Archive for July, 2018

So Many High People

July 18, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



Y’all, I have never been prouder of my double digit IQ.

Thanks to SGray for the heads up.

Are There Pee-Pee Tapes of Louie?

July 18, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh, y’all, Louie is sucking the exhaust fumes from Donald Trump’s descent.

Prepare yourself:

Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert admitted Russian interference in presidential elections is a problem, but it has been happening before the election of President Donald Trump.

The Texas Rep. said he appreciated Democrats’ concerns about Russian interference in elections.

“It’s been going on for 70 years,” he said. “It helped Truman get elected in ’48. Eisenhower called the Russians on it in ’56 and manipulation there.”

The only specific incidents he knows where it happened is when Democrats won.  Of course he has no evidence or any quote of when Ike “called the Russians on it.”

There’s more.

Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev bragged about throwing the election to President John F. Kennedy in 1960 and Russia helped Jimmy Carter’s election in 1976, Gohmert said.

First of all, let me make this clear: Bygawd, Lyndon Johnson didn’t need help from no damn Commies to throw this election to Kennedy.  He got everything he needed from stuffing election boxes in south Texas.

There’s more.  Louie puffed himself up and made this all a Democratic scam.

  “So I am thrilled that we are going to get help across the aisle to get to the Russian input stopped,” he said.

Okay, Louie, I will make a $500 contribution to the charity of your choice or the Gohmert School for Wayward Women if you offer me proof that you have ever spoken about the dangers of Russians interfering in our elections even one damn time while you’ve been in Congress for 13 years.

Louie, you knew all this and you said nothing?  Have you been hanging out with Maria Butina?  You are a bad boy. Did she give you spankings?

Thanks to Steve for the heads up.

Mnuchin: Dark Money in Politics? No Problem.

July 18, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Dark Money

Steve Mnuchin’s Treasury Department announced on Monday that political advocacy groups like the NRA no longer need to report the sources of their money to the IRS.  This policy undoes a decades old regulation that shined a light on political non-profits and the source of their money.  Mnuchin said,

“Americans shouldn’t be required to send the IRS information that it doesn’t need to effectively enforce our tax laws, and the IRS simply does not need tax returns with donor names and addresses to do its job in this area.”

There is a place for anger, and THIS is it.


And While We were Watching the Russian Train Wreck…

July 18, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Healthcare, Judiciary, Trump

While were watching Trump’s disgraceful performance in Helsinki on Monday, Trevor McFadden, a Trump appointee to the the DC Circuit Court, handed religious fanatics a huge victory by ruling in Trump’s favor for his shift in Health and Human Services spending.  The new policy is shifting up to $260 million per year in federal grants from reproductive health programs such as birth control to faith based organizations that teach abstinence only.  In the ruling, McFadden said, “courts cannot review substantive objections to a non-final agency action, nor can they require formal rulemaking for a change in agency procedure.”  Essentially McFadden, a long time member of the ultra-conservative Federalist society, said that the courts, who are supposed to be a check over legislative and executive authority, don’t have the jurisdiction to do just that.

The effect of this ruling is that, once again, like under Bush II, federal dollars for healthcare are being drained and sent to churches and other religious organizations.

Reading the Hostage Statement

July 17, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If you think that Trump read his Prisoner of Putin statement exactly as it was written by John Kelly, you are sadly mistaken.

Trump did some freelance editing.  For example, he took out the statement “Anyone involved in that meddling to justice.”  He also made some adds about No Collusion.

There’s photographic proof at the Washington Post.



Gilbert & Sullivan Describe Trump

July 17, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

From one of our readers, not to be missed:

Accolades to fierywoman.