Archive for May, 2018

He’s All A’Twitter

May 01, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

As you know, Mueller’s questions to Trump were “leaked” and somebody read some of them to Trump.



Oh yeah he did.  He didn’t use the word “Collusion” because he didn’t know if it’s capitalized or not.  However, some of the questions ask about suspected collusion.  How would you ask about collusion while using the word collusion?  “Mr. Trump, did you commit raw naked chafing collusion?”

How ’bout this question?

1. “What knowledge did you have of any outreach by your campaign, including by Paul Manafort, to Russia about potential assistance to the campaign?”

There ya go – collusion.

Does Trump know that he’s supposed to answer these questions with complete sentences?

By the way, the Washington Post suggests that the leak was purposeful and it’s beginning to look like it came from someone close to the Trump legal team but not actually in it.


Oh Roy Moore, Don’t Ever Go Away.

May 01, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Just to remind us that Roy Moore jokes are always fresh and funny, he’s back in the news.

He’s filed a lawsuit alleging a “political conspiracy.”

The suit was jointly filed with his wife, Kayla, about an hour before the two held a news conference. It was Moore’s first public appearance since election night in December, when Moore, a Republican, was upset by Democrat Doug Jones. The defendants include three women who made accusations against Moore as well as two other people.

These harlots gathered up in a cabal to plot the downfall of Roy Moore.

Moore immediately began asking for donations to defray his legal expenses.

A female lawyer for one of the woman spoke from the pits of witchery:

“Mr. Moore said nothing new and is using this as another attempt to fleece money from his followers,” Cobia said, adding that Moore claims “to be broke despite” receiving about $200,000 a year in pension from Alabama.

And, just to add fun to the whole lawsuit thing, he also sued two other people who hurt his feelings.

The other two people named in the complaint — Richard Hagedorn and Debbie Wesson Gibson — are accused of “revealing their true political agenda to ignore the truth” through social media posts that looked to “discredit local politicians and Senate candidates.”

Can you even imagine anyone using social media to discredit someone else?  I mean, except for Trump.

Thanks to Phyllis for the heads up.