Archive for June, 2018

Thank You, Justice Sonya Sotomayor

June 25, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Supremes punted on redistricting again this morning.

The one bright light: Strong words from the start from Sotomayor:

“The Court today goes out of its way to permit the State of Texas to use maps that the three-judge District Court unanimously found were adopted for the purpose of preserving the racial discrimination that tainted its previous maps.”

No kidding.  The Supreme Court just codified racial discrimination.

The justices ruled 5-4 Monday in an unusual case involving congressional and state legislative districts that had first been adopted by the lower court on an interim basis, then approved by the Texas Legislature.

In 2017, the same judges who approved the interim maps in 2012 agreed with the challengers that the maps were the product of intentional discrimination.

But Justice Samuel Alito said for the court’s conservative majority that the lower court made a mistake by striking down all but one of the districts.


I Kinda Think Maybe He Should Have Thought This One Through

June 25, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Here ya go —



Me?  Well, I have a rule, too: if a person is phony on the outside, they are phony on the inside.



UPDATED: #TrumpHotels – Most Brilliant Idea this Week

June 24, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Uncategorized

Apparently, the “very stable genius” who runs the Trump Organization forgot to buy the domain  So, a very creative genius did.  You can have a look here and marvel at the irony.  #TrumpHotels

Thanks to a reader for this.


Apparently, Trumpworld got the site taken down, but one of our readers grabbed an archive of some screen shots. Also, you can go to Instagram and get some of the other pics.


Another One Bites the Dust

June 23, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Trump

Yesterday, there was another defection of a major conservative from the Republican Party. In a speech before the Federalist Society on Friday, George Will announced that he left the Republican Party and that he was urging other conservatives to defeat Trump and to  “grit their teeth” for the four years after 2020.  You know it’s bad when George Will jumps ship.

Here Ya Go!

June 22, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Democratic State convention.  Shaking the rafters.



Seen At The Texas Democratic Party’s Women Caucus This Morning.

June 22, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Yes, I Care.  I Am A Democrat.