Archive for July, 2019

I Love Yew, Texas UPDATED

July 03, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Texas Legislature is the only governmental body on earth that could accidentally legalize pot.

Oh yeah.  They did.



You can read the whole story right about here.  Here’s the short story: Texas redefined hemp this year so that it can be a legal crop.  However, in doing so they made it damn near impossible to determine what is legal or illegal amounts of THC in said hemp.  It can be done, but the only known machine that can do it costs almost half a million dollars.

Already we are spending close what it costs to land on Boardwalk with two hotels to prosecute marijuana users and even more to “rehabilitate” them for using a product that’s legal in ten states and medically legal in 33.

So, now Texas DA’s – especially those in large cities – are saying they are not going to prosecute cases that will be overturned on appeal.

The Texas legislature meets every two years so for the next two years, it’s Cheech and Chong time in Texas, thanks to a bunch of legislators who were probably high or drunk when they wrote the bill.

UPDATE: and it’s spreading …


Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.

How Appropriate…

July 03, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

From one of our readers’ suggestions:

July 4th Preview Toons

July 03, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized














Tacky Comes to the 4th of July

July 02, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

Trump’s takeover of the 4th of July is complete.  The Park Service is having to shift millions of dollars over from other projects to accommodate his Miss America style display, and he’s taken over the Mall for himself.  He’s going to hold a political rally on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, take the entire area around the reflecting pool in front of the memorial for his high dollar donors, and use US military personnel as props for his cheesy Salute to America Twitterfingers’ Tiny Hands.  He’s going to park tanks on the mall, move the picnic honoring military families away from the South Lawn of the WH to the Mall, bring the Blue Angels back from holiday leave to do a fly over of the Mall, and, of course use Air Force One as his own.

He’s moved the fireworks down to Potomac Park and made it larger than the Bicentennial display in 1976 using private donations.  Even worse, the Smithsonians’ Folk Life Festival, a 10 day celebration that has been held over the 4th for over 50 years was cut down to 2 days, and ended this weekend.  It was shortened because Trump’s idiotic government shutdown over the holidays  caused planning to be also shut down making it impossible to hold the entire event.  Thanks for nothing, Donnie.  And, all of this will likely cost well over $100 million before he’s finished.  All we need are banners of Trump’s likeness carried by young MAGA sycophants goose stepping down Constitution Ave.

Two bright spots are planned, though…first, the Trump Baby blimp has been approved to fly over the event, and several veterans organizations will be handing out USS John McCain t shirts for vets to wear

I cannot describe in words how much I despise this worthless thing who inflicts himself on the American people 24/7.  He’s stolen our culture, our elections, our economy, our soul, our history, our traditions, common decency, and now even our national holiday to honor – himself.

Fuck him.  There.  I said it.


Trump Is A Big Fat Twinkling LOSER

July 02, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Los Angeles Times



It will come as no surprise to you that Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross says he disagrees with the Supreme Court decision but that … you know, the census forms have already been printed.  As they were two weeks ago when Trump said he was going to fight the Supreme Court decision.

I heard a good idea today at lunch.  Every time Trump calls the media “fake news,” they should all shout back, “fake president.”



July 02, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I dunno.  Maybe they’s asking him to reinforce the bridges to DeeCee so Trump’s tanks can get there by Thursday.

Or maybe Kim called Trump a dotard again.



Okay, 30 minutes later —



Any guesses what that would be?

I’m headed out for a lunch date.  Be back in a couple of hours.  Y’all make sure nothing crazy is going on.

Back from lunch and all’s quiet.  We may never know what happened but I suspect it had something to do with IQ points and how well organized this government is.