Archive for June, 2020

Here Ya Go!

June 01, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Click here to hear some of Trump’s crazy time not perfect phone call.  I haven’t heard it yet, but I wanted to give you heads-up.

And then you can listen and watch Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo on CNN.  The man can roll his eyes. I have heard this one and you’ll understand why Acevedo was able to march with the demonstrators in Houston.  You’ll enjoy.  Trump won’t.


So, Let’s Rewind WWII

June 01, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



Okay, okay, I retract my previous statement. This is how you know he’s lost IT.

How exactly do you pick anti-fascists out of a crowd?  I’m anti-fascist. Really guys, you don’t need  to send the 101st to get me.  At least not all of them.

Why, oh Sweet Jesus, are they more worried about the destruction than about the murder of citizens at the hands of police?



Thank you, Sweet Jesus.


Postcards From the Bunker

June 01, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trump had a  teleconference with governors, law enforcement, and national security officials and little spittle things started foaming at the sides of his mouth.



Oh yeah, he wants blood. He wants human sacrifice on the alter of some damn glittery flashing neon TRUMP sign.  He wants our children killing our children.

Trump was described by one person on the call as “losing it,” with another saying the president called the governors “fools” and expressed anger with Democratic mayors in particular over the protests and unrest ravaging cities nationwide.

How would you know that Trump’s “losing it?” Seriously, what’s the difference? Hell, I don’t even what what ‘it” is any more.  This guy is totally out of whack.

It’s reported that Trump seemed obsessed with “antifa,” without understanding what it is.  He also claimed to have “intelligence showing” who the “bad actors” and professional instigators are but didn’t know who, what , when, where, how, or what the hell.  I suspect it’s the same place where he claims to have proof that President Obama was born in Kenya.

Trump also asked states to enact laws against flag burning in what the source described as “a rant.”  Did you see any flag burning?  I did not. I guess that only happened in the bunker.

Best I can figure, he’s not calling for reconciliation, coming together, protecting the constitution, or appearing outdoors.  Best I can figure, he’s a little whipped dog asking her puppies to go protect her.


Bunker Boy

June 01, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



For the first time since 1889, the lights at the White House were turned off like it’s Halloween and they ran out of Snickers.

He’s a coward.

An outstanding ad from the Lincoln Project.  One minute of your time.


A Thousand Words

June 01, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Coronavirus, Corruption, Police Brutality

If there was any one photo that spoke a thousand words of Trump’s infestation, it is this one:

During the demonstrations at the WH gate, all the lights were turned off as Trump hid in his bunker, not knowing what to do or say.