Archive for March, 2023

Republican Values

March 02, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Meet Texas Republican Congressman Tony Gonzales.  He represents Uvalde, Texas.

Up until recently, Texas Southern Baptists would use the threat of “de-churching” people who didn’t follow the Southern Baptist interpretion of the scripture. That could fall anywhere between not tithing to raping the village.  It has fallen into disuse and that is pretty much why any small town in Texas always has a First Baptist Church and a Second Baptist Church, most of the time within blocks of each other.  Southern Baptist love Civil War.

Which brings us to the Republican Party of Texas and Tony Gonzales.  The Texas Republican Party is meeting this weekend to decide if they will censure Gonzales. Nobody is real clear on what that means in real life.  It could be a slap on the hand or the withdrawal of an endorsement and state money for his reelection.

And what evil act did Gonzales commit?

The complaint stems from a censure approved by the Medina County Republican Party earlier this month that says Gonzales failed to uphold the party’s values by voting in support of same-sex marriage, voting against the new GOP majority’s rules package and voting for a gun safety measure inspired by the the Uvalde school shooting. Gonzales broke with the rest of the state’s House Republicans on all three votes.

There are other disagreement about border security.  And smirking at Congressman Troy Nehls and his constant big ole cigars.

Anyway, they want to de-church the guy.  Think about it.  They won’t speak a negative damn word about George Santos but they want to nail this man to the cross of party values.

That’s Republican values.


Well, Here It Is Thursday

March 02, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

A couple of days ago, I wrote right here …

Okay, so this week’s score on Republican goofiness puts newcomer Tennessee in the lead.  I’m sure Texas or Florida will ask Tennessee to hold their beer and watch this by at least Thursday.

Well, yep.

Texas has a crossdressing anti-drag state representative.  And it’s Thursday. So score one for Madam Swami Juanita and her Crystal Ball of Republican Embarrassment.


But, that’s not even the fun part. Here’s the fun part:

Schatzline, a first-term state representative and former pastor, did not immediately respond to NBC News’ request for comment. However, in a tweet shared Tuesday, he appeared to confirm his participation in the video.

“Y’all really going crazy over me wearing a dress as a joke back in school for a theatre project? Yah, that’s not a sexually explicit drag show… lol y’all will twist ANYTHING,” he wrote.

First of all, this is the first time I have seen a grown man use lol. It’s also the first time I’ve seen a Texan say “Yah.” What is that?  Is it some sexually explicit coded language? I dunno, but I’d bet on probably.

Second of all, you’re being an irony bomb by accusing “y’all” of twisting ANYTHING.  You seem to have that job all gift wrapped with a bow on top, Honey.

Well done, Texas.  Do I hear a bid from Florida?


Math Lessons with MTG

March 02, 2023 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

Perhaps I’m not the right guy to deliver this particular message. After all, I had to remind my supervisor that I hadn’t sat in a math class in 25 years when he decided that I should support a high school Geometry class. However, I worked it and managed to survive on the other end. Understanding basic math is probably a bonus, but I have no way of knowing for sure. As far as I know, Geometry is mainly about triangles and stuff. It’s not like we were splitting the atom.

The notorious MTG might be the most brilliant mathematician in Congress. She has mistaken millions for billions more than once and even then the results were hilarious. A quick tutorial for Marge: a billion dollars is 1000 million. One billion people is 1000 million. In the case above, she said one school had gotten a 5.1 billion dollar grant. That’s amazing. I want to work at that school. I’m sure teachers are getting spa treatments and corporate retreats during their conference period.


Maybe that is why I had 97 kids in my 6th period English class all of the sudden. Of course, I’m being sarcastic lest anyone believe we really have more than 100,000 kids in each high school. Then again, maybe we could accommodate those 100,000 kids if someone threw 5.1 billion our direction. Maybe the cross fit is starting to mess with her brain. Maybe the numbers of new billionaires has clouded her judgement about how much one billion actually is. Of course, it’s just more likely that she’s a dumbass. Remember children, numbers matter and we can’t just make up any stupid figure that enters your brain. Pencils down. This has been your daily math lesson with the notorious MTG.