Archive for March, 2021

Schadenfreude and Stuff

March 11, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Edited!  I uploaded the same letter twice.  I fixed it now.

Remember when Louie Gohmert snuck back onto the House floor and said he’d made up his own rules and if you leave to go to the bathroom you can walk back in without passing through the metal detector?

Yeah, that didn’t work.

Here ya go – his notice he did a bad thing.  Click here to see better.



And his $5,000 fine. Click here to check that out bigger.



Now here’s the deal.  Gohmert is one of the poorest members of the House.  Seriously, he’s been a lawyer and judge and literally lives hand to mouth according to his financial statement. I do not know where all his money goes, but it goes somewhere.

So, $5,000 is going to hurt him and it could not happen to a more deserving person.

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.


The Former Presidents

March 11, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

All the former presidents and their wives cut an ad encouraging everyone to get the vaccine, except for one.  You’ll enjoy watching this, especially seeing the picture of Jimmy Carter in the last shot.



Donald Trump declined being in the ad, but he did issue a statement.


If he hadn’t been president, we probably wouldn’t need it.  I can guarantee you one thing – I hope people remember that half a million people didn’t have to die if Trump had handled this competently.


Trump Drips

March 11, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So now that Trump has been president, movie stars and teevee personalities think they all can be president, too.


He’s 77 years old and has been been married 5 times so he’s perfectly qualified, not even counting that whole Al Capone’s safe thing.

Alright, alright, alright. Matthew McConaughey is seriously considering running for governor of Texas.  His life motto: “Just Keep Living” certainly offers deep philosophical guidelines for us all. Aside from starting a sentence in Dallas and finishing it somewhere on Venus, he is certainly easy on the eyes and can find most major cities in Texas on a map.

However, you gotta look favorably on any person who got arrested for playing the bongo drums barefoot all over and toasted in the picture window of his house. And yes, it did draw a crowd.

Now, if Willie Nelson runs, he’s got my vote.

In 2006, Kinky Friedman ran for Governor of Texas as an Independent, which caused Little Bubba to approach him in public, hand him a Democratic lapel button and ask into a microphone to a crowd, “So the party of Franklin Roosevelt and John Kennedy isn’t good enough for you?”  Kinky took his cigar out of his mouth long enough to smile and say, “smartass.”  He got 12% of the vote.



Guts and Gall

March 11, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It’s never difficult to tell the difference between guts and gall.

Please listen to Mississippi Republican Senator Roger Wicker take credit for passing the restaurant aid in the bill.



It’s just like Speaker Pelosi said, “They say no and then take the dough.”

His excuse?

“I’m not going to vote for $1.9 trillion just because it has a couple of good provisions.”

Hey, Skippy, that’s what governing means.  You get nothing 100% your way.  I know for a dead solid guaranteed actual damn fact that some Democrats voted for the Trump relief plan while not liking 100% of it.


Oh, Good Lord

March 10, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There’s a saying in Texas that the only reason Texas doesn’t slide into the Gulf of Mexico is because Oklahoma sucks.  Republican State Representative Brad Boles of Oklahoma ain’t helping much.

He’s all worked up over an abortion bill and he forgot to use his Republican outside voice.



Thanks to Keith for the heads up and his comment, “It is almost as if this chucklehead is auditioning to be a member of the British royal family.”



Susan Rice

March 10, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Susan Rice now occupies the office that formerly occupied by – brrrr shiver shiver – Stephen Miller.

Everyone was reminded of that when a picture taken inside her office was posted on Twitter and there was clearly sage burning in a small bowl.



Somebody let her know that we can get her the toe of a frog and the eye of a newt if we can get the Gingrichs to stand still for a minute.

Thanks to SGray for the heads up.