Monday Morning Kickstarter
From a former student of Deb T. –
From a former student of Deb T. –
In these days of a deadly virus, the US economy tanking, leadership change in an unstable nuclear power, and threats of international terrorism, it’s so great to know that Senator Ted Cruz knows where our attention needs to be: China totally screwed up the movie Bohemian Rhapsody by making Freddie Mercury totally not gay enough.
And he appeared to be sober. Stoned maybe because that’s hard to tell, but sober.
“One of your bills is called the Script Act,” Fox News host Maria Bartiromo announced. “[Chinese officials] have really bullied Hollywood and Hollywood producers roll over about it. You’ve mentioned a couple of films before Top Gun, Bohemian Rhapsody.
“It really is tragic that Hollywood has been willing to, over and over again, to kowtow to Chinese communists and let the Chinese government censor American movies,” Cruz opined.
Cruz says that Hollywood allows China to edit their movies. Seriously.
The, being as cute as cute can be, I mean even cuter than reading “I Do Not Like Green Eggs and Ham” on the senate floor, Cruz mocks Maverick, a leading character in Top Gun.
Referring to a character in Top Gun, the senator complained: “We’re saying Maverick is afraid of the damn Chinese communists.”
No, Senator, we’re not saying that. You are saying that and you look like a damn fool.
And then he goes off on Freddie Mercury being not-gay-enough in the Chinese version of the movie.
They did it because the Chinese government didn’t want to acknowledge that Freddy Mercury was homosexual. Look, that’s a huge part of the story!”
“The problem is Hollywood is more interested in making millions of dollars from the Chinese market than they are in free speech, than they are in artistic integrity,” the senator added.
Well, butter my butt and call me a biscuit – Ted Cruz defending homosexuality as “artistic integrity” – two words when he doesn’t know the meaning of either.
Hell, Ted, 90% of your supporters don’t want to acknowledge homosexuality at all. Are you afraid of those damn American terrorists?
Cruz shivers up and down my spine almost daily. Sometimes I have serious doubts that he and I are in the same species.
Thanks to SGray for the heads up.
Thanks to Kary for the heads up.