And The Bad News Is That Nobody Died
Okay, here’s your must-read of the year. I can’t even begin to explain it but I’ll try.
The leader of a neo-nazi group, Matthew Heimbach, got caught making whoopee with his spokesman’s wife while he’s married to the spokesman’s stepdaughter. The spokesman, Matt Parrott, in an amazing moment of self-awareness, called it a “white trash circus.”
That doesn’t even begin to tell the story. There are tidbits to this story that you do not want to miss.
For example …
Parrott stood on a box outside the trailer and watched Heimbach and Jessica have sex inside, according to a police report. When the box broke under Parrott’s weight, he entered the trailer to confront them. Heimbach allegedly choked him and chased him into a house, where Parrott threw a chair at him. Heimbach hit back, choking him into unconsciousness, according to the police report.
When he woke up he fled to a Walmart to call police. What did you expect, Starbucks?
Oh yeah, they all listed their occupation as White Nationalists.
The spokesman resigned and is apparently looking for a job where he can stand on a sturdy box to watch people do some mattress trashing.
Thanks to Sarah for the heads up.