Archive for December, 2018

This Has Simply Got to Stop

December 14, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Border Catastrophe

A 7 year-old girl died in Border Patrol detention yesterday, apparently from dehydration and hunger.  This tragedy came to light almost immediately after a story reported by NPR revealed that 15,000 immigrant kids are being held in detention and that facilities are full.  What we are witnessing live on national television and on the net is nothing short of massive crimes against humanity by a lawless administration while invertebrate Republicans in control Congress do NOTHING to stop this continuing violation of US and international human rights laws.

I’ve had just about enough of this shit which goes virtually unnoticed, buried in the blizzard of reality television tweets and the outrageous lies spewing from Trump’s mouth in continuous volcanic eruptions.  While he lies to cover up felonies committed by himself and his cronies, our government, along with our society, is dying from this cancer that is being negligently allowed to metastasize and threaten our very survival.

It’s long past time for the Congress to get off its collective ass and do its goddam job.  I have no hope for the Senate, at least yet, but the House Dems, led by Nancy Pelosi, can at least throw out an anchor to slow our careening government from slamming into Trump’s giant wall (not the one on the border, but the one of lies he’s constructed in DC).

Enough is enough.

Newt: For When the Bottom of the Barrel Isn’t Deep Enough

December 13, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, there’s Newt. Oh, good Lord, just when you think it can’t get worse, there’s always Newt.



Mr. Impeachment?  Newt Gingrich?

Hey, maybe he could bring along Tom DeLay, Bob Livingston, wife 1 or 2, that look down his nose at Bill Cinton’s sex life, and his once last desperate chance at relevance.

I mean, the more Trump talks about a government shutdown, the more Newt Gingrich feels comfortable.

I’ve had a touch of whatever-that-is-that’s-going-around so I ran out and got a medical alert bracelet just in case.



Thanks to everybody for the heads up.


Oh Those Nice Baptists

December 12, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Houston’s First Baptist Church is an enormous joint.  Just look at their staff.

So no wonder it took them so long to discover the one of their ministers swiped at least $800,000 from them.

Prosecutors say Altic allegedly spent the stolen funds on overseas trips with his family, groceries and to pay for his doctorate in divinity from Lancaster Bible College.

They added that he stole the money in a number of ways, including forged payments authorizations.

I guess the other ministers thought manna from heaven was falling on their colleague.

Tuesday afternoon, his attorney said he has learned his lesson: “He’s actually met with the church and he’s asked for forgiveness.” said James Alston, Altic’s attorney.

The church says their insurance will pay $500,000 of it.  You mean they have insurance for this kind of thing in the Baptist church? And that donors say they will make up the rest.

When it takes you this long to discover their theft, you have too much money.

Thanks to SGray for the heads up.

Do Your Homework, Kids

December 12, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Republicans and other creatures of the night are not fond of the $15 an hour minimum wage.

So the House Education and the Workforce Committee was schedule to hold a hearing today on the economic evils of raising the minimum wage.  They had everything all ready and set to go, along with your usual chicken littles to scream how small business people will be hurt.  You’d think they’d learn that nothing trickles down but everything bubbles up.  But, no they don’t ever learn.

The hearing was suddenly cancelled and I know you’re anxious to know why.

The House Education and the Workforce Committee postponed a hearing scheduled for today on the economic consequences of a $15 hourly minimum wage after homophobic and sexist blog posts surfaced that were penned by one of the Republican witnesses, San Diego State University economist Joseph Sabia. In a 2002 post published on his personal column “No Shades of Gray” (which has since been taken down but can be accessed through the Wayback Machine, an internet archive) Sabia suggested the idea to “tax and regulate homosexual acts.”

In another 2002 blog post titled “College Girls: Unpaid Whores,” Sabia argued that feminism “taught young women that equality is achieved by acting like promiscuous sluts.” Kelley McNabb, communications director for the committee’s majority confirmed to POLITICO that “members were uncomfortable moving forward on the hearing” upon discovering the posts.

“Uncomfortable,” you say?

Thanks to Phyllis for the heads up.


December 12, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So, Cohen gets three years in prison. That’s less than a black man with marijuana but more than a Baylor frat boy who pleads guilty to raping a coed.

Sounds about right.

This is caca del toro.


Oh Nancy, Gurl – Thank You

December 12, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Nancy Pelosi went to the White House and walked out with Trump’s pecker in her pocket.  Best I can tell, she’s gonna stuff it, mount it, hang it over her fireplace, open her house for the home tour, and then call for a vote for Speaker of the House.

Because questioning his manhood wasn’t enough, she went for gold by calling it a tickle (damn spell check – tinkle) contest with a skunk.  She has learned how easy it is to bait him.


Thanks to Kary for the cool picture.