The Deep State Goes Real Deep
Oh y’all, the deep state has all gone dandy deep. Majorie Taylor Greene thinks her teevee is spying on her.
I, too, have seen some weird things on my teevee. Zombies are real and so is Ron DeSantis.
In addition, I have appliances in my house that spy on me, too. For example, I have a pint of Blue Bell ice cream in my freezer that out of the clear blue will call me by name. It will beg me in the most pitiful voice to come let it live in my warm and wonderful digestive system. It won’t stop until I put some of it in a bowl.
My dryer hollers at me. If there is company in my house, it just buzzes loudly, but if I’m alone it clearly hollers, “Come get the clothes out of me, you dumb bitch, before they get all wrinkled up.” My toilet calls me annoyingly, “Come jiggle this handle right now, Susan.” How the toilet knows my name, I don’t know but I suspect there’s some kind of governmental DNA testing involved.
Like Ms Taylor Greene, I will now share my deepest secrets with you. I am happy but only if I’m getting my way. I am overweight because of, well, the Blue Bell thing for one. Like Willie, I no longer smoke but I do enjoy the edibles, my friend.
I am fully vaccinated, even against polio, so I worry about everything, most of them are rare tropical diseases the doctors have never heard of, or falling and not being able to get up but only because the teevee tells me I should. I am 76 years old and my heart rate, blood flow, and brain are all in working order today so who who the hell cares how long they are going to last? I figure that they’ve worked so far and that, my crazy friends, puts me way ahead of the game.
When you go to bed tonight, please take the time to thank God that you’re not whoever it is who has to spy on Majorie Taylor Greene.
Too good not to share right now.