Archive for July, 2017

Friday Toons

July 21, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized






Clay Bennett, Chattanooga Times Free Press











Well, This is Going Well…

July 21, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Russians, Trump

The Washington Post is reporting this morning that several sources have said that Trump and his attorneys are investigating his powers to pardon his staff, his family, and even himself.  That’s right, folks, the President of the United States, SIX MONTHS INTO HIS TERM, is already trying to figure out how to get out of criminal charges that are surely forthcoming.  At the same time, his talking heads, lead by his Chief Bloviator, Newt Gingrich, are already trying to discredit special prosecutor Bob Mueller and his team of high powered lawyers.

Now, I understand that I’m just a dumb bread baker and beer brewer from Way-the-Hell-Down-in-Texas, but I’m just recalling what my Old Man taught me when I was a mere sprite working with him in his wood shop – he said to me, “Those who scream the loudest are the most guilty.” – or at least something like that.  That lesson certainly applies here.  Trump who is a career huckster and liar knows deep-down that there is one truth…he and his family are guilty as hell, and he KNOWS he’s going to get caught – Bigly.


Everybody Wants To Help

July 20, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh, y’all, this is so sweet of them.

Deutsche Bank has agreed to hand over records of its financial dealings with President Donald Trump after months of stalling and insistence that the records are confidential and privileged information.

Everybody send them a thank you note, okay?  Deutsche Bank has loaned Trump over a billion dollars even when no one else would.

In response to inquiries by Congressional Democrats, initially Deutsche Bank balked, citing privacy laws. However, on Wednesday the company agreed to comply with investigators.

Yeah, because, you know, organized crime is illegal all over the place.

And it appears that the only person at Fox News who still supports Trump is Sean Hannity.  All the rest of them have had about a gallon too much of him already.

Hey, even OJ had a better day than Donald Trump.

Thanks to SGray for the heads up. 

Fun With Guns: “An Actual Gun” Edition

July 20, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Miami, Florida.  Get off my lawn!

On Wednesday, Florida resident Jorge Jove clearly couldn’t stomach the sight of an AT&T work truck parked out front of his house. Naturally, police say, he retrieved a revolver and started shooting out the tires and engine.

Seriously.  A very brave AT&T person filmed the whole thing as Jove pulled the trigger at least 18 times, reloading as he went.  There were two trucks and apparently they deserved it.

Lord, I love You Tube.

Some poor guy was stuck up in the basket.

I love the AT&T worker trying to explain to the 911 operator what is happening.

I’ll betcha this guy owns a Trump hat.

Thanks to Mark in Austin for the heads up.

And Mueller Replies

July 20, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so yesterday Donald Trump set a red line for Robert Mueller – don’t investigate my personal finances.

Mueller replies.

As part of their investigation, Mueller’s team has issued subpoenas to banks and filed requests for bank records to foreign lenders under mutual legal assistance treaties, according to two of the people familiar with the matter.

Trump’s personal finances are like a bushel basket of used wire coat hangers. And the name printed on the basket is Russia.

Everybody start saving your money because if Trump fires Mueller, we are all going to Washington DeeCee to pitch a snot-nosed hissy fit.  I’m serious.


I’m Soooo Confused

July 20, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

For about 3 seconds, I cheered when I saw this —



And then I snapped back to where I am.  Oh hell no.

Oh hell no.

I do not want Jeff Sessions as attorney general.  However, I am temporarily please that someone, even a sniveling racist, stood up to Trump.