Friday Toons
Republican Congressman Tim Murphy of Pennsylvania is pro-life. He is also pro-fornication.
Murphy, who has a Ph.D. is psychology, admitted to having an affair with a “personal friend.” He has been named in his “personal friend’s” divorce proceedings.
He is 64 years old and his “personal friend” is 32 years old.
I guess we should not be surprised – he has voted for all Trump’s initiatives this year. Like president, like congressman.
Is it just me, or are more sanctimonious, hypocritical Republicans fooling around than Democrats?
Thanks to Deb for the heads up.
Junior Trump, Jr. now has a third explanation of why he went to the Russia meeting.
Donald Trump Jr. told Senate investigators on Thursday that he set up a June 2016 meeting with a Russian lawyer because he was intrigued that she might have damaging information about Hillary Clinton, saying it was important to learn about Mrs. Clinton’s “fitness” to be president.
He does realize he’s Donald Trump’s son, right?
And y’all, think about it – this is the explanation he went with after he had consulted with high price lawyers.
He told investigators that working for his father’s campaign consumed his life. “I had never worked on a campaign before and it was an exhausting, all-encompassing, life-changing experience. Every single day I fielded dozens, if not hundreds, of emails and phone calls.”
Yeah, Sonny, it’s called “having a real job.”
Roy Zimmerman praises Joel Osteen with brilliant lyrics. (You can skip over the two commercials at the beginning after 5 seconds each. It’s totally worth it.)
Thelma figured out why Joel Osteen needs all that money. He’s using it for scientific research to figure out how to get a camel through the eye of a needle.
Thanks to your donations and physical and logical help from a whole mess of friends and supporters, M&M Southern Creole Kitchen has already fed more than 1,000 people.
You are phenomenal. Here’s some pictures.
Here’s the two M’s of M&Ms.
And Homemade Biscuits!
Thank you, thank you, thank you. When your head hits the pillow tonight, know that you did something good for a total stranger and you helped make this world a kinder place.
Well, we should have seen this coming.
You know those monuments to prosperity gospel who say God will make you rich if you just give your money to your pastor? Well, they just expanded the definition of “your” money. They mean you. Personally.
Yeah, they want FEMA money. Apparently, they didn’t have insurance and by golly, God did not favor them. They got damaged just like the heathens next door.
The only difference is that the heathen next door pays taxes.
The churches claim they are being denied their first amendment rights because FEMA is discriminating against them.
The Texas churches that sued are the Rockport First Assembly of God in Rockport, which lost its roof and steeple and suffered other structural damage, and the Harvest Family Church in Cypress and Hi-Way Tabernacle in Cleveland, which were flooded.
I suggest they do what thousands of other folks pestered by Harvey do – put on some boots and a face mask, grab a shovel, starting digging crap Harvey left behind, and pay your damn taxes you welfare queens.
Thanks to Steven for the heads up.