Texas Governor Greg Abbott got taken down to the river and after they dunked him in the spit of Donald Trump, they bashed his head against a rock a few times.
It’s bad enough that he has decreed – and I mean that in the regal sense – that no business in Texas can require their workers to be vaccinated to protect their customers. So much for the first commandment of the Republican Party: government should get off the backs of business.
Bad enough that he has decreed that my constitutional right to privacy is worthless and he – and he alone – can control my body.
He’s trying like the dickens to up the death toll in the wake of his conversation from Really Mean Guy to Trump Death Machine.
His latest meaner than ten acres of snakes move is this one.

The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) quietly removed information intended to help prevent LGBTQ youth suicide from one of its websites after Gov. Greg Abbott (R) was criticized by a primary opponent for “promoting transgender sexual policies to Texas youth.”
This came about because Don Huffines, Abbott’s Republican opponent, posted this to Twitter:
But that’s not even the half of it. A taxpayer funded governmental agency, Family Protective Services, begin exchanging emails about the Huffines tweet within 13 minutes of him posting it.
Thirteen minutes after Huffines’ video went up, media relations director Marissa Gonzales emailed a link to Crimmins, the agency’s communications director, under the subject line “Don Huffines video accusing Gov/DFPS of pushing liberal transgender agenda.”
“FYI. This is starting to blow up on Twitter,” Gonzales wrote.
Crimmins then queried Darrell Azar, DFPS’ web and creative services director, about who oversees the page. “Darrell — please note we may need to take that page down, or somehow revise content,” he wrote.
The page was taken down and left a big fat lie in its place. They lied that the page was taken down to update the sources.
This information was directed to older kids in foster care, where kids are three times more likely to attempt suicide compared to those who never spent time in foster care.
He has an evil heart, y’all.