Archive for July, 2018

Please Let Me Make You Smile

July 24, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The University of Virginia’s Center for Politics has a new poll out.

Here’s a glimpse:

— Democrats are now a little better than 50-50 to win the House. This is the first time this cycle we’ve gone beyond 50-50 odds on a House turnover.

— We’re making 17 House ratings changes this week, all in favor of the Democrats.

— One of those comes in OH-12, where the last nationally-watched special House election is taking place in a couple of weeks.

Numbers and details are here.

Don’t get smug. Now is the time to double down.


The Continuing Saga of Farenthold Karma

July 24, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Sexually disgraced former Texas Republican congressman, Blake Farenthold, must have bit the karma fairy on the butt at some point because that ole gal is dishing it out at him.  

As you recall, after Farenthold left congress with his head hung lower than a snake’s belly, he was suddenly offered a job by the governmental body called The Calhoun Port Authority in Port Lavaca, Texas, at a startling salary of $160,000+ a year which is pretty good money considering that his job did not require actual, you  know, work.  

Plus, a job like Farenthold got at the Port Authority requires a public hearing.  Hell, there wasn’t even a private hearing. There was just a hiring.

So, the local newspaper (God bless ’em!) filed a lawsuit to see any information or records concerning Farenthold’s hiring.  They also asked to take Farenthold’s deposition in the lawsuit.

The Port Authority hired a $400 an hour lawyer at public expense to keep the public from seeing their records and to keep Farenthold from having to testify.

Farenthold’s lawyer replied that the lawsuit’s request for his testimony were “overly broad” and “unduly burdensome.”

Oddly enough, the words “overly broad” and “unduly burdensome” are the two most perfect phrases to describe Farenthold himself.

The judge ruled yesterday.  He said that Farenthold has to testify.

The Karma Fairy was seen over in the corner, giggling herself silly.

Thanks to El Jefe for the heads up.  

The We Didn’t Know Defense

July 23, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Georgia Republican state representative Jason Spencer (you’re already cringing, aren’t you?) might be a name you remember from the past.

Spencer is the tinker toy brained dude who issued threats of violence against anybody who threatened to remove Confederate monuments on the grounds of the state capitol.

“People in South Georgia are people of action, not drama.”

He then writes, “They will go missing in the Okefenokee. Too many necks, they are red around here. Don’t say I didn’t warn you about ’em.”

He later apologized for it. But, not for being dumb.

Last year he introduced legislation aimed at Muslim women, saying they could not cover their faces in public.

Now here is the part where I tell you that even if we impeach Donald Trump, we are still gonna share the same country with guys like Spencer. That makes my head hurt.

But, there is a small measure of justice.

Spencer got Boratted.  Sasha Boren Cohen visited Spencer in Georgia.

Cohen convinced Spencer to scream the “N” word over and over, asked him to pretend to be a Chinese tourist and got him to bare his buttocks and chase him while screaming “I’ll touch you. I’ll make you a homosexual. Drop that gun! U.S.A! U.S.A!”

You can see the video here.  And while everybody in Georgia is acting shocked, shocked I tell you, that Spencer would behave this way because they never expected something like this from a known homophobic racist guy in Georgia.  Never expected it and they are stunned.

Hellfire, Georgia full damn well knew what this guy was. All Borat did was put it on teevee.


You’re gonna love this part.

Gubernatorial candidate Brian Kemp, who faces off with Lieutenant Governor Casey Cagle in a run-off election on Tuesday, also issued this statement on Spencer’s appearance:

“Rep. Spencer’s words and behavior are hurtful, insensitive, and completely unacceptable. At the very least, he should issue a public apology for this shameful incident.”

Kemp also removed Spencer from his endorsement list.

See how outraged he is?  He removed a known racist homophobe from his endorsement list.

Oh Lord help us.

Thanks to Norma for the heads up.



July 23, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Yeah, Trump is tough.  Yeah, he didn’t let Putin walk all over him, and any Trump supporter can now proudly show you how tough he is.



Well, at least we know that there ain’t no pee-tapes in Iran.

Or that the Iranians didn’t interfere in our elections.

Or that Trump doesn’t owe them scads of money so they are holding his winkie hostage.


Hot Sunday Afternoon Fun Or Maybe Not

July 22, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


A Lovely Photo of the Royal Family

July 22, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Goodness

Here’s lovely photo of the royal family at the baptism of Prince Louis.

Comment when you see it.