Archive for September, 2020

Thanks, Mike

September 23, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Mike Bloomberg just raised $16 million to erase the fines of former felons who are already registered to vote and the fines are the only thing holding them back.  That’s smart money because this effort targeted Hispanic and Black voters with fines under $1,500 – a group most likely votes and votes heavily Democratic.

In real numbers that’s about 32,000 Black and Hispanic votes that are now taken off the table.

The Bloomberg memo pointed out that the 31,790 targeted voters, including 25,548 who are Black, are nearly equivalent to the margin by which Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) won election in 2018, and about three times as big as the margin that elected Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) that same year.

Thanks, Mike.


Well, Ain’t This Just Special All The Way Around?

September 22, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There’s a special election for a Texas Senate seat in the legislature going on in north Texas.

A current Republican state legislator, Drew Springer, is running for the seat.  He lists his career as joining his father in the “financial services industry.”  Yeah, we know code words for loan shark.

So early voting has already started for this election and election day is September 29th.

Here are some other dates you might be interest in.

September 14th – Drew and his wife went to a campaign event and later that same night his wife was taken to the hospital with “unrelated symptoms and was eventually tested and diagnosed with COVID-19.”

On that same night, they notified people she had been around that she has Covid19, but …

He [Springer] did not get tested, per his doctor’s suggestion.

Dr. Pepper, maybe?  Springer adds that both he and his went into a 14 day quarantine.

Then comes September 17th –

Springer said he did go to an event on a Grayson County farm Thursday, Sept. 17, where Springer said he kept 10 to 20 feet from others during the entire event and did not shake hands or take pictures with supporters.

Hummm … but he doesn’t tell them he’s supposed to be quarantining? And I’ll bet you my best pair of pink boots that he didn’t wear a mask.  Do you wanna know why I think that’s safe bet?

Shelley Luther is also running for that seat.  Surely you remember Shelley Luther.  You can’t be wimpy around Shelley Luther.

Killing off Republicans.  Damn, y’all.


That Depends on Your Definition of Nobody

September 22, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Last night Trump announced that Corona Virus ”affects virtually nobody” except “elderly people.”

200,000 people are dead, not all of them elderly and therefore expendable, and 1,000 more a day are dying.  On the upside, Trump is already elderly so when he dies we can says that nobody died.

And can we please make the good guys at the CDC wear white hats and the political guys wear red hats?  When stuff is put online in the morning and then deleted in the evening, we need to know which side did which.

Maybe we could have something like a designated truth teller. Just one damn person in the Trump administration who tells the truth every damn time.


And This Is Why We Didn’t Ever Elect Him President

September 22, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



I used to think that all these Republicans just followed the vile and immoral Donald Trump because they were afraid of him.  They were scared of being the butt of a mean Tweet.  I used to think they were just cowards.

I had a talk last night with a really intuitive and smart person I know and I have decided I was wrong about that.

They are Trump.  Trump has given them permission to be who they are and then to hide behind their fear of him. They prefer to be seen as cowards than who they really are.

They truly like what they are doing.  They are enjoying themselves.

It is better to be seen as a coward than the rotting carcasses of men they are.

And now I’m going to get another cup of coffee.


And 0% Capable of Thinking for Herself!

September 21, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Worse ad this year so far …



Just Because You Should Know These Things

September 21, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Police in Lafourche Parish, Louisiana, got a call about suspicious activity, and upon arriving arriving at the location arrested 24 year old Justin Savoie.

Officers discovered marijuana and drug paraphernalia inside the residence, as well as several guns and a homemade silencer inside Savoie’s truck, parked outside.

But the reason that Justin is getting his name in the newspaper wasn’t because of the weed or the guns found inside the house.  No, sireee.

During a strip each at the jail, hold your breath here now, “he was caught concealing a loaded pistol in his buttock.”

They didn’t say where in his buttocks and to be honest I don’t want to think about it too much for fear of shorting out my brain.  It was a .25 caliber pistol that’s 4.3 inches long and had a 2.5 inch barrel.  And oh dear God in heaven above, it was loaded.

The only reason I’m telling you this is that when you get depressed over how crazy and stupid our government is, please take comfort that in the deep south, there’s always going to be a guy who is crazier and dumber.

He was sentenced to 90 days in jail last Friday and a three year suspended sentence.

His greater punishment will be that he’s 24 years old and for the rest of his life he will be known as “Ole 25 Caliber Butthole.”

Thanks to S Gray for the heads up.