Paul Manafort’s notes during the June 16th meeting with the Trump campaign and the entire federation of the Russians has the word “donations” written precariously close to the word “RNC.”
Or, did he?
NBC News initially reported that the notes contained the word “donation,” but a spokesman for Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa — the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, whose staff has reviewed the notes — disputed that the word “donation” appears. The two sources who initially provided the information then said that the word was not “donation.” One said it was “donor,” and another said it was a word that referenced political contributions, but that source declined to be more specific.
Okay, so that’s Manafort’s defense? It says “donor” and absolutely does not say “donation.”
Baseball analogy. A player with a bat in his hands standing at home plate is called a batter, not a hitter. You can only be a hitter once you hit the ball. However, once you hit the ball, you got a hit, you hit a single, you put it over the fence, you brought in two runners, you successfully bunted, you dropped it in the sweet spot, whatever you call it, the player becomes a hitter when he leaves the plate. You become a donor when you … give a donation.
My friend Pam still says that Manafort is the key.