Well, Howdy There, Amigo
There’s a Republican representative in the Texas House who is not the worst Republican in the state house. Bryon Cook is probably still going to hell, but not as deeply as other Republicans. Cook does support Dreamers getting in-state college tuition and getting driver’s license.

McNutt: Fruitcake Proud!
So this wild-eyed Tea Party racist guy ran against Cook two years ago in the primary and is running against him again in 2018. Thomas McNutt is the vice-president of Collin Street Bakery, a world famous fruitcake company. I know, the jokes just write themselves.
McNutt is running on the basis that there’s just too many damn Mexicans in Texas. This guy hates Mexicans worse than State Rep. Matt Rinaldi. (Remind me to update you on that story in a minute.)
So in the middle of the last election, it becomes public that McNutt has hired undocumented workers at his Collin Street Bakery, because some of them came forward and talked about it to the press.
McNutt the Hypocrite lost.
So his bakery sues the workers for defamation. The Quorum Report (subscription only) reports —
We have also learned that the suit was quietly dropped after McNutt’s company fully retreated from the argument that all its employees’ legal status were verified.
He just announced that he’s running again. His big thing is No Sanctuary Cities. Corsicana has a population of 24,000 people. That ain’t even a town, much less a city. Why do people in small towns have a voice in what the hell someone else does in a big city? And why does a guy who hires undocumented workers think he has any damn right at all to talk trash about undocumented workers?
Y’all, I hate Republicans. I do.
Okay, I’ll bring you up to date on Matt Rinaldi. You know how he said he feared for his life and was under DPS protection? Well, that’s not selling well in Texas. Thanks to Nick Anderson at the Houston Chronicle.