Archive for February, 2023


February 13, 2023 By: El Jefe Category: Classified Documents, Uncategorized

Last month, TFG’s document problem went from bad to worse.  Breaking over the weekend, multiple news organizations are reporting that TFG’s attorneys have turned over more documents marked Classified to the FBI.  Along with those documents, they also turned over a laptop and thumb drive that contained classified documents scanned by a TFG aide who worked for the Save America PAC.  There’s only one reason for a non-government employee (especially one who works for a political PAC) to be scanning classified documents onto privately owned digital media – to sell it or use it for political leverage.  Of course, TFG’s lawyers said that the scanning of those documents was “inadvertent” and that the aide wasn’t aware the documents were classified, which doesn’t pass the straight-faced test.  Of course he/she knew they were classified, but in the end, that doesn’t matter…possessing and copying ANY government document not rightfully possessed or public is illegal.

To me this is the smoking gun that shows intent.  TFG stole, hoarded, hid, moved, and lied about the government documents that were recklessly taken and then mismanaged for over a year and a half.  Now that we know that he had an aide copying those documents clearly shows what he intended (or already did) to do with those documents – use them for his own benefit.

C’mon, Merrick, how much more evidence do you need?  Let’s get on with it.

The Last Straw…

February 12, 2023 By: El Jefe Category: 2022 Election, Alternative Facts, Lie, Trumpists

We all know that George Santos (or whatever his real name is) is a lying shitbag who has no business being anywhere near the seat of government, much less occupying a seat in the US House of Representatives.  To be fair, there are a lot of lying shitbags in Congress, but this particular shitbag is singularly accomplished in his volume of lying about everything from his ethnicity to his education to…well, just about everything.

But he’s worse than that – he’s a dog napper and abuser, and that’s where I draw the line.  We already know how he raised money to save a veteran’s dog that had cancer and then absconded with the money while bragging about “saving 3,000 dogs”.  It doesn’t stop there – in the Washington Post this morning there is a story about how Santos stole 5 Labrador Retrievers from an Amish farmer in Pennsylvania.  He promised to “wire $5,000” to him, but vanished.  He finally wrote checks to the farmer that bounced.  According to the farmer, he filed charges against Santos, but the charges were later dismissed after some kind of settlement.  Santo apparently did this to several breeders, writing over $15,000 in hot checks and then putting the dogs up for “adoption” and pocketing the money.

So, Santos screwed over a lot of people before lying his way into Congress; that makes him a shitbag and shame on those people for believing him.  But doing it to dogs?  That’s unforgivable and the last straw.  This guy has to go.


Okay, Okay, It’s An Alien Invasion

February 11, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So, Majorie Taylor Greene’s furry white balloon coat scared everybody so much that I’ll be damned, something got itself shot down over Alaska yesterday.

We have no idea what it was, leaving the tantalizing possibility that it was her coat.

“We’re calling this an object because that’s the best description we have right now,” Kirby said. “We don’t know who owns it – whether it’s state-owned or corporate-owned or privately-owned, we just don’t know.”

Object?  That’s the best you can do?  Thingy, doohickey, whatchamacallit, whatnot, somebody’s coat, unknown Toyota part …?  I mean, object is the damn best that about $20 trillion can buy the military?

Are you telling me that it could be a Boy Scout project gone haywire?

A US official said the military waited to shoot the object down during daylight hours to make it easier for the pilots to spot it. Ryder said the mission was “supported with aerial assets from the Alaska Air National Guard.”

Wait a minute, wait just a damn minute. Are you telling telling me that an F22, which cost like a billion dollars, doesn’t have radar or sonar or what the hell, night vision goggles? We can only fight invasion during the daytime?  Look, for a billion dollars, I expect an F22 to be able to sniff-out the damn thing.  They can bring along a beagle or something?

Let’s make this crazier …

The Alaska National Guard and units under US Northern Command, along with HC-130 Hercules, HH-60 Pave Hawk, and CH-47 Chinook are all participating in the effort to recover the object, Ryder said.

I guess we should be thrilled they didn’t bump into each other.  Hell, throw in some beads and some boobies, and it would have looked like Mardi Gras up there.

Hell, they just told us that this object wasn’t purposely guided. I mean, it’s just a sitting target. I’ve seen my Aunt Thelma hit a rattlesnake from 30 yards away and that damn thing was moving. They need my Aunt Thelma. I know she could even do it in the dark by listening to the rattle. When I told her the object was the size of a small car, she was willing to bet the Air Force that she could take it out from a crop duster. While flying the damn duster.

Ryder said on Friday that recovery teams have “mapped the debris field” and are “in the process of searching for and identifying debris on the ocean floor.”

“While I won’t go into specifics due to classification reasons,” Ryder said, “I can say that we have located a significant amount of debris so far that will prove helpful to our further understanding of this balloon and its surveillance capabilities.”

I am not real sure I want these guys messing around on the ocean floor. They are liable to pull the plug down there or something.


