractors cannot make them.

And this is year 2 of the arrangement. In 2023, iHeartMedia “donated” $630,850 American to Cruz’s PAC that Ted Cruz also did not solicit.

Well, that’s good. $5,000 is the contribution limit for solicited donations. Good thing he didn’t ask for it, or he’d be in REAL trouble – like iHeartMedia appears to be in now.