Archive for August, 2017

Side Rant

August 14, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


So, if I am ever lying in the hospital having just been deliberately run over by a Nazi here in the good ole United Damn States of America, and Louse in the White House tweets “Best Regards” to me, please pitch a fit.  Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ!

He couldn’t even do “thoughts and prayers?”  Look, a real president would have picked up the phone and called them expressing his concern for their health.  A real president would have sent flowers or some damn thing.

Best regards to your broken leg?  Why didn’t he just say, “Cheers!”

Oh y’all, someone help me.  I hate this man.  I know I shouldn’t because he’s crazy and can’t help it. But he’s such a jerk.

And I did not take kindly to his reaction to Merck’s CEO, Ken Frazier, resigning from the President’s Council.


But, here’s the questions I have: (1) Why did Frazier, and African American, take the honorary position in the first place?  And (2) if Trump thought Merck was ripping off Americans, why did he appoint the CEO of the company to his ams council?

It’s a world gone mad.

Thanks to Carol for the heads up.


Too Dumb to Wear a Hood

August 14, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There is a reason the Klan wore hoods.  They did not want their neighbors to know who they were.

These new guys don’t mind.  They figured that since the president supports them, they are safe to hate.

Twitter has gone to work posting who these guys are.


He got fired.

And …



College Republican president?  He might want to update his resume.

And there’s many, many more being outted.

You know, you’d think that doing really stoopid crap in the day of social media would be of concern to people.  But, noooooo … the fumes from the tiki torches fried their brains.

Thelma thinks this is a good thing.  When these dudes grow up and want to run for office, we’ll know who they are and we can stop a future Jeff Sessions or Dan Patrick.


Bless Her Heart

August 14, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I got fooled by a false meme.  I apologize and I took it down.  My mistake.  Sorry.

Please Help This Poor Man

August 13, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This is Peter Cvjetanovic from Reno, Nevada.  He traveled all the way to Charlottesville to help his brothers represent white people.

Peter does not like this picture.



He says he’s not the angry racist this picture makes him look like.

So, please do not post this picture everywhere you can.  Do not download it by putting your cursor on the picture and left clicking.  Do not post the name Peter  Cvjetanovic with the picture.

We wouldn’t want to hurt Peter Cvjetanovic’s feelings.


This is What Happens When You Have Young Friends Filled With Sass

August 13, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I have a young friend who sent me a picture of a Swedish woman in 1985 hitting a neo-Nazi with her purse.

The subject line of the email?  Susan, is this you?



No, but that can be arranged.

Thanks to Brenda for the heads up.

The Growing Gap

August 13, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Diversity, Hillary

As JJ’s readers know, I was strongly opposed to Hillary Clinton’s candidacy for president. I won’t rehash the reasons because I don’t have the energy now to re-litigate the fiasco of 2016.  I will say, though, that this political position cost me friendships, got me kicked out of progressive discussion groups, and pissed off long time friends and allies.  What surprised me, though, in no small measure, was the vitriol that my opinion generated.  I was called a misogynist and a lot worse. The anger just jumped out from the screen of my laptop and was acid in people’s voices.  From strangers I kind of got it; but from friends I had known for years, I was gobsmacked at the anger and hatred.

I guess I was naive, but my opinion, based completely on simple facts and strategy I believed would win the election, was dismissed because I am a white guy.  It didn’t matter that I was ultimately proved correct.  It didn’t matter than many others felt the same way.  What mattered in the eyes of many was that, because I’m a white male, I was automatically disqualified from deserving an opinion.  Those who know me well KNOW that I’m not any of the things of which I was accused and that I often write about social justice, equality, and diversity in our society.  In this particular case, though, simple genetics took away my right to free speech and free association.

Today, Frank Bruni wrote about the same subject.  He spoke about how our college campuses and other organizations have become forums for the aggrieved where opinions are automatically qualified or disqualified by the sex, race, religious affiliation or social standing of the speaker.  Now, before you start screaming at me, I (and Frank Bruni) certainly acknowledge the reality of racial and sexual privilege.  There’s no question that it exists and is pervasive in many cultures including ours.  However, that fact doesn’t automatically disqualify the opinions of those people because of those unchangeables.  As Bruni put it, often people’s response is, “Speaking as an X, I am offended that you claim B.”  That’s unfair, especially when you know the person speaking.

Can the “privileged” KNOW the plight of the oppressed by personal experience?  Certainly not, especially without sincere effort to learn about that plight.  However, does a person’s genetics, ethnic origin, education and place of residence permanently disqualify that person from deserving an opinion?  Of course not, and that’s the point, isn’t it?  Mutual respect of others is the key to exchanging opinions.  We are endangering that exchange by this growing gap that we profess to be closing.  Sometimes we have to take off the colored glasses that we all wear to actually communicate with one another.  And, we have to avoid personal character assassination, especially over who we support politically, and more especially of those we know well but with whom we have a disagreement.

There are people with whom I agree on 99.9% of issues.  But I no longer talk with, or associate with them because of that .1% disagreement.  That’s just stupid, and doesn’t help anyone.