Archive for November, 2021

Woo Woo

November 25, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So, happy Thanksgiving morning.  Since I did dressing, fresh string beans with mushrooms and bacon, and cranberry sauce yesterday, somebody else is doing the turkey, Brussel sprouts, and pecan pie today so I have some free time which I’m spending perusing the Washington Post. This story caught my eye.

“Consequences” and they put it in quotation marks because they knew that every single person reading it – but especially Russian spies – were laugh/snorting out their noses.  Woo woo – threatening me with “consequences.”

I’m real scared of consequences and, yes, sarcasm is just another of the free, friendly services we offer here at The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon.  We just went through four years of something a jillion times worse than a Havana Syndrome and there were no consequences whatsoever.  None. Not even one damn slap on the hand.

What are we threatening them with?  We will go to a secret lab and develop the dreaded Florida Man Syndrome?

Hell, they don’t even know what Havana Syndrome is! I mean, it sounds like it ought to be “cigars give you hangovers” or some damn thing like that.

Y’all, I gotta quit reading the newspaper.

Ted and The Commies

November 24, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

For a man who couldn’t run a twenty yard dash even if there was Piles O’ PAC Money on the other end, Ted Cruz has some majorly strong thoughts about the upcoming Olympics in China.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said on Sunday that he hoped U.S. athletes “go over there and kick their commie asses” at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.

First, commie? Really? It’s so much fun to dust off the Cold War.  Think of military industrial complex in these times of trouble we face.  We have radical rightwing theocracy threatening our survival but Ted is worried about the commies? Trump’s friends?

Ted ran for president and pretty much showed he’s out of the ass-kicking business.  He kow-towed to Donald Trump. Look, you gotta turn in your ass kickin’ keys when you allow a man to insult your wife’s appearance and call your father a murdered. That’s in the ass kickin’ rules. Look it up.

I think maybe Ted Cruz is just Louie Gohmert with hair and a weird accent.



November 23, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh y’all, he’s running for Texas Attorney General due to his firm grasp on law and reality.

Bringing you up to date on this Disney Land Adventure, our current AG in Texas is an indicted felon who has been successful in postponing his trial since July of 2015 on three counts of security fraud. He’s a big buddy of Donald Trump.  Already in the race are George P Bush (Jeb’s son) and a very popular Republican Supreme Court Justice Eva Guzman.

So why is Louie running?

Okay, Madam Swami Juanita looks into her rhinestone bedazzled crystal ball and gives it her damn best:  I cannot find anywhere online an answer if he can run for both a federal and a state office at the same time in Texas.  Thanks to Lyndon Johnson, you can run for both Vice President and senate for the same time in Texas, but I can’t seems to find a definitive answer in this case.  Glen says yes but I dunno, so I am checking it out.

But, the biggest take away on this is that Louie is broke – both personally and professionally. Well, and intellectually and morally.  PACs don’t give him money because nobody knows where his head will be on a given day.  His constituency is dirt poor so they don’t give him money, just prayers.

But, here ya go, Cocomo –

Gohmert announced earlier this month that he would join the GOP lineup against Paxton if he could raise $1 million in 10 days. The 10th day was Friday. Gohmert said in an announcement video that he has “reached our initial goal of raising $1 million in order to start a run for” attorney general, though he did not confirm whether he was able to collect it in 10 days.

Gohmert needs money for lawyers to cover his Donald Trump shenanigans.  Nobody is going to give money to a goofball in a safe Republican district who has accomplished exactly zero in his years in congress. So, running for a statewide race where he can attack the scientific basis for … well, everything and that includes s-e-x, Louie can part crazy people from their money, which is genius.

December 13th is the filing deadline in Texas, so don’t place any bets on what Louie will do until then.  If he can raise enough money by then, he’ll be back to running for congress.

He’s a whore, y’all.


A path forward

November 23, 2021 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

We’ve talked about this before. We’ve talked about it all before. We are struggling to combat people that have no sense of shame. Doing so can be unsettling and confusing for those of us that operate in a world that has shame. Shame limits us and so there are suggestions that we shut off that portion of our mind that allows us to feel it. We fight fire with fire and guns with more guns. That’s not the answer in my opinion.

The gerrymandering of districts was originally designed to just provide one part with an advantage over the other, but it has done so much more and probably more than the architects of it originally intended. Those that study the competitiveness of House races have noticed something over time. Well under half are decided by ten points or less either way. Since the Supreme Court neutered the Voting Rights Act, the gap has been widening.

