Archive for January, 2021

Where Are They Now: Michele Bachmann

January 28, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember Michele Bachmann?  Well, she’s still around. And not in a good way.

Last November, she went on a rightwing evangelical teevee show and proclaimed that she knew for a dead solid guaranteed fact who was going to overthrow the government —

“These are transgender Marxists — transgender Black Marxists — who are seeking the overthrow of the United States and the dissolution of the traditional family,” Bachmann said in the interview on The Victory Channel,

I think finding three hate words for what might on a good day comprise half a dozen people in America is a real special talent. And if you think about it, she wasn’t far from wrong. And by think about it, I mean believing that everybody at the January 6th insurrection was a transgender black Marxist.

And speaking of January 6th, Bachmann says she was at the White House that very day,

“We had our hands raised. We were worshipping the Lord on the South Lawn of the White House,” she said. “Before too long, the mob started. … All of a sudden, I sense the Holy Spirit just speaking to me. The Holy Spirit spoke to me and said, ‘It’s time to leave.'”

No, No, Honey. If that was the Holy Spirit, it would have told you to leave four years ago.

Anyway, the reason all this came up for me is that Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen gave me Michele’s FEC report. She is sitting on $1.6 million in her account.  She, did, however, spend some of it.



The Minnesota Voters Alliance seems to spend most of their time keeping people from voting.

The Leyden Preservation Group protects and serves old statues so there’s got to be some Civil War crap in there.

The Justice League of America is comic books and cartoons.  GiveSendGo, who got the money, is a Christian Fundraising site.  And … they were raising money to investigate “voting irregularities in Minnesota’s 2020 election.”

The Child Protection League seems most concerned with “experimental vaccines”, racial quotas in schools, and critical race theory.

So, during the worst pandemic in our lifetime, Michele found a way to make charitable contributions amounting to less than $12,000 that helped nobody whatsoever.  Not one mouth was fed or one rent paid. Not one sick child got to see a doctor or one grandma got a vaccine.

She’s got $1.6 million and that’s what she does to help.

Oak-la-homa – Where The Wind Comes Sweepin’ Through Your Brain

January 27, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You’re gonna love this.


Oh yeah.  

They’ve got themselves a $2 million stockpile of a dandy malaria drug. So if malaria ever hits Arkansas, guess who is going to make a killing by jacking up their prices and selling on the border. 

The Governor, Kevin Stitt, purchased this stuff just a few days after Trump first said it cures Covid. While most people said he was just kissing up to Trump and the rightwing, the Gov defended it saying it was better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.  

The Attorney General has tried to return it to wherever they bought it and to make a long boring story short, nope. So, they are trying to sell it to some other fools. But, come to find out, there are no fools around better than Oklahoma fools.  What keeps Texas from falling into the Gulf of Mexico? Oklahoma sucks.

Thanks to AlanInAustin for the heads up.



January 27, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Written by Nick Carraway

My alter ego has published four books about baseball. The last two have been about the baseball Hall of Fame. So, imagine my surprise when my two biggest passions collided this week when Curt Schilling failed to get into the Hall of Fame. He is taking his ball and going home.

Schilling’s case for the Hall of Fame is a challenging one. He won more than 200 games and had more than 3000 strikeouts with the Phillies, Diamondbacks, and Red Sox. He also dominated in the bright lights of the playoffs.Unfortunately, he also has made a ton of news off the field primarily by being a conservative you know what.

Dozens of voters asked to be able to rescind their yes vote this year when Schilling spoke out in favor of the attack on the capitol. This brings us to an impossibly hard scenario. Proponents of Schlling correctly point out that the Hall of Fame has unrepentant racists, wife beaters, and drug users. It even has one accused of murder and one convicted of drug trafficking charges.

Yet, all of those players were selected years ago when morals and sensibilities were different. Can the current voters really be held to the standard of voters up to 80 years ago? The Hall of Fame has a character clause, but it isn’t clear whether they mean anything that happens this far off the field. Voters that pulled the lever for him knew what he was before the attack on the capitol. His support shouldn’t have been a surprise.

Schilling is taking his ball and going home. He doesn’t want to give the writers the satisfaction of saying no again. He wants the Veterans Committee to decide his fate. My guess is he gets in eventually when all of this dies down. The playing credentials definitely warrant it, but some opinions are just too toxic to overlook.



People With No Memory Except For Benghazi

January 27, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

My favorite new phenomenon is this idea that we need to “move on.”  We can’t impeach Trump because we need to move on.

What the flower-scented hell are they talking about?  How long did we spend on Benghazi? How long did we investigate and prosecute a blow job where nobody died?

