Folks around the shop know that I am a big fan of conspiracy theories. I subscribe to the History Channel and have a short wave radio just to keep up with where the aliens are and if Elvis has died yet. I was the happiest person in Texas during Jade Helm. That was a very dandy bundle of crazy.
Customer K sent me one this morning. It starts off like this. Out in New Mexico there’s all sorts of things looking at the stars because they have stars in New Mexico. They also have Area 51, White Sands, and a couple of Air Force bases. They also have ….
The Sunspot Observatory is temporarily closed due to a security issue at the facility that’s located 17 miles south of Cloudcroft in the Sacramento Mountains Friday, an Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA) spokeswoman Shari Lifson said.
The Sunspot Observatory is a place where they … uh, observe the sun. They shut that sucker down for “security reasons” and ain’t telling anybody anything. And the FBI and Blackhawk helicopters were involved. Isn’t that cool?
The local sheriff was called and asked to “stand by” but they wouldn’t tell him for what. Isn’t stand by kinda what local sheriffs do all the time? Why would he need a special request unless it’s something, you know, weird.
In fact, the sheriff said …
He said he has a lot of unanswered question about what occurred at Sunspot. “But for the FBI to get involved that quick and be so secretive about it, there was a lot of stuff going on up there,” House said. “There was a Blackhawk helicopter, a bunch of people around antennas and work crews on towers but nobody would tell us anything.”
Now there’s a helluva start.
But it gets weirder.
They also evacuated a local post office and shut it down. Nobody’s talking, but people keep saying they are responding to authorities but don’t know who the authorities are. I admit, if some guy shows up in a Blackhawk and tells me to get the hell outta Dodge, I’m pretty apt to go without asking for identification.
The postal service spokesman said …
U.S. Postal Service spokesman Rod Spurgeon called the situation “strange” after authorities walked into the nearby post office without warning and told the clerk to evacuate.
However, another star gazing facility a mile away wasn’t shut down and has no idea what’s going on.
The observatory’s website said it’s closed “due to unforeseen circumstances.”
Latest report?
[Sheriff] House said they didn’t get any more answers at the observatory, but staff members told deputies the FBI had been there.
“Nobody would give us any information on what was going on,” House said, before the phone call cut out and repeated attempts to reach him again were unsuccessful.
Thanks to K for lunchtime entertainment.