Archive for December, 2018

Please ‘Splain

December 18, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There’s many things in this world that I don’t understand. Many. As far as I’m concerned teevee is a miracle and there is no understanding it.  You just turn it on and thank smart people.

So, I’m looking for some smart people to ‘splain to me this: Michael Flynn is a genuine Bond villain. All the man needs a white cat and a guy with a bowler hat.  Unless, of course, there’s a plot twist and Michael Flynn is not the villain, but (whisper) his son is, and Flynn is like Solo coming to terms with Kylo Ren.

Okay, okay, see I don’t get it. How come Flynn, who is like mega dangerous and admits to lying to the FBI, walks away free and Martha Stewart goes to jail. It’s a crazy world, y’all. Somethin’ ain’t right here.

Does anybody have a handle on this thing?


Note To Comey

December 17, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Dear Mr. Comey,

Please allow me to explain to you why Republicans are silent when it comes to allowing the FBI to do its job. And why they are beating you over the head with a stick.

They know it’s just a matter of time until the FBI uncovers their crimes.

You’re welcome.

Juanita Jean Herownself


Sarah Sanders, Please Allow Me to Introduce You to Truth

December 17, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So, Sarah Huckybooboo Sanders says she wants to be remembered as “transparent and honest.”  Yeah well, I want to be remembered as the VaVoom Queen of Indianapolis Roller Derby but that ain’t happening neither, mainly because it never happened.

Raw Story did a compilation of The 6 Most Egregious Lies of Sarah Sanders.  Honey, I think we need to give a Pulitzer Prize to whoever narrowed it down to six.

My three favorites are the attack on Barack Obama for not doing as much as Donald Trump for black people, Trump didn’t know about the payment to Stormy Daniels, and the parent/child separation at the border.

You’re gonna have your favorites, too.

Thanks to S Gray for the heads up.

For Those Of You Keeping Score

December 17, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I think the Mueller investigation needs to stay put for another ten years or so.

This sucker is making money for the taxpayers.

Though the investigation comes with a hefty price tag ($25 million so far), it may have actually paid for its own investigation, with its probe leading to monetary estimated gains of up to $48 million for the government through the tax evasion the investigation has revealed.

Also during that time, Mueller has filed over 100 criminal charges.

Let’s see … what’s the opposite of expensive witch hunt?

Thanks to Deb T for the heads up.

Guaranteed Court Tested

December 17, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I cannot swear or attest to this for a fact, but I am told this is English.  There are even those who say that it was written by an adult.


So now Saturday Night Live does not have First Amendment protection?  And Trump wants to sue them for what? Making fun of him?

Bigger question yet: how does he know they are a spin machine if he doesn’t watch the show, which he swears he doesn’t.  Is stuff leaking in under his tin foil hat?

It has long been my opinion that what makes Republicans different is their total and complete lack of a sense of humor.  Seriously, they have had humorectomies.  Name me one funny Republican. See?  Okay, so Roseanne Barr.  No. And here’s why. Political humor is the powerless poking the powerful. Republicans make fun of the powerless and that’s not funny. It’s mean and hateful.

More importantly, have you ever heard of a Republican who could make fun of themselves?  Oh hell no.

There’s my soap box.  I still don’t think that’s English in his tweet.


The Nazi with the Dead Eyes (and Spray-On Hair)

December 17, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Alt-Right Racists, Border Catastrophe, Gleeful Cruelty and Dickishness, Trumpists

Stephen Miller, Trump’s in-house Nazi who is orchestrating the gleeful cruelty and dickishness of this president’s immigration policy idiocy, was on Face the Nation yesterday.  I responded to his appearance by using my normal coping mechanism of turning off the sound when one of Trump’s toads is spewing BS on national television; but, in the silence I noticed  that this guy looks different than usual – he had hair on his normally Gollum-bald pate.  Sure enough, looking closer, it appeared that Miller had suddenly grown a hair line; the problem with that hair line is that it was…wait for it…sprayed on.  I went to my usual source for research (Twitter) and it had already lit up with the same observation that indeed Miller had sprayed on a new hairline.  Here’s a before and after pic:

Best line in many tweets following Miller’s appearance was “I did Nazi that coming!”  Which was entertaining and almost worth the price of witnessing this creature polluting the national airwaves with his hate.