Move on? And then I heard one of those senators – I can’t remember which one because they all look like a long snake biting each other’s tails – say that we have major problems in this country and we need to get about fixing them.  In a week? You think we got all these problems in a week?  Why the Lysol-scented hell do you think we have problems if you and Mr. I Can Fix It made America great again? Sneeze, you damn fool, because your brain is dusty.

And now arises out of the tulip-scent hell the idea that we liberals were so mean to Precious Donnie.  We picked on him for 4 years and ruined his life. I do not believe in physical violence but I will stomp on your toes if you say that to me. Poor rich white guy with a ten foot bully stick. How many lives did that sludge muffin ruin, or kill?  Honey, his Twitter account alone will get him a ticket to hell and with the Covid deaths he’s close to getting to Pol Pot numbers.

How quickly a bully turns victim.


Sidney Powell

January 27, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Sidney Powell, a lawyer so crazy that even Rudy Giuliani thinks she’s missing some sockets from her set, has decided to enter the exciting world of Super PACs.

Oh yeah, this is going to be fun.  Just what every conspiracy loudmouthed lawyer needs – the legal ability to raise unlimited amounts of money to push any political agenda she chooses.

And wanna know what makes this even more fun?  Her partner in the PAC is Mike Lindell, the My Pillow guy.  They decided to name their PAC www.RestoreTheRepublicPAC.Com. Go on, click it – nothing there.  I suspect they need to raise money to pay for a website.

But first they need to find somewhere to put the money when they get it.  The FEC asks that question on the application for a PAC.

Sidney says their bank is Arkansas-based Bank OZK (formerly known as Bank of the Ozarks).

That’s nice because it is a real bank and most of the time Sidney just makes stuff up.  But just when you think she’s finding a few sockets the bank speaks up.

“We have done a thorough inquiry and determined this entity has no account at Bank OZK, has no account pending, and has never had an account here. Per our established policy, the PAC is not eligible for an account with Bank OZK,” Susan Blair, executive vice president and spokeswoman for Bank OZK, said. “We have policies in place prohibiting accounts for certain entities. We don’t publicly disclose the specifics of those policies.”

Damn, Sidney, you ain’t got no account at that bank, Honey, and it doesn’t look like you’re gonna have one any time in this millennium because they’ve got secret rules against people like you which, at least in my opinion, everybody ought to.

Oh, there’s more.

The address of the Super PAC—10130 Northlake Boulevard in West Palm Beach, Florida—would appear to place it in a strip mall alongside businesses like Subway, Dunkin Donuts and Supercuts.

I wonder if Rudy Giuliani got it for her.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.


Now We’re Getting Somewhere

January 27, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Fun With Guns, Insurrection, Sedition

Yesterday the DOJ announced the arrest and charging of 3 insurrectionist leaders who planned and led the attack on the Capitol.  In an extensive 23 page indictment, 3 individuals were named, Thomas Caldwell, Donovan Crowl, and Jessica Watkins, associated with extremist groups including Oathkeepers, Proud Boys, and the Three Percenters.  The charges detailed how they forcibly entered the Capitol, assaulted officers, destroyed property, interfered with Congress, and pursued members of Congress.  One particular chilling part of the indictment describes FB messages Caldwell was receiving from co-conspirators that were actually guiding him down flights of stairs and through tunnels as he pursued fleeing members of Congress.  In messages between other co-conspirators, they even talked about “Paul” who has “the goodies in case things go bad and we need to get heavy.”  And stupidly, they put a lot of this communication and evidence of their lawbreaking up on social media for all to see.  Unbelievable.

It’s becoming very clear that the attack on the Capitol wasn’t just a demonstration that got out of hand.  The attack was planned among conspirators in multiple states in multiple extremist groups.  Their military training, radical rhetoric, and threats made it clear they intended to capture, and even kill members of Congress whom they had decided had somehow committed “treason”.  The evidence is also becoming clear that they had help from the inside of the Capitol.  Who that is, we don’t know yet, but I predict we will.

The feds must continue investigating, arresting, trying and convicting as many of these conspirators.  These extremists are gun nuts who advocate unlicensed and unregulated ownership of all firearms.  Many are convicted felons who are excluded from owning guns, by law.  Even though many of these radicals are not allowed to own guns, they can still get them through private sales and black markets, but the feds must continue pursuing these criminals and enforcing the law.  The Congress in collusion with George W, let the genie out of the bottle in 2004 when they let the Assault Weapons ban expire.  Millions of weapons of war have flooded into the market feeding the violent tendencies of extremists groups that have proliferated all over the country.  The only tool we have remaining is charging, convicting, and jailing thousands of these gun nuts who threaten our democratic republic.

This is at least a start.