Archive for July, 2017

These Guys, Y’all, These Guys

July 03, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

As you’ve probably heard by now, a group of people who refuse to accept that they lost the damn Civil War, started a rumor that some folks were going to come to Gettysburg and remove confederate war relics.  You know, like the damn white flag the rebels waved.  I am convinced that they themselves started this rumor so they could prance around showing off their guns and battle flags while they denounce CNN and Nancy Pelosi.

Pictures of the event prove the group is not only anti-United States, but also anti-sleeve.  They have cornered the market on leather vests with wide girth.

One of the rumors was that the good guys were going to come and urinate on confederate graves.  Dude, we don’t even own leather vests or a decent tattoo, so we don’t urinate in public.  Additionally, there are no marked confederate graves at Gettysburg, so we’d look mighty funny pissing in the wind.

So, one of the head guys gives a speech and says …

“The next thing you know, they’re going to take our Constitution and say you know what? That was written by slave-holders, it’s racist, let’s get rid of it and become a communist nation. I don’t want that on my watch.”

Whoa, Mr. Klan, it’s your president who is playing footsie with he commies.  Confusing for you, ain’t it?

They had a speaker by the name of Jenny Lee, who claimed to be Robert E Lee’s third great grand niece.  Honey, Robert E Lee had three brothers so everybody in the South is related to Robert E Lee.  Jenny implored the crowd not to buy into political correctness.  Really?  Like maybe how Robert E Lee got handed his butt on a Yankee platter and retreated at Gettysburg?  Or surrendered to General Grant while waving a white flag?

They make me crazy, y’all.  Not only are they hateful and mean, they know diddle squat about history.

Anyway, the highlight of the day was a man attempting to do an accidental human sacrifice on the battlefield where they got beat once and came back for seconds. Their enemy did not even bother to show up, preferring to sit at home watch them shoot each other.

But the only person actually shot Saturday in Gettysburg with a real bullet was a 23-year-old militia group member named Benjamin Hornberger, of Shippensburg, Pennsylvania. According to U.S. Park police, Hornberger triggered his revolver when the flag pole he was carrying bumped against his gun holster. The bullet went into his leg. Police say officers quickly applied a tourniquet, likely saving his life.

What a waste of a perfectly good tourniquet.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up. 

Okay, I Think I Get It

July 02, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Let’s see if I have this right.

Trump calls CNN “Fake News” and then uses a fake teevee clip of himself with a fake CNN logo doing fake fighting.

Dude, Trump just cornered the market on fake and weaponized it.



However, his enormous, flabby butt probably isn’t fake.  Honey, if I had a butt that size, I’d know better than to stick it in a camera.


Waiting For The Other Brown Boot to Drop

July 01, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This is as twisted and jumbled as a bushel basket of wire coat-hangers, and I think I need a diagram to really understand it.

Yesterday, the Wall Street Journal broke this story —

Peter W. Smith

A longtime Republican activist who led an operation hoping to obtain Hillary Clinton emails from hackers listed senior members of the Trump campaign, including some who now serve as top aides in the White House, in a recruitment document for his effort.


Then later that same night, half a world away, another guy’s ears perk up and a light bulb goes off over his head.

UK cyber-analyst Matt Tait reveals in great detail how he himself was recruited by Peter W. Smith to verify the accuracy of emails, purportedly from Clinton’s server, that Smith had either obtained or was negotiating to obtain from an operative on the Deep Web.

So here’s the deal as I understand it.  Peter W Smith goes to the Wall Street Journal and spills his guts about the whole Russian / Hillary email thing and how people on Trump’s team were in on it.  Ten days later, Smith is dead.  (Don’t get your tin foil hat.  He was 80 years old, and everybody eventually dies. Not totally unrelated to this story, Smith was one of the operatives spreading the rumor about Bill Clinton using Arkansas State Troopers to cover his trysts while governor, so I’m sure Republicans are saying that the Clintons had him killed.)

Matt Tait

Back to the other guy who ear’s are perked:  UK cyber-analyst Matt Tait realizes he knows a piece of this story because he was contacted by Smith last year, and some real confusing stuff happened after that contact. Tait admits he still doesn’t understand how his piece of the puzzle fits into the mess, but he spills the beans on everything he knows.  Long read – oh so worth it.


I think the special prosecutor is going to need some more lawyers and maybe a few map makers to figure this out, but it does not look good for the folks surrounding Trump.  That hasn’t changed.

Customer Deb is following this closely on Twitter so I’m hoping she’ll correct me when I need it and add some information when when she gets it.

Thanks to Deb and SGray for the heads up.

Curiouser and Curiouser…

July 01, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Uncategorized

As JJ has been reporting, the WH “integrity commission” has been rebuffed by over 20 states which refuse to provide the information demanded by Kris Kobach, who is vice-chair of the commission and happens to be Kansas’ secretary of state.  In a hilarious and ironic head-spinner, Kobach has now announced to himself that Kansas won’t be providing the last 4 digits of all Kansas voters’ social security numbers.

Since Cheeto Jesus attacked the other states refusing to provide the information, I’m wondering if ol’ Kris will fall out of favor and go on the LONG list of the to-be insulted twitter victims instead.  LOL.


Name, Rank, Serial Number

July 01, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, the official White House statement on the Election Integrity Commission:



Donald Trump calling something “distinguished” means he squirted some gold spray paint on it.  This is a man who thinks Carter Page is distinguished.  The last thing he said was distinguished was Trump University.  These guys are bozos trying to keep Americans from voting.

This tweet reminds me.  Tax returns.  What’s Trump trying to hide?