Archive for July, 2018

Trump / Putin Summit

July 15, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I was just told by people who pretend to know these things that Trump’s first interview after his meeting with Putin will be with Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson.

And as soon as I stop banging my head on the table, I want to ask Sean and Tucker how it feels to be the world’s first human cuddly blanket.

The latest in Informercials!

Fox News: because Trump’s ass won’t kiss itself.

The interview will be accidentally titled: Know Collusion.

I hear that Putin will also be meeting with his state run newscast.

Come on, you’ve got some one liners – I know you do.


Wite Suburians for Trump!

July 14, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Dumpster Fire, Trump

Only college educated, though.  Anyone know where Wite Suburia is?

What’s With Trey Gowdy’s Hair, Anyway?

July 13, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Congress, Dammit!, Sumbitches

You have to ask yourself –  what the hell is it about Trey Gowdy and his hair?  Is it just me?  Or does he have more hair styles than Cher?  Not only is this one of the goofiest sumbitches on Capitol Hill (not quite as goofy as Screwy Louie), he takes the cake for multiple goofy haircuts.  He goes from early Monkees one day to full on racist Nazi “high-n-tight” the next, to Gordon Gekko the following day.  Jesus, pal, pick a lane.

Here are some of my favorites:




Business Community Continues to Turn on Trump

July 13, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Trade War Based On Lies, Traitor, Trump

Yesterday, in Forbes, the bastion of politics only for the benefit of business, Larry Kotlikoff, financial analyst and retirement planner, called Trump an “economic traitor”.  Yes, he used the word traitor.  In the piece, he lays out how Trump is INTENTIONALLY wrecking our economy, just because he can.  He calls for his removal from office before he does any more damage.  When writers for Forbes start ringing the alarm bells, the house is on fire and it’s time to start running.  Read the piece here.

There is a time for anger, and THIS is it.

Is Friday The Thirteenth Considered Bad Luck in Russia?

July 13, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I was just wondering about that since 12 Russian Intel officers were indicted in the United States for hacking with the intent to affect the US Presidential election.

Ya think Trump will ask Putin to extradite them all or just poison them?


And Besides, Officer, Donald Trump Will Pardon Me.

July 13, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Republican Arizona Congressfool Paul Mosely got pulled over by cops for doing 97 MPH in a 55 MPH zone.

His explanation was that he was anxious to surprise his wife in Lake Havasu City, Arizona. The officer wrote …

“Mosley also told me that I should just let him go and that I shouldn’t waste anymore of my time dealing with him due to his immunity as a government official.”

Oh, and because he’s a Republican, it only gets better.

After running his license, the police officer returned to Mosley and told him to watch his speed. Mosley took the chance to brag about speeding in the past. “Yeah, this goes 140,” he said. “That’s what I like about it. I go 130, 140, 120. I come down I-10, I was going 120 almost, you know, if there was no traffic.”

Mosely apologized on Facebook, but it didn’t help much. He still looked like a jerk.