Of course, the Supreme Court is just one example of how gerrymandering has reared its ugly head. The Republicans have won exactly won election by majority since 1988. Yet, there is a 6-3 court on the conservative side and prominent Republicans are trying to convince us the country is center-right. What exactly is the evidence of that?

The damage is two-fold. Sure, we could look at this narrowly and say there are more Republicans in government than the demographics suggest there should be. Yet, that’s a small way to look at it. The secret lies in the non-competitive nature of those districts. Well over 300 of the 435 districts are currently non-competitive. If I don’t have to convince a majority to vote for me then I don’t have to be reasonable. I don’t have to compromise. In fact, the more extreme I can be the better.

If you want to fix what ails us you fix our democracy. Simply put, Congress needs to reflect the values of the people. If you look at individual planks of the legislation that passes the House (but not the Senate) then you’ll see that even a majority of people that consider themselves Republican consider them to be good ideas. So, it isn’t about Republicans vs. Democrats or any kind of a shift in the values that people actually have. Most people believe in fairness. Most people believe in compassion. Most people believe in human decency. We just have a system that rewards people that don’t believe in those things.

Those people then get to appoint our judges. Those judges then become the arbiters of justice. Sure, we notice huge trials like the Rittenhouse trial, but the key are the smaller ones no one pays attention to on a daily basis. They are the ones that incarcerate hundreds of thousands of people on drug charges or fail to protect women from would be predators. When heads repeatedly becomes tails it can catch up with you. When up is repeatedly force fed to us as down it takes its toll. People of a lesser mind come to believe justice is actually being served. People of a greater mind see the injustice and become either angry or apathetic. Neither serves us well.

We know how to fix it, but the question is whether we have the will to do it. We simply take the drawing of districts out of human hands. Studies have shown that computers can draw districts that can flip the switch. Instead of over 300 non-competitive districts we would have over 300 competitive ones. Politicians that just throw stink bombs into the process would be drummed out. I imagine some would adapt and some wouldn’t. What would remain would be a body politic that would reflect the real values of those that vote for them. Then come the judges and everyone else on down. It won’t happen overnight, but we didn’t get here overnight either. It just seems like we did.

If The Lord Owes You Any Favors ….

November 22, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Please ask him to use any influence he has to have Alex Jones hire the lawyers he has now to advise him on the little problem he has in Congress.

It’s gonna be more fun than recess in heaven.


Rittenhouse Verdict the Logical Result of Terrible Public Policy; Time to Change Tactics

November 21, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Alternative Facts, Fun With Guns

Kyle Rittenhouse, who shot 3 people, killing two, was acquitted yesterday by a jury in Kenosha Wisconsin. Taking almost 30 hours for deliberation, the jury showed careful diligence in arriving at its verdicts, yet those verdicts were not only unjust; they exposed the raw and tragic truth that when it comes to gun violence, our justice system can no longer actually deliver justice.

The killings and the resulting verdicts defy logic.  An underaged teenager illegally possessing a firearm that was illegally bought by a straw purchaser crossed state lines to join an illegal police action by an unauthorized self-styled “militia”.  He then left the group that was “guarding” businesses and wandered into the crowd that was protesting police brutality.  Rittenhouse, displaying the maturity of a 17-year-old, walked into an angry crowd protesting a police shooting and was then shocked at those people’s reaction.  Had he walked into the crowd without an AR-15 strapped to his chest, probably nothing would have happened; with an AR-15 he almost guaranteed to provoke a response, and he got it, in spades.  Rittenhouse fired a number of shots, hitting three people and killing two of them.  But for him toting an AR-15 in plain sight, this tragedy would not have happened.

Let’s go through the crimes committed by Rittenhouse and his compatriots.  First, the straw purchase.  Rittenhouse’s friend, Dominick Black, aged 20, bought the gun for him because he was too young.  That purchase violates federal and state laws, and Black has been charged, but not tried.  Second, Rittenhouse was charged with minor in possession, but just as final arguments began in his trial, the judge, citing a ridiculous reading of the statute, ordered the charge dropped.  The technicality he cited? An inconsistency in the law that said minors can’t carry a weapon unless it has a long barrel.  The defense had argued this technicality, and the judge bought it, effectively rendering the entire law toothless and unenforceable.  The remaining charges were first degree reckless homicide, two counts of first degree recklessly endangering safety, first degree intentional homicide, and attempted first degree intentional homicide.  The defense argument was simple – self-defense.  They painted Rittenhouse as a good intentioned teenager who was attacked by vicious rioters while trying to protect property and provide medical aid.  The judge, acting more like defense co-counsel rather than the trial judge, went along with this argument, banning the term “victim” or “victims” for those who were shot, but allowed them to be called “rioters”, “looters”, and “arsonists”.

