Archive for July, 2017

Ya Think?

July 07, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, our national nightmare is over.  The whole Russia / Trump thing has been disproven.


Was it a pinky promise or did he swear on a stack of Bibles?


Oh No. Another Guy With No Impulse Control.

July 07, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Vice President Mike Pence visits NASA in Florida.  Somebody took a picture.


U.S. Vice President Mike Pence is shown a piece of hardware by Kennedy Space Center Director Robert Cabana during a tour of the Operations and Checkout Building in Florida July 6, 2017. REUTERS/Mike Brown


Mother: What did the sign say, Mike?

Mike: Do Not Touch

Mother: And what did you do, Mike?

Mike: I touched it.

Honey, things ain’t gonna improve if he become president. I can promise you that.


Oh Lookie Here, Mr. Republican Going to Jail

July 07, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Please meet Richard Tatum, owner of Associated Marine & Industrial Staffing Inc. (AMI), which a temporary staffing company.  Richard lives in Humble, which is dangerously close to Houston.

Everybody thought AMI was very successful because Ole Richard was living pretty high on the hog.

Then the cover came off

Tatum withheld from his employees approximately $12 million in payroll taxes from March 2008 through December 2012, but did not pay over any of this money to the IRS. Tatum also failed to pay $6 million of AMI’s required share of social security and Medicare taxes during the same quarters. Instead, he used the money for his personal benefit, including making payments on his ranch and traveling to Las Vegas, Hawaii and France. Tatum admitted that he caused a tax loss of more than $18 million.

So, Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen just had a hunch and check campaign finance records.  Sure as the nose on your face.

Right smack dab in the middle of all his stealing taxpayer money, Alfredo found:


So, if you check the Handbook and Guide to Being a Dick, it says that you should start stealing money from little children’s healthcare and grandma social security check, and step 2 is to joint Republican Party.

Tatum is going to jail for three years and then has to figure out a way to pay back all the money he stole from us.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

Friday Afternoon Fun

July 07, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

One of our customers, Jim, sent this charming German animated video about our president and the G20.  It’s about 3 minutes long.  Sit down, pour a cup of afternoon coffee or a bottle of cheap wine.  Enjoy!


Because They Are Sick People

July 07, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I have long believed that it takes some sort of genetic screw-up to make someone a Republican.  I also think that more than likely, most of it is caused by a preoccupation with s-e-x.

Marlett’s Mugshot

There’s lots of example of that, you know.

We have a new one.  Oklahoma Republican State Senator (those are some cringe-worthy words, right?) Bryce Marlatt is a dandy.

In December of 2015, Bryce was found passed out in his car.  The discovering police officer asked Bryce how many beers he imbibed, Bryce woke up to answer.

Marlatt was asleep in the vehicle and smelled heavily of alcohol, according to the arrest report. Police say the first comprehensible thing the man said when asked how much he had to drink tonight was, “No more than anybody else.”

When asked how many beers he had, Marlatt said, “None. I had what you would call a bourbon and Coke,” police say.

Oh hell, the boy’s a real rocket surgeon.

And he learned diddle squat since then.

State Sen. Bryce Marlatt (R-OK) on Wednesday was named as a suspect in a case involving lewd acts against a female Uber driver, News Channel 4 reports.

The driver approached an officer on Monday, explaining that she “was transporting a customer when he made advances on her during transit,” according to the police report. The suspect allegedly began “grabbing her forcefully and kissing [her] on the neck while she was driving.”

Appropriately enough, Marlett is Vice-Chair of the Senate Transportation Committee.

Thanks to Larry for the heads up.

Friday Toons

July 07, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized








