Archive for September, 2017

The Goodest People I Know

September 01, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

We have a little Mom and Pop food establishment / caterer / food truck / in my hometown of Richmond.  They are the goodest people I know.  They cook like grandma, except better.  They are M&M Southern Creole Kitchen.

They are feeding people – people in shelters, first responders, people who are land-locked and running out of food, volunteers.  They are trying to feed 2,000 people this weekend.  Their loyal local customers are supporting them as best we can because we believe in them.


This takes money and they need help to do this again today, tomorrow, and as long as it’s needed.


I trust them with my money and you can, too.  There is no middle-man here.  Every penny that comes in goes toward food.  $5 will buy someone’s lunch and a big glass of iced sweet tea.

You can donate by clicking right here and scroll down until you see DONATE.  You do NOT have to have a Pay Pal account to donate.  There’s a place for a note on the donation form.  Tell them where you are from and that you’re a friend of Don and Susan Bankston so they won’t think you’re some troll.  They know who we are because Don loves their fried chicken.

Thank you. Houston gets all the help and often it’s the small towns surrounding Houston that get forgotten.



Thank you again!  This chef-in-training needs some more fresh veggies to cook.


The Sound You Hear Is Me Banging My Head Against the Kitchen Table

September 01, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, here’s the deal.  There’s a mess of stuff on my mind this morning, so here goes.

Remember how I told you that the Brazos River was going to crest on Wednesday morning and that’s when I’d know if I was going to flood or not?  Then it became Thursday afternoon, then early Friday morning.  I was too tired to wait it out so when my feet hit a dry floor this morning, I started singing the Hallelujah Chorus using my bedside table as drums.  Scared the crap outta Bubba, who assumed I was in labor or something.

Then I checked the local police department to see how high the river got when it crested.


The river, they are saying, now won’t crest until …



So, the way I see it, this is Texas so we are bound to have a drought before the river crests so I’m just holding out for it.

And we are up to our necks in water but it doesn’t matter much because you can’t breathe the air above the water.


Yes, Houston is having an Ozone Action Day.  That means we have both hell and high water.

And there is no climate change.  None.  All this is just because we are heathens and need more prayer.  How do I know that? Because the Texas Secretary of State – who is appointed by the Governor – says so.

Quebec’s Minister of International Relations Christine St-Pierre called [Secretary of State Rolando] Pablos  to express her sorrow and condolences on behalf of the people of the Canadian province. She also offered equipment and manpower.

Pablos turned it down. Instead he asked for “prayers from the people of Quebec,” the minister relayed.

Look, Rolando, you damn fool, that was an answered prayer.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.  

Friday Toons

September 01, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized










Clay Bennett, Chattanooga Times Free Press
