Archive for September, 2017

It’s As Good As Any Other Explanation

September 12, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Alex Jones, y’all.

He says that “they” are putting drugs in Donald Trump’s Diet Coke to make him act weird.

Jones also said he could get killed for telling you this.

But I’ve talked to people, multiple ones, and they believe that they are putting a slow sedative that they’re building up that’s also addictive in his Diet Cokes and in his iced tea and that the president by 6 or 7 at night is basically slurring his words and is drugged. Now first they had to isolate him to do that. But yes, ladies and gentleman, I’ve talked to people that talk to the president now at 9 at night, he is slurring his words. And I’m going to leave it at that. I’ve talked to folks that have talked to him directly…

Now I’m risking my life, by the way, to tell you all this… They drug presidents because the power structure wants a puppet. The president needs his blood tested by an outside physician he trusts.”

Okay, I’m confused.  Who is getting drugs?

You can watch it here.  But I need to warn you that merely watching it, according to Jones, could get you killed.



September 12, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Wall Street Journal is breaking the news this morning.

Some of President Donald Trump’s lawyers earlier this summer concluded that Jared Kushner should step down as senior White House adviser because of possible legal complications related to a probe of Russia’s involvement in the 2016 presidential election …

They voiced these concerns to Donald Trump.  Nothing happened.

Look, Kushner rolled over on his own father.  His dad went to federal prison for 14 months for about 50 charges of illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion and witness tampering.

Jared Kushner – then an undergraduate at Harvard University – saw his name improperly put on some $90,000 of his father’s donations as well. He stood by his father during the investigation …

Oh yeah, Dad took the fall and the whole family “stood by” him.

Here’s how the Kushners operate.

The last charge involved a particularly nasty incident where Charles Kushner send his sister Esther a tape showing her husband William Schulder with a prostitute hired by Kushner to discredit his brother-in-law, who was cooperating with federal authorities.

Just so you know why Trump bought an 11 foot pole.  He wouldn’t touch a Kushner with a 10 foot one.


An Adult at Harris County?

September 12, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Harvey

As we all know too well, the Texas Gulf Coast, including our own Harris County, home of the Planet Hooston, received its THIRD 500 years storm 10 days ago, flooding over 100,000 homes and causing $150 to $180 billion of damage in Texas.  AGAIN.

Ed Emmett, who is our illustrious County Judge, just had a brilliant idea – why don’t we fix that?  Good idea, Ed.  First let’s talk about some numbers.

  • 178,000 structures sit IN the 100 year floodplain (remember, we’ve had 3 – 500 year plus storms in 3 years.  County flooding guru Jeff Lindner said Harvey was the 40,000 year storm.  How’s that feel?
  • Here’s what really stupid…The county’s 2,450 miles of bayous and streams can only handle 20% of a 100 year storm.  This is why it floods when it gets humid here.
  • There is almost unbridled development going on in flood prone areas.
  • Our two western flood control basins, Addicks and Barker, have outlived their limited capacity to control flooding, as demonstrated by the thousands of homes that were flooded after the county started releasing water to protect the dams themselves.

Emmett, who is a mainstream Republican (he uses his brain) is known for his pragmatic management style.  He’s calling for sweeping changes to thinking on flood control, including a new reservoir, buyouts of flood prone houses, and other flood control measures.  In presenting the plan and speaking of the now common flooding, he said, “We can’t continue to say these are anomalies. You’ve got to say, We’re in a new normal, so how are we going to react to it?”

All I say is amen to that.  The $20 billion it would cost to mitigate flood damage is just a fraction of ONE of these debilitating events.

911 Remembrances

September 12, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh Good Lord.

I have a friend who sorta collects wildly inappropriate 911 remembrances.  I have been given permission to share with you.

This is gonna be long so I fixed it where it continues on the next page.  I’m not worth a damn when it comes to manipulating images on the page so I’ll just let it roll.  You’ll have to click the link at the bottom to see the rest of them.

Veggie Tales is a Netflix children’s show and they took to Twitter.  “The official Twitter for VeggieTales. Helping children discover God Made Them Special and He Loves Them Very Much since 1993.”


I dunno.  That cucumber looks a little too happy.

And to those who are lost on their journey ….


You can get thirty whole minutes of free coffee and mini-muffins at the wildly overpriced Marriott.

And there’s always Jesus …


I do not want to think about where his mouth is.


Oh Ted. Poor Ted. So Bad.

September 12, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Bless his heart.

Ted Cruz was watching porn on Twitter but his hand accidentally slipped and hit the LIKE button, probably at the most inopportune moment.  I dunno.  Plus, I don’t want to know when he hit the button, if you know what I mean.

Okay, so here’s Ted Cruz, rabidly anti-gay, supported a ban on dildos, is anti-choice, and really doesn’t support birth control.  Plus, he’s the Zodiac Killer.

And here’s bi-sexual porn on Twitter.

They meet and it’s instant likeyness.

Plus, Twitter was all aglow about it, because the porn site thanked Ted for watching.


I’m glad Ted has found a hobby.

Thanks to Kyle and Deb for the heads up.

Why Didn’t We See This Coming?

September 11, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Equifax knew about the data breach for three damn months before they made it public.  During those three months, all their executives unloaded their stock.

They should go to prison.  But, Republicans in Congress?  Republicans in Congress should go to hell.

It’s hard to miss the irony. Last Thursday, on the same day Equifax announced its massive data breach, Congress held a hearing on a bill that would roll back regulations on the nation’s credit bureaus.

Get this – the legislation would cap actual damages and totally eliminate punitive damages.

What this means is that credit bureaus can play fast and loose with your data and face a very low risk of being sued.  And even if they are sued, the damages are far less than the money they would spend actually protecting your data.

The only way to keep businesses from killing you is punitive damages.

Do not talk to be me about the purpose of this legislation being to “curb abuses in the court system.”  There’s already remedies in place for that.

All this does is gives permission to credit bureaus to not be accountable.

“These bills not only hurt consumers, they ultimately have a negative impact on the marketplace by, for example, removing incentives for credit bureaus to ensure accurate information in credit reports.”

And if you don’t think the timing on this legislation means congress (at least the Republicans) knew about the breach before we did, you can kiss my butt.

Y’all, I hate these people.  I really do.