Archive for September, 2017

Taking Stock

September 03, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, here’s the deal.

Houston had the equivalent of a Great Lake dumped on her.

Los Angles is having the largest fire in history.

Half a million acres are on fire in Montana, which is pretty much the entire state.

San Francisco is having record breaking heat, 106 degrees today.

Hurricane Irma is looking like she’s gonna explode somewhere on the east coast.

And now Donald Trump tells us that we need to worry about North Korea.

We don’t have damn time.

We have to worry about fire and water.*

*Ann Coulter wants you to know that this has nothing to do with climate change.  Apparently, it’s all just real bad luck.


Labor Day

September 03, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Here we go with some great news!  Glen Maxey announced that we won the Grand Prize for the Race Across Texas!  Thank you so much for helping.  All the prizes will be auctioned-off and the money goes to the Texas Democratic Party’s Ballot By Mail Program.

I’m going to volunteer today and then do the first normal thing I’ve done in ten days – go to the ball game.  The park is open and we’re playing the Mets.  I do not feel the least bit guilty for going.

Nobody has seen Trump’s one million dollar donation to the recovery effort yet.  Maybe Dr. Evil will deliver it for him.  I hear they’re close.   Y’all, Trump does not have one million dollars.  That’s why he pimps those stoopid hats.

I am sincerely hoping that things will begin to get normal tomorrow.  However, school is out for another week and it’s hotter than hell here.

Question to ponder.  Will General Kelly make it another week?

See ya tomorrow.


Something is Seriously Wrong With This Guy

September 02, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, seriously?  He thinks it’s beautiful and good for the country.

I am exhausted tonight but I could not go to sleep without saying there is something wrong with this guy.

And it scares the poop outta me.


Please Stick With Local Charities

September 02, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I cannot say that I am shocked.



We make sandwiches while the Red Cross makes excuses.  You can read the whole story here.

Houston has volunteers lining up around the block. The Mayor (a Democrat) and the County Judge (a Republican, but a sane one) have done an excellent job and I don’t think that either one of them has slept in a week.  The Red Cross?  They have supply trucks in Dallas because they didn’t think the roads were going to flood.

If Jim Bob and his bass boat can get here with the entire Cajun Navy, what can’t the Red Cross get here?

Hell, we even shamed Joel Olsteen into opening his church.

Just one other thing:


Holy Damn Cow In Duckie Pajamas

September 02, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Blake Farenthold, the congressvarmint from Corpus Christie and Donald Trump devotee just lost his crazy mind.

Farenthold had a heartbeat of sanity sneak up on him.  Farenthold was the biggest supporter of building the wall against Mexico until a reporter asked him last week: “Should the president put aside his plans to build the wall and fund it for now?”

After stuttering around for a bit, Farenthold, imitating a sane person, replied.

“So should the president put aside his plans to build the wall and fund it for now?” she replied.

“Again, I think, we,” Farenthold stumbled before continuing definitively. “Yes, there is a simple answer to that question is yes.”

“There’s enough going on in Texas,” he added, “the contractors that might be building the wall would certainly be better served helping rebuild Houston.”

I was shocked to hear that, but I don’t think I am near as shocked as Farenthold. I imagine that Trump will try to fire him before tomorrow.

Thanks to Judy for the heads up.


Paul Manafort

September 01, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Paul Manafort’s notes during the June 16th meeting with the Trump campaign and the entire federation of the Russians has the word “donations” written precariously close to the word “RNC.”

Or, did he?

NBC News initially reported that the notes contained the word “donation,” but a spokesman for Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa — the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, whose staff has reviewed the notes — disputed that the word “donation” appears. The two sources who initially provided the information then said that the word was not “donation.” One said it was “donor,” and another said it was a word that referenced political contributions, but that source declined to be more specific.

Okay, so that’s Manafort’s defense?  It says “donor” and absolutely does not say “donation.”

Baseball analogy.  A player with a bat in his hands standing at home plate is called a batter, not a hitter.  You can only be a hitter once you hit the ball.  However, once you hit the ball, you got a hit, you hit a single, you put it over the fence, you brought in two runners, you successfully bunted, you dropped it in the sweet spot, whatever you call it, the player becomes a hitter when he leaves the plate.  You become a donor when you … give a donation.

My friend Pam still says that Manafort is the key.