The Texas Bar Association president said something racist online last week and everybody is having a fit.
ON EDIT: I forgot to tell you. He has been president of the Texas Bar for three weeks. Quick work!
He lives in my town. Oh yeah, he’s a former cop and a criminal defense lawyer, but mostly a former cop. He’s as rightwing as you can be without falling off the coast of South Carolina no matter where you live.
His name is Larry McDougal and he advertises his face on billboards and in the local newspaper.
Now I have a question. You have a guy who votes Republican, used to be a cop, and then goes out of his way to look like Boss Hogg, I mean, gets the same hat and obnoxious tie and then you act like he’s some kind of dude all behind criminal justice reform. No. You should have seen that coming a mile off.
Now, here’s what he did last week. He went on a local rightwing (and generally mean and incorrect blog) to offer his unrequested opinion on whether or not the woman in the picture was violating election law with that teeshirt.
Click here to open full size.
Well, he’s damn wrong. Here’s the pertinent question: If one party is associated with black lives matter, which party is the one who believes black lives don’t matter?
Instead of telling you the names of lawyers and law associations who condemned his statement, it would be easier to tell you who supported him: no one.
Some enterprising lawyers started looking through his Facebook page and found, among other things, this.
McDougal issued a statement saying he meant no harm and that he’d changed his mind about Black Lives Matter since 2015. However, after searching Facebook, there was no evidence of when or where that had happened. And, to show how sincere he is about it, he’s gonna form a task force to look into ways to be the State Bar could be more inclusive to minority lawyers – not just African American lawyers, but all minority lawyers. If you break the code, I think he just said All Lives Matter.
A damn Task Force. Honey, we are about a decade beyond a damn task force.
And finally, another of his Facebook posts. See what I mean about him being more cop than lawyer?
He needs to resign.