Archive for February, 2019

What The Hell Kind Of Parties Do They Have in Virginia? UPDATED

February 06, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, seriously.

Virginia sank deeper into political turmoil Wednesday when another top Democrat — Attorney General Mark Herring — admitted putting on blackface in the 1980s, when he was a college student.

With Gov. Ralph Northam’s career in peril over a racist photo in his 1984 medical school yearbook, Herring issued a statement saying he wore brown makeup and a wig in 1980 to look like a rapper during a party as a 19-year-old at the University of Virginia.

These events were in the 80’s.  They full-well knew better.

They both need to step down and let there be a special election.

Okay, now it’s the Lt. Governor.  He has been accused of sexually assaulting a woman.  However, this alone is all the proof I need that he’s gotta go —



If he did indeed say that, he can join his racist buddies.


Just In Case You Need a List

February 06, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Washington Post has come out with a list of “30 Dubious Claims” in Trump’s speech last night.

They did not, however, include his claim that he’s President or the one where he said the word “comity.”  He cannot say the word comity. It should not be able to come out of his mouth.



El Paso is Piiiiissed

February 06, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Holy cow, El Paso is pissed.  Trump lauded “the wall” in El Paso by saying that El Paso had been known as one of the least safe cities in America before the wall and how the wall fixed all that.

Nope. Did. Not. Happen.

Here’s you a handy chart that explains that the wall (which really isn’t a wall) was built in 2008 and crime went up after that.



Between 1993 and 2006, the number of violent crimes fell by more than 34 percent and less than 2,700 violent crimes were reported.

The border fence was authorized by Bush in 2006, but construction did not start until 2008.

From 2006 to 2011 — two years before the fence was built to two years after — the number of recorded violent crimes in El Paso increased by 17 percent.

El Paso does not deserve this crap.

Nobody deserves this crap.


Because It Can’t Wait Till Friday

February 06, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



And, I just want to say that Nancy’s clapping was the best thing I’ve seen so far this year.



February 05, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I am half way to Austin for a long planned political fundraiser so I will miss the SOTU STFU speech.

Please feel free to discuss here and I’ll catch up at the bar afterwards.


Satire / Not Satire

February 05, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It’s getting harder and harder to decide if something is satire or not.  So, when I saw this headline, I expected some dandy satire to follow.



Howard Schultz would like me to stop calling him a billionaire because – get this – I am not a billionaire.  Schultz feels that only billionaires can call other billionaires … billionaire.  You know, kinda like the n-word.  He wants me to call him “a person of means” or “a person of wealth.”

I think he ought to be really thrilled that I don’t call him a robber baron or a dragon guarding his hoard of gold.

Surely this is satire so I kept reading.  And then there’s a recording. Surely Schultz was being satirical.  Until I realized that Schultz has no sense of humor.  But, to his credit he’s filled with whacko.



Schultz thinks I’ll be proud that he’s not “beholding” to either party.  After his horror at the suggestion that rich people be taxed at a higher percentage, we all clearly know who he is beholding to – but he doesn’t want us to say billionaire, so, you know, problem solved.

Honey, if you want to “walk in the shoes of the American people” you’re gonna need to get rid of billions of dollars.