Archive for December, 2017

Election Day

December 12, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Tonight at closing time, I’m gonna put up a post about the election results as they happen for you to cheer or moan.  I wonder how much Russian hacking will be involved.

Meanwhile, Deb sent the weirdest story from the Moore side.  You will enjoy this.  It seems that Roy Moore “accidentally” went to a bawdy house with children for hire. It was a total accident. No, I am not kidding.



December 12, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Donald Trump has been tweeting around for a while looking for the bottom.

By gawd, he may have found it.


Excuse me while I go to the bathroom and make biological noises.


No, She Didn’t Say That

December 11, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Roy Moore’s wife spoke tonight.

She really said this.


Yo! Newt!

December 11, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Newt Gingrich just can’t wrap his goofy head around it.

“Mueller is corrupt. The senior FBI is corrupt. The system is corrupt,” former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said on Fox News last week.

But …

The system wasn’t corrupt when it allowed you to call for the impeachment of Bill Clinton while you were cheating on your second wife with your third wife.

The system wasn’t corrupt when you secretly admitted that the Contact With America was a phony promise and that you had no intention of doing any of those things.

The system wasn’t corrupt when Republicans had to search the entire House of Representatives for someone with a clean sex life and all they could come up with was Denny Hastert, who was having sex with his entire wrestling team.

The system wasn’t corrupt when you led ethics charges against Democratic House Speaker Jim Wright for a book deal while you were doing the same thing yourself.

The system wasn’t corrupt when you lied about Bill Clinton forcing you to use the rear door of Air Force One, prompting you to shut down the government in retaliation.

The system wasn’t corrupt when you endorsed Donald Trump, a man you fully knew was deranged and unqualified.

The system wasn’t corrupt when Russians interfered with the presidential election.

The system wasn’t corrupt with Trump gave security clearances to his entire family.

The system wasn’t corrupt when Trump uses the office of president for his own personal wealth.

The system only became corrupt when Bob Mueller tries to stop all this crap.

I have always hated Newt and I always will.


Well Hell, Let’s Go For Broke.

December 11, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The new tax plan is already the most disliked legislation in a damn month of new moons, with only 32% of Americans supporting it.  By the way, that’s the lowest approval rating of any bill in 30 years, including the original opposition to the Affordable Care Act.

But, no, not one to leave well enough alone, here’s the top of the fold headline in the Austin American Statesman today.


Oh hell, let’s stick mandatory prayer in there while we’re at it.

So now I’m not only against the Republican tax plan, I want to kill it, stuff it, mount it over the fireplace and open my house for the damn Christmas Home Tour.

The sound you hear is me batting my head on the keyboard.


The Other Reality

December 11, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I have often felt that reality is only a collective hunch.

Republicans are not in the hunch.

The Economist / You Gov polls show that …

Most American adults disbelieve the claim that the former President was born in Kenya, but nearly one in three American adults say that it is definitely or probably true that he was. More Republicans – 51% – believe that to be the case.

And, most Republicans also “doubt that Russia hacked into DNC emails or spread fake news during last year’s campaign in order to help elect Donald Trump president.”

And the icing on the cake —

Even when it comes to Michael Flynn, who has pled guilty to lying to the FBI, Republicans aren’t sure he actually did anything improper: 19% of Republicans think he did, but twice as many (39%) say he did not.

He confessed, you damn fools!

This is creepy, y’all.