Archive for February, 2019

Just What We Needed!

February 13, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, okay, don’t get too excited because he did pay for it himself.  However, you can bet he didn’t. You can bet that somebody paid for it for him. You know, like a gift from Sheldon Adelson or something.

But, here’s the deal.  Trump bought himself a new toy for $50,000.  It’s a super duper deluxe fancypants golf simulator.  And he needed it because he was running out of things to do during his Executive Time.

They pretty much figure that this is the one he bought.  They say it takes about an hour and half to play a round of golf on your own using this toy.

He had it installed in their private living quarters so nobody would know how much he’s playing golf or kissing the teevee screen when Sean Hannity comes on.

Thanks to Jaime for the heads up.


The Art of the Deal?

February 13, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The New York Times.

President Trump declared that he was “not happy” about the bipartisan compromise on border security, but said he did not think the government would shut down on Friday. The deal includes just $1.375 billion for new fencing along the U.S.-Mexico border, much less than in the proposal he rejected in December.

So he’s getting less than he would have gotten if he’d approved the first deal?

He’s getting 55 miles of fencing, which is just a tad shy of the 1,000 miles of a wall that he proposed.

And who is Trump blaming?  Even I couldn’t have come up with this one.

A few weeks ago, in a meeting with restrictionist immigration group leaders, Mr. Trump faulted former Speaker Paul D. Ryan, a fellow Republican, for repeatedly deferring action on the wall, with promises of doing it down the road. “Now he’s out fishing!” Mr. Trump declared, according to an attendee.

Paul Ryan? You mean the guy that had Nancy Pelosi’s job?  Remember that guy?  Yeah, blame him.


Bookmark This Sucker

February 13, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

CNN has done a very cool project that compares what the Trump administration has said before and now about the Russian investigation.

Take a look.

They have both the flip and flop.  It is amazing to me that everybody in America has a short term memory problem.  Trump can contradict himself in the same speech and they don’t notice.

Thanks to Epp for the heads up.

OutSmart Time

February 12, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



And You Thought Tiffany Bowl Was An Adult Film Star and Trump Buddy

February 12, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It is reported that Trump spent $107 million dollars on his poorly attended inauguration.  Among the other outrageous expenses, $130 thousand of that went for Tiffany Salad Bowls given to one million dollar donors.

There’s one on Ebay from the Bush inaugural asking $200 and nobody seems interested.  It’s a salad bowl. You eat salad from it. You do not make salad in it. It’s too little.

They sell at Tiffany’s for $135.  Spend another $20 for the Presidential seal to be stamped on it and Voila! the cheapest piece of crap you ever spent $1 million for.

Okay, so then you have to wonder how many people gave $1 million.  Let’s say 50 people, which is probably triple those who did but we’re being generous here. And then let’s pretend that everybody at their table of 8 for dinner with Trump got one. That’s $1,200. The grand total comes to $60,000.  Somebody somewhere got paid a helluva commission.  In fact, it’s more commission than bowls.

Now, I know I picked on one little thing. But if they will skim off the little crap, how much more are they skimming off the big crap?

I dunno about you, but when I donate a million bucks, I expect a whole place setting.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen who gave me whole Dairy Queen place setting with the purchase of a Hunger Buster.



In the Age of Trump, Normal People are Stepping Up

February 12, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election

Know-nothing conservatives have brought their ignorant, hateful, anti-science, anti-common sense, and racist rotten core to the center of American politics, culminating in the shocking election of the worst president in US history, Donald Trump in 2016.  To cling to power, they have sold out their fellow Americans and aided enemies like Russia and North Korea to do his bidding.  They’ve amplified Trump’s lies and horrible, hateful rhetoric, and Christians who support him oddly cite the religion they’ve betrayed to justify their corruption.

If anything good comes from this long national nightmare, it’s that good, patriot Americans who hold actual American values are stepping up.  2018 was a great example, with Dems retaking the House and hundreds of women taking leadership roles all over the country.  Normal people are saying that enough is enough, and today, another normal person, who is also a hero, has done the same.  Astronaut Mark Kelly has announced his run for the US Senate from Arizona.  This is a person of high integrity, honesty, and bravery who stepped into the breach after his wife, Gabby Giffords, had her political career cut short by senseless, easily preventable gun violence.  Here’s a guy we can get behind.

Keep a box of tissues handy.