Archive for October, 2020

If The Catholics Are Trying To Get Me To Like Them, They Are Going About It In The Right Way

October 21, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

First, the Pope announces that he favors civil union between gays.

“Homosexuals have a right to be part of the family,” the pontiff said in “Francesco,” a documentary about his life. “They’re children of God and have a right to a family. Nobody should be thrown out, or be made miserable because of it.”

“What we have to create is a civil union law,” he added. “That way, they are legally covered. I stood up for that.”

And then, and then …. The National Catholic Reporter steps in.



What disqualifies Barrett is the extreme moral relativism she displayed in her confirmation hearing. Not so long ago, moral relativism was the war cry of cultural conservatives, at least since then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger enounced the “dictatorship of relativism” at the last Mass before the cardinals entered the conclave of 2005 from which Ratzinger emerged as Pope Benedict XVI.

It is her bad faith in discussing the law that warrants disqualifying her. About the evils of climate change, access to health care and voter intimidation, Americans deserve better than a relativist dressed in originalist drag. The Senate should vote no on the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett.

If you have some free time this afternoon, you might want to scamper over and read the whole thing.  It’s good.


Trump End Times

October 21, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Jesus and the Crystal Ball, huh? Televangelist Pat Robertson reported on The 700 Club that he had been told by God that President Trump will be reelected… and his reelection will bring about the start of the End Times.  Okay, well, I don’t believe in the End Times but I have no doubt that something pretty much awful will happen if Trump is reelected.

I thought the End Times were brought about by the Anti-Christ and the Mark of the Beast on your forehead.  Well, Orange Trump and his his MAGA baseball caps pretty well seem to fit that.

Robertson mumbled on, “without question, Trump is going to win the election,” but it will result in widespread civil unrest, during which there will be at least two attempts to assassinate the president.

There’s the comforting thought that if the End Times come if Trump’s reelected, it’ll be better than having Trump, right?


The Mouths of First Graders

October 21, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

A few nights ago, the first grader in my life Facetimed me with a You Tube that’s the new best thing in first grade. His Dad picked him up from school and the little guy couldn’t wait to show his Dad. He cannot even watch it without howling with laughter.

My first grader does imitations of this guy imitating Donald Trump, but his imitation is interrupted with giggles.

And then this morning, one of my favorite cartoonists jumps in.



And the other cool thing in first grade? A jingle that goes like this:  “Donald Trump? Let’s kick his butt all the way to Pizza Hut.”

First grade is cool.


Now They Are Doing It By Committee

October 21, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

A new Republican billboard in Pennsylvania.



It used to be that they only misspelled their signs all on their own. Now they do it by committee.  With irony.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

Uh Oh – The Cavalry Ain’t Comin’, John

October 20, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, the NRA filed their reports and John Cornyn better not be counting on them.



You can see it for yourself and see who else is getting screwed if you click here.

I’m just sure it was more important for Wayne LaPierre to keep his girlfriend in a fancy apartment near the headquarters than help John Cornyn.  At least, I think it was.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up. 

That’s a Whole Slab of Money, Honey.

October 20, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The AP has a very cool story trying to explain what happened to all the money Trump raised to run for president this time.

We’re talking about a billion dollars.  It’s hard to spend a billion dollars, even if you do have kinky perversion about gold plated crap.

Trump bought a $10 million Super Bowl ad when he didn’t yet have a challenger. He tapped his political organization to cover exorbitant legal fees related to his impeachment. Aides made flashy displays of their newfound wealth — including a fleet of luxury vehicles purchased by Brad Parscale, his former campaign manager.

Meanwhile, a web of limited liability companies hid more than $310 million in spending from disclosure, records show.

That’s the bottom line – he doesn’t know how to spend money.  That’s why his businesses go under and his creditors are left holding an empty bag.

And that’s what we will be holding when he leaves office.

One other thing.  Thelma pointed out to me that we’re either gonna see a massive upheaval in December or a whine that just won’t quit.  So, we’re ordering shirts that say, “Shuddup, Man” printed on them as election celebration gifts.

I’m telling you the truth, it’ll be a bridge I’ll gladly cross.  He can throw as much broken glass on there as he wants, I’ll still cross it.