Yes, I Know
Yes, I know all hell is breaking loose in Austin at the State Lege, where a Republican State Rep called ICE to get rid of the demonstrators at the capitol. One Republican Rep threatened the life of a Democrat State Rep, and the State Troopers have become Storm Troopers.
I want to wait to sort out the bodies before I write about it. But please feel free to comment here if you find something that looks legitimate.
UPDATE: Here is a video. At 32 seconds you can see one of the Republican Reps (in a tan suit toward the front of the crowd), raise his hand to expose his handgun in a holster. He’s a little short prissy guy and loves his gun so much it’s considered obscene in 32 states and assorted territories.

Rinaldi the Twit
This is also where Republican Rep Matt Rinaldi called ICE on the people protesting SB 4 — he assumed because they were largely Hispanic, they were here illegally.
I have to tell you something about Matt Rinaldi. He is a foul-mouthed little dip-dump who has to get an old woman to hold his hand to cross the street. He is so crude that the F word ought to be embroidered on his tie. He is generally recognized as the garden gnome of the Tea Party.
There are witnesses who heard Rinaldi threaten to shoot Democratic State Representative Pancho Nevarez “in the head.”
Reading several news sources, the best I can figure, it went like this: Rinaldi sashayed over to two Hispanic Democratic Representatives and goaded them by saying he had called ICE on the protesters. One of the Democrats said, “I’m gonna get you,” and that’s when Rinaldi threaten to shoot him in the head.
Then Rinaldi runs as fast as his little legs will pump and asks for DPS protection.
Then like the little twit that he is, Rinaldi claimed he said that threat (you know, the one he first claimed he didn’t say) in “verbal self defense.” No, I am not kidding. There is now such a thing as “verbal self defense.” That used to be called, “escalating the situation.” The Texas Penal Code says that verbal crap ain’t provocation for nothin’.
Like a damn little fluffy puppy, Rinaldi growled and growled and then ran back under the couch when someone growled back. I think this falls under, “You started this fight, butt boy” rule as codified in the Handbook of Getting Your Ass Whooped.
And Dan Patrick wants to call a damn special session because this one didn’t get nasty enough.