Archive for December, 2017

Thank You, Ma’am, For Flying OK Corral Airlines

December 06, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Colorado Republican State Representative Lori Saine is working her way up to be able to put “Pistol Packing Momma” on her campaign literature.

Denver police say Rep. Lori Saine was arrested at the airport Tuesday and was being held for investigation of introducing a firearm into a transportation facility. The case will be presented to the Denver District Attorney’s Office to consider possible charges.

Saine is a big Second Amendment lover and even co-spondored legislation to remove some restrictions on ammo magazines because, you know, it’s a shame to have to stop and reload. And she is also a strong advocate for guns in schools.  So, I suspect Saine was just playing Airport Annie Oakley.

Thanks to Larry for the heads up.

Today’s Latest Crisis – Since It’s Tuesday

December 05, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

Hold the presses!  Remember that story about Trump’s private intelligence operation?  The ones about his support of pedophile Roy Moore? Trump’s travel ban?  The tax bill that will plunge the economy into recession?  How about nuclear war with North Korea?  None of those are current, so let’s move on to the next big crisis…

TRUMP JUST ANNOUNCED, IN THE FACE OF WORLDWIDE OPPOSITION, TO NAME JERUSALEM AS CAPITAL OF ISRAEL.  He also announced his intention to move the US embassy, touching off a Middle East crisis.

So, upending the US government isn’t enough; threatening nuclear war with North Korea wasn’t enough; NOW, we’re going to start a Middle East war because…it’s Tuesday.

The Ghost of Nixon Cometh

December 05, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

The parallels between Trump and Nixon’s administration are getting downright creepy.  We all knew that Nixon was a crook.  We know that Trump is a crook.  We remember the Watergate break-ins, using the FBI to spy on political enemies, and the Plumbers, Nixon’s private espionage and revenge squad.

Welp, Nixon’s ghost has risen from it’s Watergate grave and is now stalking the halls of the West Wing.  Erik Prince, criminal and founder of discredited and disbanded Blackwater, a mercenary company that infamously killed over a dozen Iraqis in a shooting spree and got away with it, is back.  His sister?  Unbelievably, she’s Betsy DeVos, religious nut and anti-education zealot who is now…wait for it…Secretary of Education under Trump.  Prince is now “advising” White House staff, and has apparently proposed a private intelligence operation, loyal to no one but Trump, to operate OUTSIDE of US intelligence agencies to counter the delusional “Deep State” operation.  You know the Deep State theory, right?  That’s the one where Obama and a bunch of latte-sipping panty waists are actually running a shadow government out of Chicago to take down Trump.  Or some similar nonsense.

Apparently, Mike Pompeo, who Trump is planning to tap for Secretary of State as soon as he can snuff out Tillerson, has endorsed the plan, repeating the same BS that his own CIA operatives cannot be trusted.  It’s insane, and saturated with Nixonian paranoia and fabricated conspiracies.

Trump has gone completely off the rails.  He has no judgement, eats and thinks like a 12 year old high on airplane glue, careening around the White House from one end to the other, embracing every screwball theory and tweeting ridiculous BS in an almost continuous stream.  This is like Celebrity Apprentice merged with the Madness of King George, and House of Cards.

Our situation has gone from unbelievable to mildly entertaining to appalling to full on, sirens blaring, lights flashing red alert.  We all predicted this would be a disastrous presidency; but the rapidity in which it’s happening is simply breathtaking.

Tuesday Treat

December 05, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Bruce gets you in the Christmas Spirit.

It’s a You Tube so if you’re a work, wait until you get home.

Click right here.



December 05, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so first Bob Mueller subpoenas Deutsche Bank’s records on all members of the Trump family.

Deutsche Bank, which has loaned the Trump organization millions of dollars for real estate ventures, said it would not comment on any of its clients.

Deutsche Bank is pretty much a full fledged criminal enterprise all on it own, using mirror trades to laundry money for Russians to the tune of $10 billion.  And that’s not all.  They are real stinkers …

Scandals have proliferated at Deutsche Bank. Since 2008, it has paid more than nine billion dollars in fines and settlements for such improprieties as conspiring to manipulate the price of gold and silver, defrauding mortgage companies, and violating U.S. sanctions by trading in Iran, Syria, Libya, Myanmar, and Sudan. Last year, Deutsche Bank was ordered to pay regulators in the U.S. and the U.K. two and a half billion dollars, and to dismiss seven employees, for its role in manipulating the London Interbank Offered Rate, or libor, which is the interest rate banks charge one another.

So, I am sure it’s just pure damn coincidence that the Wall Street Journal editorial board took a vicious slam at Mueller again, saying that removing the guy who sent anti-Trump messages proves that Mueller cannot conduct a “fair and credible probe.”

However, here’s where it gets a bushel basket of hypocrisy.

At the end of October, the WSJ wrote of Mueller …

… the board reacted to news that former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort was being charged in connection with Mueller’s probe by saying that “the main charge against Donald Trump is poor judgment for hiring the notorious Beltway operator.”

Oddly enough, they didn’t call for Trump’s removal because he couldn’t be credible for hiring Manafort.

Oh wait, did mention that the Wall Street Journal is owned by Rupert Murdoch?

If you want to know the significance of anything Mueller is doing, check the Wall Street Journal editorial page and see how big a hissy fit they are throwing.


Trump’s Go-To Meals – It Ain’t Pretty

December 05, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

Fired campaign manager ( I mean the one before Paul Manafort, who was also fired) Corey Lewandowski wrote a book about Trump’s campaign, along with a campaign aide, David Bossie.  I won’t link or name the book here in an effort to deny it a few web clicks.  One of Trump’s more disgusting habits is his taste in, uh, food, and Lewandowski describes some of his favorite indulgences.  He loves everything that’s bad for you –  huge slabs of beef overcooked to the extreme, double scoops of ice cream, “big beautiful chocolate cake”, Diet Cokes, and fast food including KFC and his favorite, McDonald’s.  Lewandowski described Trump’s favorite meal – TWO Big Macs, TWO Filet of Fish sandwiches, and a LARGE chocolate malt.  That’s a whopping 2,430 calories in one sitting.

Not only does he live the intellectual life of a 12 year old, he also eats like one.  No one his age eats like this – his cardio vascular system must be a wreck.  Maybe he’s trying to commit suicide by Big Mac?