Archive for September, 2017

Update on Your Donations to M&M Southern Creole Kitchen

September 07, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Thanks to your donations and physical and logical help from a whole mess of friends and supporters, M&M Southern Creole Kitchen has already fed more than 1,000 people.

You are phenomenal.  Here’s some pictures.





Here’s the two M’s of M&Ms.



And Homemade Biscuits!



Thank you, thank you, thank you.  When your head hits the pillow tonight, know that you did something good for a total stranger and you helped make this world a kinder place.



Holy Crap: Fix This Edition

September 07, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, we should have seen this coming.

You know those monuments to prosperity gospel who say God will make you rich if you just give your money to your pastor? Well, they just expanded the definition of “your” money.  They mean you.  Personally.


Yeah, they want FEMA money.  Apparently, they didn’t have insurance and by golly, God did not favor them. They got damaged just like the heathens next door.

The only difference is that the heathen next door pays taxes.

The churches claim they are being denied their first amendment rights because FEMA is discriminating against them.

The Texas churches that sued are the Rockport First Assembly of God in Rockport, which lost its roof and steeple and suffered other structural damage, and the Harvest Family Church in Cypress and Hi-Way Tabernacle in Cleveland, which were flooded.

I suggest they do what thousands of other folks pestered by Harvey do – put on some boots and a face mask, grab a shovel, starting digging crap Harvey left behind, and pay your damn taxes you welfare queens.

Thanks to Steven for the heads up.


It’s Texas Family Thing

September 06, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, Collin County is pretty much the last Republican big city (Fort Worth) hold out.

Republican Van Taylor used to hold the Texas Senate District 8 seat but he’s retiring, so an interesting match-up has developed in the GOP.

In March, Phillip Huffines announced he was running for it.  Phillip has been the Collin county chairman of the Republican GOP.  He is also the twin brother of Don Huffines, who is currently in the Texas Senate representing Senate District 16.

There a picture of Don Huffines.  Or maybe it’s Phillip.  I dunno. They are twins.  They can share pictures.

And all was pretty quiet until this afternoon when … the wife of indicted felon and fountain pen stealing Attorney General Ken Paxton announced that she was running.

Here’s how you know something about her. She packs a pistol.

Angela Paxton, a former guidance counselor at Legacy Christian Academy in Frisco, Texas, is running to be in the Texas Senate.

The fact that her husband is going to trial pretty soon over criminal securities fraud would dampen a lesser spirit but brash and brazen dance in her head.

This is gonna be fun.


Not Good

September 06, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so I sat down to eat my lunch and flipped on CNN to check on the hurricane.  Wolf Blitzer put Donald Trump on the teevee to explain hurricanes to me.

“A new and record-breaking hurricane heading toward Florida and Puerto Rico and other places.  We’ll see what happens.  We’ll know in a very short period of time, but it looks like it could something that will be … uh, not good.  Believe me, not good.”

I replayed it to double check that’s what he said and sure ‘nuf, that’s what he said.

He’s 4 years old.  He’s regressing, y’all.  I swear, he’s getting worse. But, hey, he didn’t tell them to have fun, like he did here.

“Not good?”  Not good.


If You Have It, Show It

September 06, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Nikita Isaev, a Russian politician is a Russian politician on the far, far rightwing side.  He’s really mad at Donald Trump.

A Russian politician has threatened to “hit Donald Trump with our Kompromat” on state TV.

[Isaev] said the compromising material should be released in retaliation over the closure of several Russian diplomatic compounds across the US.

When asked whether Russia has such material, Mr Isaev, who is also director of the Russian Institute of Contemporary Economics, replied: “Of course we have it!”

Of course I want to see it!


Macho Macho Putin

September 05, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, I will admit that I am not up on my Russian but I kinda suspect that Putin saying Trump is “not my bride, and I am not his groom,” probably isn’t meant as a compliment.