But worse than the judge putting his foot on the scales of justice is the idiocy of today’s gun laws in most US states.  Many states, like Texas, have undone two centuries of common-sense gun laws by perverting the meaning of the Second Amendment through decades of junk law that now permeates federal and state case law.  Intended as a protection for the newly founded US government by providing for a citizen army made up of militias under state and local authority, the Second Amendment has been turned on its head from providing for the common defense to enabling any idiot to own and carry a gun in public.  This effort, driven by gun manufacturers and their lobbyists, with a big assist from Antonin Scalia and a conservative majority on the Supreme Court, is virtually complete. Just this year, Texas joined nineteen other states that eliminated all licensing requirements for the open carry of guns in public.  It already allowed open carry of guns, but eliminated all licensing and training requirements, falsely calling such a radical practice as “constitutional carry,” which is nonsense.  All but a handful of states now allow the open carry of firearms in some form or another.  What could possibly go wrong?

Guns are now a fixture in political rallies and protests.  This practice is almost exclusively on the right wing of the political spectrum where outrage is fueled by systemic disinformation which drives the outraged to show up in body armor, helmets, and toting loaded firearms.  Guns and politics don’t mix, have never mixed, and will never mix, but now threats of physical violence and actual violence is commonplace during protests.  Troublemakers often pose as legitimate protestors for the sole purpose of starting destruction and violence, like they did during the George Floyd protests of 2020.  They then use the trouble they caused as an excuse to carry firearms to “protect” businesses and property, mostly owned by white people.

And now, after the Rittenhouse acquittals, we can’t put the genie back in the bottle.  The lesson learned in this trial is that self-defense is a winning argument even when the person claiming self-defense actually started the incident.  The fact is that, but for Rittenhouse wandering into a protest with a locked and loaded AR-15, no one would have died that night in Kenosha.  HE provoked the protestors by openly carrying a weapon of war into a political protest that was already very tense.  When people responded to his provocation, he then shot them, killing two, and then successfully defended that action in court by pretending that the incident began at the moment protestors responded to his provocation.  We have a very similar argument going on right now in Georgia, where three white men chased, confronted, and threatened an unarmed black man, Ahmad Aubrey, who was simply jogging through a neighborhood.  After pulling out a shotgun, one of the defendants then murdered Aubrey.  Their legal justification?  Self-defense.  As ridiculous as that sounds, the trial is in Georgia, and the jury is made up of 11 white men.  I have virtually no expectation that justice will be done in that case either, and I’ll bet you a dollar to a donut that the defense cites the Rittenhouse acquittals as precedent.

I quit the NRA in the 1980s when it went nuts and Charlton Heston started screaming, “From my cold dead hands!” at every meeting.  Being a gun owner, I have been actively opposing for well over a decade the radical gun culture that permeates Texas.  Our politicians have totally failed us, even failing to protect other Texans from gun nuts in the goddam state capitol, creating the necessity of installing panic buttons in every politician’s office to summon state troopers in the event a gun nut gets upset.   Death threats against anyone that gun nuts don’t like is commonplace.  Outrage from disinformation has created an alternative reality where up is down, left is right, the earth is flat, and the sun rises in the west.  Gun nuts even bring guns to protests against science based public health policy.  Career health officials are being driven from office by these threats, and now school board members and their families must be protected by police.

This is insanity that cannot be altered by reason, so I’m changing tactics.  Tomorrow I’m trotting my happy ass down to Guns ‘r Us and buying myself a nice AR-15 with all the trimmings – a couple dozen boxes of ammo, a pile of 30 round mags, and body armor and a tactical sling.  I’ll guarantee that if a couple hundred of us protesting for social justice, fair elections, and racial equality start showing up armed to the teeth, especially those with non-white skin, the politicians will change their tune in a hurry, calling for protection from “radical leftists”.  Nothing else has worked, maybe this will.  After all, we can’t depend on elected officials or even the courts to protect the common good; it’s time to use some of the same tactics as the other side to level the playing field.