Archive for January, 2018

Best Tweet of Saturday

January 07, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

You’ve all read it – Trump calls himself  “a very stable genius” on the Twitter. Setting aside the stupidity of that and other idiotic tweets yesterday, the entertainment value of responses was very high.  The Hill summarized some of those responses, and here’s my favorite:


Human Hunting

January 06, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I often tell you good stories from the little Texas counties surrounding me.  Goliad, just to the southwest of me, is one of them.  I have friends there who keep me up to date.

I want you to meet the Goliad County Judge …

Goliad County Judge Pat Calhoun admits he should not have told county officials he planned to get human hunting tags for them – even if it was just a joke.

He, of course, is a Republican. He has difficulty getting along with … well, I dunno … people.

In Texas, county judges are administrative jobs.  They aren’t real judges. The county judge in my county is a high school graduate with a phony college degree.

Back to Calhoun.  Listen up.

Precinct 3 Commissioner Mickey White, who also filed a complaint, said Calhoun “got in my face” and attempted to intimidate him. White said the judge also told him that he might seek a hunting license that would allow him to kill another official.

“He thinks he is above the law,” White said.

And Buelter said Calhoun’s language and intimidation fell on members of the public, elected officials and county employees.

She said Calhoun told another county department head he would bury the official where “the dogs wouldn’t find them” and shouted and screamed at those attending juvenile court, which Calhoun presides over.

“He gets loud,” she said.

His excuse?  He’s a former Marine Corp major, which under Texas law gives him to right to threaten people’s lives and behave like a total jerk.

He has opponents in the upcoming November election so he has promised to clean up his language.  You know that’s not gonna happen, right?


Trump’s Announcement

January 06, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

“I am like a very stable genius.”

Said no genius ever.



Day of Distraction

January 05, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Russian Hacking, Trump

Michael Wolff’s new book is dominating the airwaves and has all week.  Except on Fox Noise, of course.  The release date of the book was moved up to today, and Trumpland is doing everything it can do to increase sales, including threatening the author and his publisher as well as slandering everyone who spoke ill of Trump.  Steve Bannon, the Darth Vader of political strategy, has been renamed Sloppy Steve by His Orangeness.  Amongst all this firestorm, other news has been announced today, and the timing is just a little coinkydink:

The FBI has announced that it has reopened an investigation of the Clinton Foundation.  This comes after months of Trump screaming about “Crooked Hillary”, and demanding the FBI investigate what’s already been investigated ad nauseam. Word got out today of the investigation, apparently leaked by, you guessed it, congressional Republicans.  Second, Senate Republicans have made the very first criminal referral in connection to the Russia interference investigations against…wait for it…Christopher Steele, the retired British intelligence agent who wrote the famous dossier about Trump’s relationship with the Russians.  That’s right, folks…the VERY FIRST CRIMINAL REFERRAL from Republicans in the Trump-Russia investigation is against the guy trying to expose Trump’s collusion with the Russians.

The fact that these two announcements come on the same day as the release of Fire and Fury is, like I said already, purely a coninkydink.  Nothing to see here…move along.

Remember How You Thought The Voter Fraud Commission Was Dead and Gone? Zombie Alert!

January 05, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so we talked about how the Voter Fraud Commission was a total bust and they were dissolving it completely while everybody chuckled.

Not so fast, Cowboy.  Apparently we forgot to put a stake in its heart.

Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, vice chairman of the commission, says we shouldn’t get too excited.

The Kansas official said he expects officials from Immigration and Customs Enforcement and political appointees overseeing that agency to take over the commission’s work and begin efforts to match state voter rolls to federal databases of noncitizens. He insisted he was not disappointed with the president’s decision.

“It’s the right move,” Kobach said. “It’s a shifting in tactics from having the investigation be done by a federal commission to having it be done by a federal agency. The agency has a greater ability to move quickly to get the investigation done.”

Holy damn cow on farm-fresh grain, ICE is taking over the investigation because it’ better to have an “agency” than a “commission.”  I think what he’s saying is that agencies have guns.

While Kobach admits that ICE knows diddle squat about voter fraud, he is terribly excited about ICE messing in the election process of the United States of damn America.  Somebody please add his name to the Lost His Mind List.

Thanks to Deb for the heads up.

Cat Doing the Dishes

January 05, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

Stay with me here…I’ve been reading with great glee all of the excerpts of Michael Wolff’s new book, Fire and Fury, Inside the Trump White House, and have so far read nothing that didn’t ring true to me.  I mean, come on – Trump is a heavily made-up, feeble minded, thin skinned, narcissistic caricature of what we all understand to be “presidential”.  Trump has none of the characteristics of a successful politician (or successful businessman for that matter); he’s volatile; he’s taken to repeating his repetitions; he lies when it’s easier to tell the truth.  He’s fake to the core.

I’ve found the firestorm around this book to be highly entertaining and some of the editorial content of the talking heads is just as much fun.  One of those is this morning’s piece in the New York Times by Michelle Goldberg titled…wait for it…Everyone in Trumpland Knows He’s an Idiot.  She writes of several anecdotes in the book about how Trump went around his handlers and unilaterally fired James Comey over the Russia investigation.  She quotes Wolff about that decision, “In presidential annals, the firing of F.B.I. director James Comey may be the most consequential move ever made by a modern president acting entirely on his own.”

But more importantly, she makes the point that Trump is wholly and totally incapable of executing the job of the presidency, and EVERYONE knows it.  His failing mind, his obsession with striking back at every perceived slight, no matter how small, and his erratic decision making are all clear evidence of his incompetence.  Dozens of staffers have enabled him, assuring themselves and each other that they can manage him, when, in fact, no one can manage him, including himself.

Best line of the piece, though, came in the summation – Goldberg says,

“Trump, Wolff’s reporting shows, has no executive function, no ability to process information or weigh consequences. Expecting him to act in the country’s interest is like demanding that your cat do the dishes.”

Now, THAT is a great bit of wordsmithing, I must say.  Oh, and I’m trying to put my hands on a copy of the book today.  It should make for great fireside reading this weekend.