Archive for October, 2022

Beto O’Rourke Too Extreme?

October 06, 2022 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

The NRA has been stumping for Greg Abbott pretty hard and heavy. I hear their radio spots at least a few times every day. Beto O’Rourke has an F rating according to the NRA. However, Greg Abbott has been governor for eight years. I’m still not sure why we should vote for him. The only thing he tells us is why we shouldn’t vote for Beto O’Rourke.

Terrorism is defined as “the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.” I don’t know why that word popped into my head just now. It must be one of those random thoughts that have nothing to do with anything.

That same dictionary defines domestic terrorism as “the committing of terrorist acts in the perpetrator’s own country against their fellow citizens.” The Patriot Act said that people are engaging in domestic terrorism is they perform an act “dangerous to human life.” So, if we follow this random tangent to it’s logical conclusion we would have to assume that people that participate in mass shooting events are domestic terrorists.

Mind you, I’m not calling the NRA a sponsor of domestic terrorism. I’m simply defining terms. The city of San Francisco has already done that. Many Americans already agree with San Francisco. However, lets walk this through. You have an organization that opposes waiting periods, background checks, and any sort of regulation of semi-automatic weapons, age limits, licensing, or carry restrictions. They support an 18 year old’s right to openly carry an AR-15 whether they have passed a background check or not.

So, there is a sizeable gap between supporting any right to own a firearm and where the NRA currently stands. According to Gallup, as of 2020 only 32 percent of Americans owned a firearm and only 44 percent lived in a household with at least one firearm. However, that is in stark contrast to the number of firearms actually in the United States. So, if there are 1.2 firearms per person, but only 32 percent of people own a firearm then that means that the average gun owner has three or more guns.

Whether the NRA are domestic terrorists, support domestic terrorism, or are indifferent to terrorism is for shock jocks to consider. One could credibly claim that the NRA serves a very small segment of society. After all, even most gun owners are in favor of waiting periods, background checks, and restricting access to certain weapons. Most support age restrictions as well. So, when one earns an F grade from the NRA what exactly does that mean? I’d say it means he is a decent and reasonable human being.

Signs, Signs, Everywhere Signs

October 05, 2022 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

Here on the Left Coast, we normally have low key elections, because face it, the outcomes of most races here in deep blue California is already known.

Not here in the “Fighting 41st”. Here in CA CD-41, the outcome of this year’s congressional race is not assured. Right now registered Democrats outnumber registered Republicans in a newly redistricted congressional district. This is a first for incumbent Ken Calvert (R-CD 42). Democrat Will Rollins, a young energetic former federal prosecutor, is putting up a credible fight against this 30-year incumbent who has skated through 14 campaigns with large R turnouts. And so as that goes, Calvert’s crew is playing dirty now.

Will Rollins’ campaign signs, far and few between as it is, are disappearing from their stakes and fences at an alarming rate. Of The 16 signs that I have personally posted around town, half have now gone missing. I did find one in the dirt, and another covered up by a 4 X 4 sign (not Calvert’s).

See? You can see the upper left corner of a Rollins sign that was covered up by a city council candidate’s sign.

So a grass-roots visibility campaign was initiated by Rollins campaign volunteers with a call for donations. They’re going to need just shy of 2 grand to buy 50 4 X 8s to post in high visibility areas.

I just sent them my dead presidents. You can also donate to the new push for visibility by going here. You can also send them a check via snail mail at the address that is given here (scroll to the bottom). Write “signs” on the check memo line and it’ll be used for signs.

I Did Some Genealogy

October 05, 2022 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

I am descended from immigrants. Only a very few of us here are not. Some of my ancestors originally lived in eastern Prussia that is now part of western Poland. They lived in Reinfeld, Prussia. And they were called “Old Lutherans” aka Evangelical Lutherans.

Between 1830 and 1840 King William Frederick III of Prussia took on the task of exerting control over Protestant beliefs in his country, in an attempt to unify all Protestant beliefs under one central belief system that became known as The Church of the Prussian Union.

What a great idea, huh? If we can all agree to the same religious tenets we can stop arguing and fighting religious wars and we all prosper.

Evangelical Lutherans, however, were not impressed. They were unwilling to accept new creeds let alone abandon ones that they accepted just so they could all just get along.

They disagreed, by God.

After a couple of decades of living in a regime that decided what religious tenets to believe and how to believe them, my ancestors decided, along with their fellow parishioners, to relocate to America where the rumor was that there was a constitutionally guaranteed freedom to practice the religion of their choice.

So as a direct descendent of these persecuted people, I am here, in part, due to narrow-minded religious persecution by those in power.

Things are a little different now, but not by much.

Today, religion in America can be found in anything, and it has so many new uses. Some use it to decide how to vote and some use it to decide what pillows to buy.

And some don’t see any relevance that religion has in politics at all, and they buy pillows that are the most comfortable, and not necessarily the ones made by the My Pillow Guy.

Like the Prussian Protestants of the 19th century, we are still religiously divided, but in a whole new way that even the 1st Amendment can’t fix.

Because we still have Prussian kings among us that believe that their religious beliefs trump (sorry) all others and it is their duty to enforce them, even on the non-religious.

God save us. Or not.

Okay, So Who Didn’t Know This Stuff

October 04, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so who, besides even damn Republican voter in the state, did not know that Herschel Walker had more bones in his closet than any mid-size dinosaur museum in the fly over states?

Now the poop is hitting the popper daily, with this one about paying a woman’s abortion bill.

Walker has strongly denied the allegation, blaming Democrats and the Fake News media. But the Daily Beast reports having seen the woman’s receipt for the abortion as well as a personal check from Walker reimbursing her for it, and said it confirmed the story with one of her confidantes at the time.

Now, I gotta tell that I have no problem with him paying an abortion bill. None at all. Case closed. Until … he goes out preaching that only his lady friend can have an abortion.

In July of last year, Walker’s wife asked for a protective order. Walker denied he’d ever hit his wife. But the judge found good cause to believe the wife and granted it. Knowing that but seeing how Walker drew crowds and raised money, Mitch McConnell endorsed him.

Stop for a minute and ponder this.  Imagine if this had been a white Republican or any color Democrat. Ya think McConnell would have had any problem stomping on him?

So, Today Walker’s son decides the time is right.

Lay it at Mitch Connell’s door.


Aren’t Those Nancy Sinatra’s Go-Go Boots?

October 04, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh Honey, that’s your disaster outfit?


His disaster casual look needs some work.