Archive for April, 2019

Holy Cow, Mueller Punched Barr

April 30, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

i just got home and the news is saying that Mueller wrote a letter critical of Bill Barr’s summary.   And, by gawd, he sent it to Barr.  And Barr sat before congress and swore under oath that he had not heard from Mueller.

Holy damn cow.  How the fresh daily prepared prepackaged oatmeal did Barr think he was going to get away with this?

Hey, a memory from Deb T.



Meet you here for more congressional testimony tomorrow morning.


Trump Gets His Wall. Israel Pays For It.

April 30, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Not to worry, though. It’s a great tribute to a guy who called Nazi’s “very fine people.”

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

This is a Promise

April 30, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So Trump and his children are pretty damn upset about the congressional subpoena to Deutsche Bank and Capital One. They are so upset that they are …. suing!

Instead of pointing a finger, giggling, and asking, “what ya scared of, Donnie?” Chairman Adam Schiff took it seriously. I have no idea why.

“As a private businessman, Trump routinely used his well-known litigiousness and the threat of lawsuits to intimidate others, but he will find that Congress will not be deterred from carrying out its constitutional responsibilities,” the statement said.

Congress has a few lawyers of their own, Trump, and haven’t all of yours gone to jail?

I can promise you that’s there’s something kinky going on with Deutsche Bank.  Promise.


Women, Trump. They Are Women.

April 30, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so the Baylor Lady Bears Basketball Team just won the National Championship.  They were forced to go to the White House.



You can see how thrilled they were.

Trump, true to the classy Trump Whitehouse, fed them a “buffet of fast food.”  Even Fox News was not impressed.

But, the question I have is, “Why is indicted felon Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton in the picture?  (Second from the left, back row)  Don’t they know he steals stuff?  I bet they had to grab him by his heels and shake him over the side of the Truman balcony on his way out to retrieve all the stuff he stole.  In fact, Thelma says that’s why they served fast food – they didn’t want Ken stealing all the silverware.

For more hysterical pictures, visit here to check the comments.

Thanks to Mark in Austin for the heads up.


April 29, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein submitted his resignation letter today and in the letter he wrote something weird:



A deputy attorney general should not be having “personal conversations” with the president.  Ever.

His resignation letter is oddly defensive.  I dunno, y’all. Is he trying to send a secret message like hostages do?

I dunno, maybe he’s just being a jerk … again.


In Case You Were Wondering —

April 29, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



Does anybody know if the Dollar Tree reports their sells to the New York Times bestseller list?