February 10, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I just hate it when current events force me to talk about Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton.  And I do not for the  life of me understand why the national media leaves him alone. I don’t.

What’s he done now, you ask, to add to the top of the fact that he’s an indicted felon for securities fraud who’s slicker than snot on a doorknob and has postponed his trial for seven years? Seven damn years. He just waiting for all the witnesses to die.

So, here’s the deal, and I’m shaking so bad with anger that I could thread a sewing machine while it’s running.

Two years ago, Paxton’s four top staff members went public with accusations that Paxton was playing loose with state contracts in cahoots with one of his biggest contributors.

Paxton admitted to the affair, which happened only because Jesus let him down again by giving him a loaded winkie in the presence of a cute female.

Okay, so Paxton fired the four top aides for blatant truth telling and assorted shenanigan watching. They sued him under the whistleblower statutes in Texas.

Just today, there was an announcement that a settlement hovers near the horizon.

Attorney General Ken Paxton agrees to apologize and pay $3.3 million to whistleblowers in settlement.

And do you know who is paying that $3.3 million? Not Ken Paxton. The taxpayers of the state of Texas are paying it. I think he’s also relying on us for the apology. If you’re a Texan I hope you bought some nice stationery and you’re working on yours.

I didn’t do a damn thing wrong in this situation but I gotta pay the punishment?

In case you’re wondering how all this has hurt his office, the AP did an investigation last September. It’s exactly what you’d expect.


I Wanna Say

February 09, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so if I went into a bank and the guy who was ready to help me open a new account was wearing shorts and a Hawaiian shirt, I dunno, but I’d likely think he wasn’t a real serious guy. I’d be highly unlikely to give him my money.

So, I’m gonna say something and I do not want to hear about misogyny. This ain’t that.

One of the reasons I cannot take Jim Jordan seriously is that he doesn’t take his appearance as a congressman seriously. When he is not in the actual capitol complex, I don’t care what he wears as long as it covers his private parts. I would add that I don’t think he should ever, in any place for any reason I can think of, dress in an attempt to look provocative. I do not know of any way Jim Jordan could look provocative but that’s just my opinion. Eric Swalwell, well that’s just a whole ‘nother thing.

Anyway, I wrote all that to talk about this:


Someone I know said that Kyrsten Sinema dressed that way to show her “independent spirit.” No, she wore that dress to show her “bad taste.” Honey, she should have left that dress hanging from the curtain rod.

And then there’s that woman who wore a white fur coat to remind everybody of the Chinese spy balloon.

Seriously, she thought she was embarrassing Joe Biden, but ended up scaring Dalmatians.

She really thought the balloon was going to be the big story of the night but discovered that if people were all that concerned about privacy they would unplug Alexia and destroy all their neighbors’ Ring.

Majorie Taylor Green spent $600 on a coat to look like a joke. However, she does a pretty damn good job of it for free.


Powerful and Continuing Nationalism

February 09, 2023 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

“When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.” — Unknown

The above quote used to be attributed to Sinclair Lewis, but Politifact has stated that this was not his quote. Either way, this quote is prescient now. The large difference between the past and the present is that the quiet part is now being said out loud.

The notorious MTG has already called for a move to Christian Nationalism. Obviously, my commentary on religion has been a lightening rod. So, I won’t try to belabor this point too much, but the whole concept of Christian nationalism is a bastardization of Christianity.

In the gospel of John, a story is told about the woman at the well. Jesus approaches the woman at the well and asks for some water. The Samaritan woman has a conversation with Jesus and if you believe the wording in the translation, she convinces him that he is supposed to be the savior for the whole world.

So, how do we take a savior that is the savior for the whole world and somehow shrink him down to a savior of just your own country? Obviously, the answer is that those doing this and those listening to it have no earthly clue what the key point of Christianity really is.

Really this is about the love of team. The best analogy I could give is that of being a sports fan. Everyone wants their team to win the big game. Whether it is the World Series, NBA Championship, or Super Bowl you feel an immense amount of joy when your team wins. The problem comes when you are willing to sacrifice your personal beliefs and borders on common decency.

So, you have to ask yourself if you are willing to root for a scumbag on your team. Are you willing to root for Deshaun Watson? Are you willing to root for Trevor Bauer? Are you rooting for Kyrie Irving? What happens in fascism is that the team becomes more important than any personal feelings on morality and decency.

If we make this portable to the political world then this becomes very clear. There are Democrats that are scumbags. There are Republicans that are scumbags. Yet, these scumbags are members of our team. So, we are going to root for them to succeed even though we know they are horrible people.

If you have any doubts about this, just check out the number of people that call themselves a patriots or have a bunch of flags around their name. Are they not all rabid conservatives? You will notice that anyone that comes across them on social media and states something wrong those people will not politely invite you to leave the country.

People that have to say they are patriots are just like the people that feel the need to tell you they are nice guys or that they are smart. How smart and how nice are they really? If you feel the need to tell me you love America then how much do you really love America? You love a certain part of America which means you hate other parts of America. That’s when we get to another of the pillars of fascism. Stay tuned…